#31: Father's Day

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#31 (Year 3) - Fate and Skye were having breakfast when Dumbledore announced a Father's Day celebration would be held shortly before the school year ended. It took all of their self control to not burst out laughing at the thought of Hades and Apollo coming to school and mingling with the other dads.
Apparently it would go very much the same way as Mother's Day, so grandads and uncles were included.
After Potions Fate met up with Skye on their way to their next classes. "Could you imagine our dads coming to Hogwarts?" Skye laughed. "Not without at least six people being smited," Fate replied with a smile. "I think I might ask Apollo in my prayers tonight," Skye whispered. "Just to see what will happen."
"Well, considering I actually see my father- and don't have a bloody death wish- I won't do that. But I'll mention it to Nico," Fate muttered. "Oh please, I bet you'd love to see what would happen to Pansy if she got on your dad's nerves," Skye pointed out.
"The same thing happens to
everyone who gets on my father's nerves." Fate dragged her finger across her throat. Skye laughed. "Including you?" she asked, knowing that there was no way Fate never got on her father's nerves. "Well I'm still here aren't I?" Fate asked sarcastically. "Besides, Percy, Nico, Jason, and Hazel would never leave him alone if he killed me," she shrugged.
"I see. You're only alive to save him from an eternal migraine," Skye observed. "Exactly," Fate informed. "I dare you to ask him to come," Skye said, raising her eyebrow. "Are you mad? He may not kill me but he still assigns me work! I'm not getting eaten for a dare!" the English girl exclaimed.
"I knew you were too chicken." Fate turned slightly red at the cheeks. "I am not a chicken! I just don't have a death wish!" she yelled. "Oh yeah, of course," Skye said nonchalantly, picking at her nails.
"Fine, but he won't come." Fate rushed to Herbology.●●●
At about midnight Fate went to the second floor bathroom to contact her brother. Nico answered the call after a minute or so. Fate took a look at his surroundings and saw that he was eating, just not at camp. It dawned on Fate in that moment that she royally messed up.
"Um, hi Fate," Nico greeted awkwardly. "Hi. If you want, I could call you back in an hour?" she suggested nervously. Her brother was starting to nod when a voice chimed in from out of Fate' s point of view.
"No, it's already late where you are. Finish your business now and run along to bed," Fate heard her father say. Immediately she straightened her back and brushed the hair away from her eyes. She had been hoping Hades wasn't eating dinner at that time.
"Hi, Fate," Persephone called. "Hello, Persephone," Fate replied.
"Anyway, I was just calling to give you an update Nico. I passed my potions exam. There's going to be a quidditch match tomorrow, my house is playing. And Dumbledore invited all fathers to visit their children on Father's Day," she added that last part in rushed and quieter. Nico nearly choked on his dinner. "Good luck tomorrow at the match," he said loudly, trying to talk over her last sentence. Although he wasn't really looking at her, instead at their father. "Bye," he mouthed before cutting off the connection. Fate sighed.
That night, when the Hufflepuff common room was empty and everyone was asleep, Skye decided to ask her father to come to Hogwarts. Unfortunately, Skye had never properly spoken to or met her father. She simply didn't know how to ask.
She had always envied Fate, because she had simple access to both her parents, she could spend time with them. Somehow the ever so emotionless girl acted as if it was a curse. Rarely ever taking advantage of the ability to see them both.
Yet Apollo never gave Skye the time of day. Skye shook her head. Pushing aside her bitterness for her father, she decided to wing it. Hey Apollo? she tried. Wait no, greetings Great One? Oh no. Skye wanted to sound as professional as possible. But at the same time, this was her dad she was talking to. Hello Father, I know that you most likely have no recollection of who I am, but I'm one of your daughters. My name is Skye and my mom is Mary Hunter, if that rings a bell- which it should. Mom was a witch. I now attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in Scotland. The school is holding a Father's Day celebration and inviting all fathers to come and visit their children. I was wondering if you'd like to come, please. If you do not wish to attend, please give me a sign in advance so Iwon't embarrass myself in front of everybody. Thanks Skye finished lamely. I hope he'll at least consider it she thought.
When Father's Day came along the Great Hall was set up the same as on Mother's Day, with chimneys set up for flooing. Skye was a ball of nerves and had no idea if Apollo was coming or not for sure. Fate was waiting with Skye as moral support. "What if he doesn't come?" Skye muttered as she paced. "But what if he does come?"
