#16: Detentions

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Year Two
A few days before Christmas, Fred and George planned a lovely prank to flood the entire Great Hall. It was timed so they only had to sit and watch it happen. They didn't, however, plan to be in trouble when it went off. But, someone did get the credit for it.
Fate and Skye were walking into the Great Hall for dinner from separate sides of the doors. At the exact same time the water shot out of them. After the flood passed the teachers were looking around when Filch pulled the girls up. "Don't touch me!" shouted Fate as she pulled away.
"Hey! Watch it!" yelled Skye.
"It was these two!" Filch announced angrily. "The moment they walked in, the water began appearing."
Fate stopped squeezing the water out of her hair, "Oh come on! This obviously has the Weasley twins written all over it!" she stated. By now, the whole school was watching.
"It wasn't us, professors! Fate's telling the truth," Skye defended.
"The truth? That's odd for a Slytherin," giggled Peeves from overhead. Snape and Fate glared at him.
Filch growled, "The Weasleys are in my office. The couldn't have done this. I know it was you two!" the disgruntled man accused.
"Headmaster, please we didn't do this. We're just second years," Skye tried again. Fate nodded in agreement.
"I am very sorry girls, but evidence points against you. Were it something smaller, I would have let it go. Both of you will recieve detention and 20 points will be taken from each of you," Dumbledore said.
Fate glared at him. "That's not fair. It wasn't us," she turned to her head of house. "Professor Snape, please, I would never do this. I don't know how this happened. I don't even likewater!" Fate was defending herself mostly now. Skye knew to stay quiet or the punishment would get worse.
"That is enough, Miss Gray!" Snape ordered, Fate opened her mouth again to speak. "By the way, I will be contacting your mother about this." Fate froze in her tracks.
"Your detention will last 3 hours, until past curfew," Filch told them. "You girls will be cleaning up this mess."
After everyone else left (including the professors), Skye was handed two mops and a rag and Fate was given a bucket of water and a sponge. "Get cleaning girls," Filch ordered. Skye, who had worse ADHD than Fate, shot off like a rocket with mops in hand.
"That one's strange," Filch mumbled to himself while scratching his head. "I've never seen anyone happy about detentions." He then focused on Fate. "Slytherin," he said. "That one"- he pointed to Skye- "is going to mop the floors and wipe tables. You will scrub under the tables and will clean the teachers table. Understand?"
"Yes," Fate answered through gritted teeth, wanting nothing more than to hex the caretaker into next Tuesday. Fate got down on her knees and crawled under the Ravenclaw table and started to scrub the floors. I can't believe this, Fate thought. A few minutes later while she was cleaning water came up from the bucket and splashed her. "What the Hades?!" Fate exclaimed. "Why would water attack me?" Wait a second. Water. then it hit her. Is Poseidon messing with me? Surely, Percy couldn't control water from so far away, she thought incredulously. Fate decided to ignore it, or at least tried to. It happened every five minutes.
By the end of detention, both girls had finished their jobs. Skye was practically bouncing as Filch made an inspection. Fate, however, was soaked to the bone and standing with her arms crossed, glaring at her friend, who was still clean.
"What happened to you?" Skye asked.
"There is a reason I hate water," Fate said. Skye's eyes widened. "Did Poseidon do it?" she whispered.
"What are the odds of Percy knowing I'm in detention?" Fate snapped. Skye laughed.
Filch came back. "You girls are free," he told them, though he eyed the laughing Skye suspiciously.
Fate walked down to the dungeons, dripping wet. There, she was greeted by her housemates who told her they believed her. She took a quick shower, (because the water she was covered in was dirty) and ate the food her friends snuck into the common room for her.
Skye ran to her dorm, happy to be done. Her friends welcomed her back and asked how detention went. "Awesome!" She replied. "I got to 'skate' on the floor with sponges to clean up the water. It was so easy and fun! My friend Fate didn't exactly have the same outlook, though."
"Who would?" Justin, a boy in her year, snapped. "Detention is horrible."
Skye simply shrugged. "Well, it was fun for me. Anyway, I'm pretty tired. Goodnight!" Without another word, she skipped up to her dorm room and collapsed onto her bed.

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