#30: Mother's Day

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Year Three
*NOTE: Please remember that this is an AU. Therefore, our game, our rules. This reason does not follow canon. It is our own idea.*

Fate and Skye were having breakfast when Dumbledore stood to make an announcement. "Attention students! I am pleased to announce that on Mother's Day next Sunday you may invite your mothers for a feast and festivities in the Great Hall! If you wish to invite someone such as an aunt or grandmother, that will also be acceptable. I suggest you floo or write to your families tonight to inform them. Have a wonderful day." He sat back down and continued to eat as the Great Hall exploded with the discussion of who was going to bring who.
Skye cheered. She knew her mom would love to come. She couldn't wait for the end of the day so she could floo home.
Fate was less than excited. In fact, it took all of her effort to not groan out loud. She knew her mum would have some kind of excuse to give her. But, Fate would call her anyway.
• • •
At the end of the day, Skye called her mom, who immediately said yes. Fate also flooed her mother, who immediately said she had plans.
Afterwards, Fate decided to IM Nico. She went to the bathroom and made the connection. Nico was sitting on a bed with dark sheets in a room with red walls. Fate knew immediately he wasn't at camp. "Why are you in the Underworld?" Fate asked.
"Father needed help with something," he stated. "But that's not really important. So what's going on at school?" he said, changing the subject.
"On Sunday we're having a Mother's day celebration. All mums, grandmums, and aunts are invited," Fate informed.
"Is your mom coming?"
Fate laughed. "Definitely not. Told me so herself."
"I'm sorry about that," Nico said sincerely.
"Don't be," she snapped.
All of a sudden, Nico's door snapped open. "Nico! Come and eat!" Persephone ordered, ignoring Fate.
"Sorry," Nico mumbled. He quickly cut the connection.
"Bye," Fate muttered a second after it was gone.
Persephone had been treating Fate better since the end of the summer, which Fate was extremely grateful for. But, when she saw her just then the goddess looked very upset. Fate didn't dwell on it long. Gods were confusing.
• • •
When Sunday rolled around, Skye's mom was one of the first mothers there. Mary Hunter had light, long brown hair and piercing blue eyes. She was tall and thin, but not too thin.
Skye spotted her mom coming out of a fireplace the professors added to the hall.
"Mom!" Skye exclaimed with a wave. "Over here!" Mary grinned and waved at her daughter as she ran over to give her a hug. "I'm so glad you could come!" Skye told her.
"I wouldn't miss it for the world, Sunshine!" Mary informed her happily.
"I can't wait for you to meet my friends!" Skye said excitedly.
"I can't wait to meet them either. So let's not wait any longer, show me where they are," the woman said. Skye immediately started looking around for Fate. Skye spotted the daughter of Hades leaning up against the wall with a cup of pumpkin juice in her hand. Skye started waving her hands in the air to get Fate's attention. The black haired girl smirked and walked over. When Fate reached them, Mary was surprised to see the colors on Fate's tie.
"Mom, this is Fate Gray, my best friend," Skye informed her mother proudly.
"It's nice to meet you," Fate stated, stretching out her hand for Mary to shake.
"Um, yes, great to finally meet you," Mary replied.
"Didn't Skye tell you I was a Slytherin?" Fate asked suddenly.
Mary was so startled at the question, it took her a moment to respond. "I'm sorry?"
"I noticed that you looked shocked at which colors I was wearing," Fate clarified.
"Mom," Skye hissed.
"I was a bit surprised, yes," Mary admitted with a blush.
"Fate's like me," Skye interrupted.
"Like you?" Mary questioned.
"I'm a demigod," Fate muttered.
Mary's eyes widened. "Really? Who is your parent?"
"Hades..." Fate muttered again, glancing at the floor.
Now Mary looked really surprised. "Oh. wow, that's-"
"I know," Fate interrupted. But when Fate looked up her face went from bored to pure shock.
"Fate, are you okay?" Skye questioned worriedly. Fate's eyes were wide and she was paler than normal, "Fate, what's the matter?" Skye tried again.
"Persephone," Fate squeaked.
"What?" Mary questioned, unable to hear the young Slytherin.
Fate took in a breath. "Persephone," she said, louder this time. Fate pointed toward the chimney the professors set up so visitors could floo in. When the mother and daughter turned, they saw a woman with tan skin, dark hair, and sparkling eyes walking towards them. "I think I may be in trouble and Persephone's a yeller. You guys better go," Fate warned.
"I don't mess with goddesses sweetie, I'm already gone," Skye informed as she pulled her mother to the other end of the table.
The daughter of Hades took in a breath and straightened herself out before she walked over to her stepmother. When Fate and Persephone met up in the middle of the table Fate's hands were shaking. Just as Fate was going to open her mouth Persephone raised a hand to stop her. "Listen, you're not in trouble. I heard you talking to Nico, I felt it was wrong that your mother didn't come. So I figured a stepmother was the next best thing," the goddess explained.
Fate bit her lip, "I thought you didn't like me," she muttered.
"I like you, Nico and Hazel as well. What I don't like is it that I'm not told from the beginning. Can you blame me for being a little bitter?" Persephone asked with a raised eyebrow.
"I guess not. But why didn't you give me a warning?" Fate questioned.
"Your father doesn't even know I'm here, I wanted it to be a surprise," she said.
"So what exactly am I supposed to say about you being here?" Fate questioned.
"Simple; I'm your stepmother from America. I came in your mother's place because she wasn't able to come," Persephone said.
"Fine," Fate agreed.
The two of them went around and met with other students and their mothers. Fate couldn't help but be embarrassed when she saw other students giving their guests presents; but Persephone assured her it was alright. Towards the end of the day, Fate felt like she finally got closer to Persephone and was happy that she did. Fate knew she got lucky in the Greek stepmother department; it could have been Hera.
Before Persephone flooed out she said, "Your father is going to ask me where I was today and I intend on telling him the truth. The only reason I didn't tell him this morning is because I didn't want to risk him trying to stop me. So you won't have to lie. Understand?"
"Yes," Fate replied. "It was good seeing you Persephone," she added quietly. When her stepmother left with a smile on her face Fate went to find Skye, whose own mum had left a little while ago. "Well," Fate said, sitting down next to her friend, "that was wild from start to finish."

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