#21: Transfiguration

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Year Three
Fate nor Skye minded Transfiguration much, but had different outlooks on it; the subject came easy to Fate, so it was her second best subject, while Skye tried her hardest to be as good as Professor McGonagall- since she admired her dearly for her ability to turn into a cat, and wanted to be just like her- but just passed the class. Since Skye wanted to be even better, she confronted her Professor about it after class, since it was the last period of her Friday.
"Of course I can help you!" McGonagall exclaimed happily. "I can give you extra help during the weekends, if you like. How about Saturdays?"
"Perfect!" Skye said, smiling. "When do we start?"
"Tomorrow after dinner?" asked McGonagall.
Skye beamed with delight. She picked up her books. "I'll see you then!" She walked out of the Professor's office, smiling all the way back to the Hufflepuff common room.
• • •
"What do you mean, you're busy tonight?" Fate demanded as she looked up from her History of Magic homework. She was disappointed that the teacher didn't listen to her when she prayed that they wouldn't get homework from him.
"Well, I got Professor McGonagall to give me extra help in Transfiguration. She seemed overjoyed to do it."
"First of all, she's only elated because someone has outwardly shown their interest in the subject she teaches. Secondly, Transfiguration is my second-best class! For gods' sake, I could've given you help!" Fate exclaimed. She sighed in exasperation and looked down at her homework, trying not to die of boredom.
"You're only suggesting this because you want to look better than me," Skye pointed out. "I'd rather have McGonagall teach me."
"Of course you would," Fate said, rolling her eyes and ignoring Skye's first comment.
"Anyway," Skye said, wanting to change the subject, "did you get any homework in Herbology? We're supposed to find information on some plant she was teaching us about."
Fate rolled her eyes again. "Yeah." She looked at the clock. "Hey, it's almost time for dinner. Want to go down early?"
Skye shrugged. "Sure. But I have to get my stuff packed up. I'm going to have to bring my wand to dinner."
Fate smiled. "What a fun adventure."
• • •
"Lift your wand a bit higher, Miss Hunter," Professor McGonagall instructed. Skye did as she was told. "Perfect. Now, wave your wand three times at the snail, and if all goes well, it will turn into a teapot."
"Okay," Skye said. She scrunched up her face in concentration, and waved her wand thrice at the snail on the desk in front of her.
"That's quite alright!" McGonagall encouraged her. "Just keep trying! Also, please stand up straighter. Your slouching might be one of the causes of the failure."
Seven tries later, Skye managed to turn the head into a spout. Ten more tries after that, and she succeeded. "Yes!" The Hufflepuff exclaimed, pumping her fists in the air.
"Good work," Professor McGonagall said. "Now, I believe that to be the end of this. I will see you on Monday, I assume?"
"Yes, Professor," Skye replied. She walked out of the classroom and back to the Hufflepuff common room, feeling delighted she had accomplished something.
• • •
In only one month and a half- which equalled to eight private lessons with Professor McGonagall- Skye had mastered the art of Transfiguration. She was easily the best in her year on the subject, and just as good as Fate. Skye had even learned a few difficult spells, like turning smoke into daggers and the Incarcerous Spell, courtesy of McGonagall. Skye thought it to be extremely fun when she turned candles to purple rabbits in the Room of Requirement to purposely annoy Fate- which succeeded greatly- or very nerve-racking when she accidentally turned her owl, Lucy, into an opera glass.
But, in all, Skye was glad she had asked her Professor for help. Now, she had a new goal; become an animagus.

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