#26: Dyslexia

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Year One
As much as Fate and Skye loved Hogwarts, they did have a few problems. One of these was dyslexia.
The first time Skye had a problem reading the board at Hogwarts because of her dyslexia, she freaked out. She only had a small case of it, but she still had to stutter and eyeball her way through the words on the board, which resulted in her getting odd looks from her classmates.
"Is everything alright, Miss Hunter?" Professor Flitwick asked gently.
"Er, well, um-" Skye began, but was cut off by the shouts of children outside.
"Class dismissed," Flitwick said. Skye sighed, but the Professor cleared his throat. "Miss Hunter, please stay behind. I need to speak with you."
Oh no, Skye thought nervously. What if he takes points away from Hufflepuff? What if he thinks I was fooling around? What if he gives me a detention? I hate detention! She quickly collected her stuff and walked over to the Charms professor's desk. "Y-yes, Professor?" She said anxiously.
"Do you have dyslexia?" He asked.
Skye was taken back by his straightforwardness. "Well, I mean, kind of- not much- it still makes it difficult- but I'm fine, really!- it's only a little-"
"It's okay," the professor said. "There are plenty of people with disorders. I even know a girl in Ravenclaw with one."
"Really?" Skye asked, astonished.
"Yes," he answered, "and it doesn't stop her. Just try to practice reading, okay?"
"Okay," Skye said, smiling. "Will do."
"Now," Professor Flitwick said, looking at the clock, "don't you have a class to get to?"
Fate, on the other hand, had a more severe case of dyslexia than Skye. But, she was just as embarrassed when she started to stutter in Transfiguration.
"Miss Gray," Professor McGonagall said, interrupting her, "is there a problem?"
"What?" Fate blinked. "A problem? Er, no, I'm fine, just tired. Everything's fine."
McGonagall raised her eyebrow suspiciously, but said nothing. Pansy Parkinson, on the other hand, did. "Are you dumb or something?" She blurted. "Like, even more than I thought?"
"Pansy!" The professor said sharply. "That is none of your business!"
"Sure, Pansy," Fate said, rolling her eyes. "Whatever floats your boat."
Pansy looked confused. "I don't have a boat. What are you talking about?"
"It's a muggle figure of speech," Fate replied. "I picked it up from the Hufflepuff girl, Skye." Although Fate spoke casually, she was secretly smug that she knew something Pansy didn't.
"Anyway," McGonagall intervened, annoyed, "let's continue the lesson, shall we?"
Even when the lesson continued, however, Fate couldn't stop thinking about her dyslexia. Oh gods, she thought suddenly. McGonagall must know. I saw it in the way she looked when I claimed I was tired. I hope nobody else realized.
Of course, both of the girls knew of each other's condition. It was one of the first things they confessed to one another.
"Can we make a pact?" Skye had said once they told each other.
"About what?" Fate responded.
"To always tell each other about our dyslexia. If anything happens, or if someone gets made fun of, okay?"
"So we can kill them?" Fate asked hopefully.
Skye grinned. "Sure. Whatever floats your boat."

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