#8: Monsters

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Year Four
Christmas at Hogwarts was usually pretty fun. The two demi-witches decided to spend every other Christmas between home and school. However, this year with the Yule Ball coming up, Fate was not excited. But more on that later.
Skye and Fate were walking outside together during Christmas break. Skye was happily kicking around snow, but she was careful to avoid the daughter of Hades for fear of being turned into a ghost. Fate smirked when she realized what her friend was doing. After a moments they came close to the Forbidden Forest.
Fate stopped walking and looked into the forest curiously.
Skye back pedaled. "Uh... Fate? What are you doing?" she asked nervously.
"I wonder what's in there," Fate muttered, but Skye heard her.
"It doesn't matter. It's forbidden, let's go," Skye told her friend. The daughter of Apollo internally groaned. She knew that look Fate was giving her.
"How long do we have until curfew?" Fate asked as she walked closer to the forest.
"It doesn't matter. It's forbidden. Let's go," Skye repeated to her friend nervously. The daughter of Hades only ignored her, stepping even closer.
"Wait!" Skye yelled. Fate stopped and turned, looking annoyed. "You are not going in there alone. You jerk," Skye mumbled as she walked towards her friend. Fate smirked and nodded her head towards the trees. The two walked in peace for a few moments before they heard a rustle in the bushes.
Immediately a dagger appeared in Fate's hand, but nothing happened. "Where did you get that?" Skye asked.
"I always keep it in an accessible area, like up my sleeve," Fate informed her.
"Oh," Was all Skye could say. "You do realize how dangerous this is right?" the brown haired girl inquired.
"Not this again," Fate complained as she pressed forward.
"Not that. It's just... We're demigods. With magical blood."
"I know that." Fate muttered.
"That means we still attract monsters and there are a bunch in here. You are even more at risk, Fate! You're a child of Hades, one of the Big Three," Skye explained.
"I'll be fine. It's you I'm worried about, you don't have a weapon," Fate replied calmly.
"We were on a walk! I didn't think one was necessary!" Skye exclaimed.
"Ugh. Hang on," Fate groaned. She walked up to Skye and handed her the dagger. "Hold this."
Fate hopped on one foot and pulled off her boot. "What are you doing?" Skye questioned in a confused tone. Fate shook her boot upside down for a second and a small sheathed dagger fell out. Fate slipped her boot back on, picked up the weapon, and handed it to Skye.
"I want that first one," Fate said as she took the other dagger out of Skye's hand.
"What- how- why do you- "Skye stammered.
"Don't ask. Just keep it with you," Fate interrupted. Skye nodded mutely and followed her black haired friend. Later Fate asked," I don't get it, there's nothing here. Why is it forbidden?"
Suddenly, a thestral came into the clearing they were resting at. Fate looked at it and her eyes widened. She had seen these in the Underworld. The daughter of Hades walked up to it and it bowed. "Fate, what are you doing?" Skye asked as Fate nodded back to it. Fate quickly realized Skye couldn't see them. "Nothing. Let's go," Fate said, and kept walking.
30 minutes later, the girls heard a loud thumping. The whipped out their weapons and jumped into a fighting stance. A troll rushed out of the trees towards them. Automatically Fate yelled out a strategy taught to them at camp.
Skye quickly followed the plan. She rushed behind the troll as Fate distracted it. Fate gave a small nod and Skye jumped and stabbed it in the back. While it was in pain Fate plunged her longer blade into its heart. It was writhing and throwing around rocks in its final moments. Fate rushed over to see Skye when a rock collided with the back of her head.
"Fate!" Skye screamed in horror as her friend hit the ground. The troll had finally died. Skye shook her friend roughly. Fate's eyes blinked rapidly. She groaned.
"Oh good, you're alive!" Skye shouted. "YOU IDIOT! I TOLD YOU WE SHOULDN'T BE HERE!" the normally calm girl yelled.
Fate clutched her head, "Okay I get it. Please stop yelling. I think I have a concussion," the injured girl moaned.
Skye helped Fate off the ground. "We're leaving right now. You need some ambrosia and nectar," Skye told Fate. "Doctor's orders."
"Got it," Fate mumbled. About halfway back to school, Fate threw up. Skye, who was a healer at camp, knew this was normal and helped Fate after the sickness passed. They continued on their way, making it to the edge of the forest with a few hours until curfew.
Once they reached the building, Skye snuck Fate up to the Room of Requirement. "I need my ambrosia and nectar," Skye announced aloud. The bag of ambrosia and canteen of nectar from her room appeared. Fate nibbled and sipped the divine food and drink.
"Thanks Skye," Fate said as she started to feel better.
"No problem. Now do you see why the forest is forbidden?" Skye asked.
"Yes," Fate replied, defeated.
"Promise me you won't do something that stupid again. You have no idea how scared I was when you hit the ground," Skye told her.
"Aww, you do care," Fate teased. Skye turned red in the face. "I'm sorry," Fate blurted, as if the words hurt to say.
"Go get some rest. Tomorrow we meet here and fill in our siblings," Skye announced. Fate became filled with dread as she thought of Nico, who had only been getting more protective since she met him. But the daughter of Hades nodded anyway to Skye and headed to the Slytherin common room.

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