Fate rolled her eyes. Skye had been repeating this for the last 20 minutes. "Bloody Hell. Listen Sunshine, calm yourself. It's Apollo, he's barely the most temperamental god. Just be lucky it's not Hades and be quiet." Fate crossed her legs. "Right, sorry." Skye took a seat next to Fate. "Is your dad coming?"
Fate downed the last of her butterbeer. "No."
"You seem very sure. I thought you would bring it up."
"I did. But he won't come." She reached for another glass of the sweet drink. "Fate. If that were real alcohol you would be drunk," Skye reprimanded her friend. "Then we're all lucky it's not." A voice from behind them said. Skye and Fate whipped around to see a tall man with gold hair, tanned skin, and shining eyes grinning at them.
The two demi-witches sprang up from their seats and bowed their heads slightly. Both girls knew immediately who they were with.
Fate elbowed Skye in the side. "Hello, Father." Skye looked back up at the man. "Hello, Skye. Thank you for inviting me, although I know you weren't sure if I'd show up," Apollo greeted his daughter. Fate couldn't help herself from speaking up. "Well can you blame her?"
The short haired girl glared at her father suddenly. "Fate's right you know. Do you even know anything about me?" Skye asked, crossing her arms. Fate felt a mixture of surprise and pride in Skye. "Very little I'm afraid. That's just the way it's always been for gods. But I came here to meet you properly and get to know you," Apollo said diplomatically. "Fine."
Apollo went back to grinning and placed a hand on Skye's shoulder. "At least you're not alone here though! Having another mix blood your age is very lucky." He pointed at Fate. The daughter of Hades didn't seem as confused by the term "mix blood" as Skye was.
"It seems we're both lucky you and my father gained a taste for magic around the same time." Fate crossed her arms. "And your father would be?"
"Hades," Fate said, almost proudly. Apollo seemed surprised but quickly disguised it. "So, then will my dear old uncle be attending?" the god asked. "No."
"Oh really? Then who's that?" Apollo pointed. Fate and Skye looked at whoever he was pointing at. A tall, frightening looking man, with black hair and dark robes. He walked with his head high and jaw set. Just like Fate did. Right now Fate looked as if she'd like to sink through the floor.
Skye was shocked. "That's _Hades_?"she whispered. Apollo nodded, "In the flesh. Don't worry Skye, if he decides to blow the place up I'll get you out."
"Thanks, Dad. I appreciate that," Skye muttered, taking a step behind her father.
Hades reached them and immediately all confidence Fate had while speaking with Apollo disappeared. She was bowing her head and keeping her gaze on the floor. It was as if she was expecting to be yelled at.
"Fate." Hades nodded. "My Lo- Father," Fate greeted respectfully. Fate looked up timidly and sent Skye a silent plea. But the daughter of Apollo had no idea what to do. "Uncle! How lovely to see you! We weren't expecting you to show!" Apollo exclaimed, although he could barely be heard over the many other sounds in the hall.
"Thank Persephone," Hades said, glancing around distastefully. "This was her idea?" Fate asked in disbelief. "Indeed. Although she didn't tell me why she was so insistent on my being here." The Lord of the Underworld shook his head. Apollo grinned mischievously.
"That's lovely, Uncle." The god of sunshine grabbed Skye by the wrist and dragged her over to a different group of people.
All possible hope drained from Fate's face as her friend was pulled away. "Bloody Hell," she whispered quietly, placing a hand on the table. "Come now, you know that only certain parts of it are bloody." Hades looked down at her. Fate glanced up. "Did you just crack a joke or did I drink to much butterbeer?" Fate asked, shaking her head.
"Well how much have you had?" he asked, seeming intrestesd. Fate couldn't stop herself from laughing. "I wonder why Persephone did this," she said when she had composed herself.
"I have no idea. But she was also very insistent about me going through activities and such things."
"I don't even do those, they're so boring. All about teamwork and that nonsense." Fate waved her hand dismissively. "It seems horrible." Hades look around the hall once more.
Fate had absolutely no idea what to do. Hades had been indifferent with her for her entire life. Mostly, dissapointed she wasn't like a sister she never met. Now he was suddenly at her school cracking jokes and agreeing with her on things.
The 13 year old recalled her mother once saying how alike Fate and her father were. Now Fate sees there may be some truth to that.
