#18: House Points

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Year One
Fate and Skye usually weren't very competitive; they didn't care (much) about Capture the Flag at camp, or anything else back home. But at Hogwarts, things were different. Skye and Fate were always competing over Quidditch and house points, but mainly house points. Especially lately.
It was the end of the year, and the Slytherins had the most points. Following them were the Gryffindors, then Hufflepuffs, and lastly Ravenclaw. But for Skye, she felt like it was just her and Fate, and she was losing miserably. Skye always tried to get answers correct in class and urged her friends to do as well, but when she checked on the points, the Slytherins were always ahead. Now, the Slytherins were ahead of them by exactly sixty-seven points, and Fate made sure Skye knew at dinner.
"Hey, Hannah, did you finish your Herbology homework? I need help on one of the questions," Skye sheepishly said to the girl across from her.
"Of course I'll help you!" Hannah said. "Which one do you need?"
"I think it's-" Skye began, but was abruptly cut off by a crumpled piece of paper that flew into her chicken.
Hannah gasped. "Who could that be from?"
"I have a pretty good idea," Skye mumbled. Sure enough, it was her wonderful Slytherin buddy. It read:
Dear Skye,
Did you see the amount of house points the Slytherins have? We're currently ahead of you! Isn't that wonderful? I mean, for my house it is, but anyway...
Can you meet up with me at The Room? I need to talk to you about something.
"The Room" was what Fate and Skye called The Room of Requirement, so nobody figured out where they were hanging out together.
Skye sighed. "Just a note saying how 'superior' the Slytherins are."
"Can I see it?" Justin said from next to her. "Those Slytherins are so awful, and I want to get them in trouble."
"What?" Skye exclaimed. "No! It's just Fate messing with me. It's okay."
Justin raised his eyebrows dubiously. "Okay."
"Anyway," Hannah said, eagerly trying to change the subject. "Do you know how many points the Slytherins are ahead of us by?"
"Yup," Skye said. "Sixty-seven. Exactly. So, we need to do our best, okay?"
"Okay!" Hannah agreed.
"Sure, I guess," Justin mumbled.
"Yay!" Skye exclaimed. Hannah high-fived her. "Team Hufflepuff for the win!"
• • •
"Hey, Fate!" Skye said as she walked into the Room of Requirement. She walked over and put her homework on her desk.
"Hey, Skye," Fate responded. She was lounging on her bed, reading an Ancient Greek Mythology book.
"So, why'd you call me in here?" Skye asked. "Is everything okay?"
"Everything's fine," Fate said, putting her book down and waving her off. She stood up and walked toward Skye. "But, there's something I need to talk about," she said in a serious tone.
Skye immediately became alert. "Is everything okay? Do you need to kill someone? Because I can help with that. Do you have a crush on someone? I can help with that too. Basically, just tell me what you need. Wait, is it sad? I can give you an air hug-"
"No, I'm fine," Fate said, looking at her feet. "It's just..."
"What?" Skye said, wanting to know what Fate was talking about.
"SLYTHERIN IS AHEAD OF HUFFLEPUFF BY SIXTY-SEVEN POINTS! HA!" Fate bragged at the top of her lungs.
"Really?" Skye said, sighing. "You are so dramatic sometimes, I swear."
Fate smiled and flipped her hair. "I know."
Author's Note:
Guys, I'm really sorry that the last chapters have been so short. We have lives, as I've said before. We are writing though!
~ Hannah and Lilly (Mockingjay216 )

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