#29: Studying

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Year Five
Skye hadn't realized until now how difficult O.W.Ls would be. She had tried everything- joining study groups, color-coding everything, making flash cards, and even practicing the spells herself, which hadn't gone well (she had told Stacy Nightingale, a second-year Gryffindor, she was sorry so many times for accidentally turning her owl into a pig temporarily), and other things- but she always ended up with a splitting headache.
Fate, on the other hand, used the same routine she always did when there was a test- to completely avoid studying. Whenever Skye had joined a study group, Fate had hidden herself in the Room of Requirement so Skye wouldn't ask her to come along. If Skye stayed in the RoR to color-code her notes and subjects, Fate made sure to do her homework in the Slytherin common room. When Skye went outside to practice casting her spells, Fate rushed up to the RoR, went on Skye's side of the room by her floor-to-ceiling magic window, and asked it to show Skye so the daughter of Hades could keep an eye on the unpredictable Hufflepuff. Of course, Fate saw when Skye accidentally turned Stacy's owl into a pig. (In Skye's defense, Stacy was getting a little too close for anyone's comfort, and Skye had even warned her of the dangers. Gryffindors are just reckless that way, pushing head-on into situations.) But, even though she tried her hardest, Fate still couldn't always get out of Skye's grasp so easily. One time, when Skye was going to hang out with a study group for Charms, which was Fate's best subject, so she didn't even need a study group for it. But, Skye being Skye, she persevered.
"Oh, come on!" she exclaimed. "It'll be fun! There'll be tons of people that you can meet. Plus, we'll need your brains for the studying, since Charms is your best subject."
"I think we have different definitions of the word 'fun'," Fate commented, scowling. "Besides, I don't want to meet new people. I have good enough friends now. Why would I need to have more?"
"First of all, I think meeting new people is good for you," Skye said in a motherly tone. "You never know. What if one of those people end up being your best friend that saves your life in the future?"
"Or, we could hate each other with such a burning passion that we would fight so angrily, we'd kill each other in the process," Fate offered.
"Way to be positive."
"No problem. You should try it sometime."
The truth was, Fate didn't want to meet new people. Practically everyone at Hogwarts already placed her in the stereotype of Slytherin= Death Eater/ Pureblood who despises "mudbloods" (Fate had been trying ever since first year to stop saying that word, because Skye hated whenever anyone said it). Plus, Fate knew that there were going to be Gryffindors in the group, and they would sneer and laugh at her every move. Why would she possibly want that? But, she didn't want to disappoint Skye. The hopefulness in the Hufflepuff's face was so obvious, Fate decided not to crush it. "You are horrible," Fate said. "What do I have to bring?"
"Really? You'll go?" Skye said, her face brightening.
"Lets go before I change my mind," Fate said sourly.
"Great!" Skye said, clapping her hands excitedly. "Usually, I'd bring my wand, a self-writing pen- because, you know, I'm lazy-, and some parchment, but since you don't take notes, just bring your wand."
"I already have it on me," Fate said, pulling her wand from a pocket in her robes. "Where is it, anyway?"
Skye smiled. "Outside."
Fate groaned. "Fantastic."
"Please try not to kill everything in a seven-mile radius, okay? I have some friends in this group, and my healing powers can only go so far," Skye said, completely serious because she knew Fate's attitude.
"I can't promise anything," Fate said. They set off for the study group, one earnestly and the other, not so much.
• • •
"Hi guys! Sorry I'm late," Skye said, walking over to a circle of children sat by the Quidditch field. "I brought my friend along. Fate, these are my study-buddies. Guys, this is Fate."
"Hello," Fate said flatly. "Really, Skye? 'Study-buddies'?"
Skye laughed. "Whatever. I'm gonna introduce you, okay? Don't forget their names."
"I'll try," Fate said.
Skye pointed to a girl with dark brown hair and bright green eyes. "Grace. Hufflepuff." Grace waved enthusiastically. Fate just smiled a little.
"Felix. Ravenclaw." Skye pointed to a tall boy with dyed blue hair. He just looked up and mumbled something that resembled a greeting. Fate give him a thumbs-up.
"Adam. Also Ravenclaw. But you already know him."
Adam smiled. "Hello, Fate! We haven't seemed to meet recently."
"No, we haven't," Fate said.
"And last, but certainly not least," Skye said, adding drumroll, which the rest of the group followed comically. "Hermione Granger, Gryffindor, or, as you may know her, the brightest witch of her age!" Fate focused her attention on a girl with bushy hair and Gryffindor robes.
"Nice to meet you!" She said cheerfully, sticking her hand out for Fate to shake. Suddenly, Hermione looked at the daughter of Hades' robes. Her hand wavered. "You brought a Slytherin?" The Gryffindor hissed to Skye.
"A Slytherin that isn't deaf," Fate snapped. "Why do you even care?"
"Because," Hermione replied through clenched teeth, "all of them are horrible and despise the Gryffindors. You are a Slytherin. I am a Gryffindor. Need I explain further?"
"Can you both chill?" Grace snapped. "It's just a study group. Nothing to get worked up about, right?"
"Exactly," Skye said. She glanced at Fate guiltily, as if saying Sorry, it's not ever like this. It's fun, I swear.
"Okay, I guess," Fate replied, sitting down politely.
"I'm sorry for lashing out at you, Fate," Hermione said. "I've only ever met and spoken with Slytherins that are arrogant. I shouldn't have assumed you were just like them."
"It's fine," Fate said. "Let's just study like we're here to do."
For the rest of the time, Fate and Hermione were the main people who asked the questions; they were both equally intelligent in the subject, although Hermione was better at memorizing the meaning of the spells, while Fate was better at casting them. After they had all packed up to leave and go to their dorms, Fate decided to talk to Skye.
"Hermione was horrible," Fate declared as soon as she was out of earshot of the rest of the group.
"So, I'm guessing you hated it?" Skye asked, disappointed.
"I never said that," Fate replied, raising an eyebrow. "Although, I wouldn't go to another one with Hermione. That girl is a walking dictionary with sass."
Skye laughed. "So you'll do it again?"
Fate shrugged. "Possibly. But don't you dare hold it against me. I'm making no promises."

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