"Maybe we should start with something normal people do, like mingling with other people?" Fate suggested. "That would be out of character for both of us," Hades said, crossing his arms.
Fate smirked. "First time for everything. Did Persephone tell you my cover story?" she inquired. "Yes, I know what to say," her father assured her.
"Good because the man coming over with his son likes to pry into everyone's business," she warned before faking a smile. Hades mimicked his daughter.
"Hello Miss Gray, how nice to see you again," Luscius Malfoy. "Hello Mr. Malfoy, thank you. This is my father, Damian Noble." Fate made the name on the spot, remembering some names that had to do with death and such. Hades gave her a quick glance at her choice of name, but went along with it. The two of them shook hands.
"Hi Fate," Draco greeted. "Hi Draco," she said. "Well Fate," Mr. Malfoy began, "when I met your mother I thought you didn't look anything like her. Now I see it's because you take after your father so much."
Fate was surprised to hear this, and it seemed Hades was too. Suddenly it felt very uncomfortable for the father and daughter. Fate wanted to make an excuse, do anything to escape the pain of small talk. But Malfoy had other plans. He began to ask Hades random questions, with topics ranging from politics to personal life.
Fate and Draco made some small talk as well, but mostly listened to their fathers. The 13 year old girl was searching desperately for an escape and had no idea what to do. Hades had never looked so annoyed in all the time Fate knew him and she was getting nervous.
When another parent called Lucius over, the father and daughter saw their escape window. They walked away and sat at the Slytherin table. "That was more socializing than I've done in the last six months." Hades leaned back in his seat.
Fate chuckled. "Father, I think it's time you met my good friend butterbeer. But, I suppose for you, you may find it's parent firewhiskey more interesting."
"Isn't that the drink you're addicted too? Persephone said she saw you down at least 12 bottles while she was here."
Fate smirked, "It was at least 15. Butterbeer's better than nectar. Although firewhiskey has more alcohol, it's not for children."
Hades had the feeling Fate had had some of the adult drink already, but said nothing about it. He never corrected her on things like this before and wasn't going to start now.
"I think I'll just try a butterbeer for now."
"Wrong choice, but okay."
He shook his head. The way she was talking, she definitely had had the adult drink before.
"I keep a stash of butterbeer under my seat at the table. The cleaning elves have been told not to get rid of it, only refill it," she inform him, reaching under where she was sitting to retrieve two bottles.
He watched with a raised eyebrow as she popped the top off hers with her thumb and quickly brought the bottle to her lips. Downing nearly half of it while he still hadn't opened his own. He smirked, she was definitely his daughter.
Apollo was easier to handle than Skye imagined. He asked a lot of questions; including a couple about the possibility of a boyfriend. She of course denied this. But when Adam and his dad came over, he figured it out.
Skye couldn't help but blush when the two dads started talking about what a cute couple the two teens would make.
Adam froze completely at the mention of this, and proceeded to stutter the whole time.
When Adam and his father left, Skye took Apollo around the hall to meet her other friends.
"So, Skye, I've been meaning to ask you something." Apollo sat down at a table.
"What is it, Dad?"
"How does one of my children befriend a child of Hades?" he asked, glancing around the hall.
"To be honest, I have no idea. I just kinda bumped into her and that was it. Also, it helps if I give her some free food every once in a while," Skye told him while laughing at the last bit.
"I see," Apollo said. He wondered how the child of Hades was treating his daughter as a friend.
"Do you remember my mom?" Skye asked suddenly.
The god of the sun jumped slightly at the question. "Yes, I do. Very well actually."
"Did you want to leave her? Did you really love her?" Skye asked, quietly now.
"I didn't really want to leave her. And I did love her. Mary was, forgive my pun, magical," Apollo chuckled.
"Did you know about me?" Skye asked.
"Yes I did. Your mother contacted me and told me right away."
"Oh ok." Skye took a deep breath. "Thanks so much for coming. It was nice meeting you."
"Thanks for inviting me, Skye."
"But can I please ask one favor?" Skye inquired, nervous about what she was going to ask.
"What do you need?" he said, listening intently.
"Visit my mom please. And don't try and leave right away even if she tries to curse you. Just tell her that you're sorry, okay? It's all she really wants to hear," Skye requested shyly.
Apollo smiled. "Sure. I think I can manage that."
Skye began to beam from ear to ear. "Well in that case... Happy Father's Day."



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