#24: Purebloods

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Year Two
Skye and Fate couldn't wait to go home on July 1st after their second year at Hogwarts. The train was coming to a stop at Platform 9 3/4. The girls were supposed to be picked up by Will Solace to go back to camp.
Saying they were excited was an understatement. Skye had packed two weeks early, and had been bouncing on her feet the entire day. Even Fate was happy to see her brother and other friends.
When the girls got their trunks onto two trolleys, they wandered for a bit while looking for Will. Suddenly, Fate's eyes landed upon the last person she expected to see. Her mother.
"Skye, hang on a minute," Fate said.
"Why? Is something wrong?" Skye worried.
"My mother is here. You go and find Will. I'll see what she wants and meet you at the barrier," Fate instructed.
The brunette's eyes widened. "Oh, okay," she muttered and ran off.
Fate walked closer to her mother and saw she was speaking to a man and a woman who practically screamed pureblood. Someone bumped into her and she turned to see Draco.
"Oh, hi Fate," he said.
"Hello, Draco. Where are your parents?" she asked curiously.
"They're over there talking to that woman." He pointed at Fate's mother. The black haired girl internally groaned. "That's my mother," she stated.
"Well then, it seems we're headed in the same direction," he said.
"Okay, let's go," said Fate. They walked up to their parents together. Draco cleared his throat to get their attention.
"Hi Mother," Fate greeted awkwardly.
"Hello Fate," her mother replied.
"Hi Mother, hi Father," Draco said to his parents. His mother pulled him into a hug and his father patted his back. Fate couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy.
"Mother, Father, this is Fate Gray. Fate, these are my parents Narcissa, and Lucius," Draco introduced her.
Fate smiled and shook each of their hands. "Mother, this is Draco Malfoy. Draco, this is my mother, Maire,"Fate said dutifully. They shook hands.
"So children, how was your year?" Maire asked.
"It was great," Draco and Fate said in unison. Their parents chuckled. Fate wondered for a moment why her mother was being so nice. Then she realized she had to keep up appearances.
"Draco talks about you quite often,Fate," Narcissa said with a smile.
Draco's eyes widened. "Mother," he hissed.
Fate fought back her blush and smirked. "Aww, what did you tell them about me?" she asked him in a baby talk voice.
"Only how annoying you are," he muttered.
Lucius laughed. "Oh really Draco?"
"Father!" the embarrassed boy yelled.
Fate elbowed him slightly. "If you missed me so much, you could have just owled me," she told him.
"Will you please stop enjoying this?" he begged.
Narcissa turned to Maire. "You should send Fate over some time."
"Wait," Fate said.
"What?" Draco finished.
"Yes, that would be lovely. Some time this month perhaps?" Maire replied.
"What about me going to America?" Fate interrupted.
"Wait a second. Why are you going to America?" Draco asked.
"There has been a change of plans. You'll be with me for July and then you'll leave in August," her mother explained.
"You cross countries on your own?" Lucius asked.
"Not exactly," Fate's mother intervened. She always had the same excuse to explain what others might find odd about her and her daughter. Considering it was usually other purebloods they had to lie to. "Fate has been going to America to visit her father. He and I split up after Fate was born," came the lie.
"Oh I see," was the answer.
"You know, it wouldn't be so bad if you came for a visit," Draco reasoned.
Oh yes, come hang out with your pureblood family and hear them rant about silly muggleborns like all of the rest, Fate thought sarcastically, but out loud she said, "I suppose so."
"Perfect! I guess we'll see you then Fate," Narcissa said, giving her a smile.
"It's time to go now," Draco said suddenly, pulling his parents away.
"I can't believe you two," he muttered.
Fate's mother turned to her. "Go and tell your friends that you aren't going back to that camp of yours," she said, motioning towards Skye and Will who were within view, patiently waiting for Fate.
"Why exactly do you want me home?" Fate inquired.
"You are supposed to seem as normal as possible. Therefore, leaving all summer will be odd," Maire explained.
"Of course. Anything to keep up appearances. Can't have the other purebloods finding out the truth," Fate muttered. Her mother raised her hand slightly in warning. Fate flinched lightly. "Fine," she groaned, walking over to Skye.
"Fate, there you are! Ready to go?" Will asked.
"Actually,I'm not going with you," Fate told them.
"Why not?!" Skye asked.
"I'm staying with my mum until August. Then I'll be at camp."
"But you go with Nico by your father at the end of August," Will said.
"But I'll still have two weeks at camp," Fate reasoned.
"I can't believe this!" Skye exclaimed.
"Please don't make a scene," Fate begged. "I have to go. I'll see you." Then, she ran over to her mother and they apparated away.
Skye sighed. "I wish her mother wasn't so hard on her."

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