#9: Overprotective Siblings

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(This chapter is a continuation of 8)
Year Four
"Fate!" Skye whisper-shouted when she saw the daughter of Hades round the corner. "You were supposed to be here twenty minutes ago! Where were you?"
"Sorry," Fate muttered, stifling a yawn. "I had to take a shower. Besides, Nico and Will aren't expecting us, so why the fuss about the time?"
"Well, I kinda might have told Adam I'd meet him a noon at the library so he could help me with my Potions homework," Skye quickly muttered so Fate could only just make out what she said.
Fate laughed. "Of course you did. Now, are you going to open the Room of Requirement or not?"
"Okay," Skye said. She closed her eyes. Hey, Room of Requirement, she thought. Do you think you could give us our special little hideaway? Thanks! Oh, and can you give us some extra nectar and ambrosia too?
Suddenly, the familiar dark oak door with a sun and crossbones behind it appeared. Skye opened it and walked inside, Fate trailing close behind. Their usual setup awaited them, but atop the Trunk in the back was a pile of nectar and ambrosia. Fate flopped onto her beanbag chair while Skye opened the trunk, retrieving a bottle of water, two bowls, and some drachmas. She set up the Iris-message and motioned for Fate to come over, which she did, carrying her and Skye's beanbag chairs. They got comfortable, and Skye asked Iris to see Will first. Immediately, the small rainbow shimmered, and the son of Apollo appeared, his mouth full of cheeseburger; the sky showed the demiwitch that her brother was in the middle of dinner. Skye swallowed. She didn't want to interrupt Will's dinner, but this was extremely important. "Will!" she whispered. The blond boy looked up and made eye contact with his sister. He choked on his food for a moment, then took a swig of whatever his was drinking. Skye assumed it was lemonade; Will drank that stuff religiously.
"Skye, I'm a little busy," he said, motioning to his food. "Can I iris-message you later or something?" People around him started to wave upon seeing her.
Skye smiled and waved back. "Sure! I'll see you soon, then." she cut off the connection and turned to face Fate. "Hey, Fate, it's your-" Skye immediately stopped talking when she noticed her friend wasn't in sight. "Fate? Hello? Child of Death? Ghostbuster? Draco's girlfriend? Wait, are you guys even together? I mean, it looks like it-"
Suddenly, the daughter of Hades popped out from behind the Trunk. "We are not dating!"
Skye chuckled. "Okay, sure. Anyway, it's your turn. You need to IM Nico."
Fate muttered something about "Adam" and "dating as well," then asked Iris to see Nico. The rainbow shimmered, and Fate's brother appeared. From the looks of the background, Nico seemed to be lying on his bed in the Hades cabin. "Nico?" Fate said nervously. Immediately, the son of Hades stiffened. He got up and scanned his room, his back to Fate. "Nico!" Fate repeated, a little louder this time.
Nico whirled around, and upon seeing his sister, his expression softened. "Fate! I haven't heard from you in a week! I've been worried sick!" He exclaimed, stepping towards the image of his sister. "Where have you been?"
"Well," Fate began, "you know, just hanging around, I guess, you know, the usual..." She trailed off.
"Fate," Nico said firmly, his expression hardening. "Tell me. What happened?"
Fate sighed. She couldn't keep the truth from Nico any longer. Fate told him about the Forbidden Forest.
"What?" Nico yelled once she had finished. "You went into the Forbidden Forest? You could have gotten way more injured! For gods' sake, you could have died!"
"I'm sorry," Fate mumbled, looking at her feet.
"Sorry?" Nico said, his face contorting with rage. "You're sorry? By the gods, Fate, if I were there-"
"But you're not," said a voice behind him. Nico turned and saw Will walk into the cabin. "I heard you yelling, so I came to investigate."
"Will!" Skye exclaimed, practically tackling Fate to get a glimpse of her brother. She was ecstatically.
Will looked over Nico's shoulder. "Fate? Skye? What's going on?" Fate swallowed, then began her story once more, but this time with Skye's commentary.
When Fate finished, Will looked at Skye. "You let Fate go into this 'Forbidden Woods'?"
"First of all," Skye said, "it's called the Forbidden Forest. Second, I told her not to! But, she said she was going in, and I knew I couldn't change her mind."
Will was about to respond, but Nico cut him off, angrier than Skye had ever seen him. "You didn't listen to Skye? Sometimes, I wonder if you even think before you act, Fate!" Nico waited for her to say something, but the daughter of Hades kept silent, staring her feet. "I don't want to lose you! Do you have a death wish?"
"I don't think she had a death wish," Skye said softly. "She was just curious. Haven't you ever wanted to explore before?"
"Of course! But that doesn't give her the right to go into some place that's forbidden!" Will said, looking directly at Skye. "You should have used force!"
Skye lip trembled. She hated when her siblings yelled at her. "I-I'm sorry. I hate yelling, you know that. I tried to be stern. I'm a Hufflepuff. I can't do it!"
Will sighed. "Okay, well, at least you tried."
"At least you tried?" Nico screeched. "Fate- or Skye, for that matter- could have gotten killed! Do you want me to lose another sister?" The silence in the air was agonizing. Fate didn't respond, just looked at her feet in shame. "Fate, when you come back home, I swear-"
"What if I don't come back?" Fate suddenly burst out. "What if I just go somewhere else?"
"Fate, don't-" Nico began, but it was too late. Fate had already cut off the connection.
Skye's lip quivered. "Y-you don't actually mean it, d-do you? You're going home, right? Right?"
"I don't know," Fate huffed, harsher than she meant to. Before Skye could respond, Fate flew out the door. As soon as she left, Skye began to cry. She picked up everything and roughly threw in the Trunk, not caring what was in her hands. She flopped on her futon- which was folded down like a bed at the moment- deciding it would be a good idea to take a nap.
Nobody notices me anyway. Why should I worry about curfew? Skye thought. She pulled covers on herself, and fell alseep praying to every existing god that Fate would be alright.

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