#4: Flying Lessons

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Year One
The next few days after the two girls became friends were fairly normal. At least, until Fate came running down the stairs one day at an inhuman speed, pulling on her robe. As she attempted to stop, she crashed into Skye. "Ow! Watch it!" The Apollo girl shouted.
"Oh, calm down. You'll live," Fate snapped. "I need to talk to you. Now."
The two walked away from the entrance from the Great Hall, not wanting to attract attention.
"Dumbledore won't let me out of flying lessons!" Fate complained.
"Really? That's it?" Skye said, astounded.
Fate rolled her eyes. "I am a daughter of Hades. I do well on the ground. I'm going to be flying, which means Zeus will kill me!"
Skye's eyes widened. "But I thought Zeus changed the rules!"
"Not that one," Fate said, her voice shaking.
"We have to talk to Dumbledore!" Skye exclaimed. "It's the only way!"
"I tried. He just chuckled and said, 'Don't worry, everyone's nervous at first.' It wasn't really helpful advice," Fate said.
"Did you talk to Snape yet?" Skye suggested helpfully.
"Yes, but he told me that I have to, even if I'm scared of heights," Fate replied, defeated.
"That's what you told him?" Skye laughed.
"Well, what was I supposed to say? 'Sorry, I can't take this class because my loving Uncle Zeus will unmercifully blast me out of the sky'?" the daughter of Hades questioned, voice dripping with sarcasm.
"Good point," Skye said.
"Well, what am I supposed to do, then?"
"Pray? Sacrifice, maybe?" Skye suggested.
"Good idea. See you then!" Fate exclaimed, then ran off.
I should IM camp later, Skye thought as she began walking towards the Great Hall. Someone will have to get the body.
• • •
All four houses' first years were gathered on the Quidditch field for flying lessons. Fate was extremely nervous. She had prayed to Zeus to leave her alone, but had also prayed to her father as well. She caught Skye's eye, and the daughter of Apollo gave her a reassuring smile.
"What's wrong?" said a boy's voice from next to her. She turned to see Draco.
"Oh, I'm just nervous," Fate replied.
"Why? Haven't you flown before?" He asked.
"Not really. I'm scared of heights," she lied. She had flown before. Twice, actually. Once, Percy took her up on Blackjack and another time Jason tried to scare her by taking her by the waist and flying through the clouds, but those were different cases.
"All right, line up! That's right, next to a broom!" Madam Hooch shouted as the 11-year-olds scrambled to obey her orders. Skye lined up across from Fate and next to Adam; thank the gods, Jacob was pretty far away, talking to some Slytherins. Fate looked extremely scared; her skin was paler than usual, which was very concerning.
Skye smiled warmly at her friend. "You'll be okay. Don't worry," she whispered.
"All right children, lift your hands above your brooms and shout 'up!'" Madam Hooch instructed, and all of the first years did so. Skye, Draco, and Adam's brooms flew to their hands immediately, while Fate had to try a second time. Jacob was on the fifth try when the broom came up and smacked him in the face, which made Skye laugh.
"Good! Now, we will move down the line and have each student take a lap around the field. When you are finished, you will take a seat in the stands." Fate and Skye both sighed in relief; they were at the end of the line. They watched the others go in varying degrees of interest until it reached them. First Adam went; he seemed unsure at first, but caught on quickly and zoomed to the stands in happiness. Then went Draco, soaring around the field in confidence until he sat down at the stands smugly.
Skye went next. She started out slow but steady, then continued to pick up speed. Fate would have bet her sword that the sun was shining brighter. When Skye finished, she plopped right next to Adam, Jacob nowhere in sight, thank the gods.
Then, it was Fate's turn. Fate shakily mounted her broom. The daughter of Hades lifted off the ground a few feet. So far she wasn't dead, which was good. She flew higher, then started her lap around the field. About a quarter of the way through, the wind began picking up and clouds moved in. Fate knew she had outstayed her welcome and was pushing her luck at this point. Halfway through, thunder boomed. Suddenly, a crack of lightning came down behind her. The other first years screamed.
Please, any god on Olympus right now that's willing to pay attention to me, can you stop Zeus from killing my friend? Thanks, Skye prayed.
Another crack came dangerously close to Fate's broom. Fate jumped off her broom and hit the ground. Almost immediately, the lightning stopped and the sky cleared.
You want me out of the air? Fine! I didn't want to do this anyway! Fate thought, cursing the sky in Ancient Greek. Madam Hooch and the first years ran up to her.
"Are you all right, Ms. Gray?" Madam Hooch asked.
Fate nodded shakily. "I'm fine, just a few scratches and splinters."
Madam Hooch nodded with pursed lips. "That's enough excitement for today. All of you, go to lunch. You are dismissed," she said. The first years walked back to the Great Hall, murmuring as they went.
"What was that all about?" Adam asked Fate.
"I dunno," she lied.
Suddenly, Harry Potter came up to her. "Are you sure you're all right?" he asked worriedly.
The daughter of Hades gave him a pleasant smile. "Don't worry, I'm fine," she told him. They continued to the Great Hall and went to their tables. Everyone had seen and heard the thunder and lighting. The Gryffindors were upset that the little snake wasn't put in the hospital wing. The Hufflepuffs were glad it wasn't too serious. The Ravenclaws were indifferent. Fate's own house, however, seemed to be recovering from heart attacks. Her older housemates treated her like a parent would a child for the rest of the day.
Fate went through the rest of her classes and dinner without an incident. McGonagall wasn't kidding when she said the houses were like our family, Fate thought when she walked into her dorm. The demiwitch grabbed a small canteen from her trunk with her right hand, since she sprained her left one when she jumped off of her broom, which thankfully no one noticed. After Fate took a small sip of nectar, she rummaged through her trunk for a drachma.
"Great," she said once she found one. "Now I just need to find a good place to Iris-Message." After walking out of the common room, she decided to head up o the girls restroom that nobody used. Fate walked in and made a rainbow, knowing that Moaning Myrtle wouldn't bother her. What did Nico tell me to say? Oh right! "Yo, Fleecy! Do me a solid! I need to see Nico Di Angelo at Camp Half-Blood!" Fate announced as she tossed in her drachma. Oh gods, I sound incredibly stupid, she thought. Nico appeared in the mist. It looked liked early morning at camp. "Hey, Fate!" he exclaimed happily with heavily lidded eyes.
"Hey, Nico!" she exclaimed, excited to see her brother. "Did I wake you?"
"No, you're okay," he chuckled. "How have things been going?"
"Actually, stranger than expected. Only by a little, though," Fate answered honestly.
Nico frowned. "How much is a little?"
"Did you know that Will's little sister, Skye, is also a demiwitch?" Fate asked in a slightly accusing tone.
"What? No! Really?" The son of Hades denied with a surprised voice.
"Well, she is," Fate informed. Now, it's time for the meltdown, Fate thought apprehensively. "Also, today was flying lessons," she blurted out.
Nico paled. "You didn't do it, right? You told them you couldn't fly, right?" he inquired in a dangerously low tone.
"Well..." Fate muttered.
"Fate Gray!" Nico shouted. "You know you can't fly! It's too dangerous for children of Hades!"
"I kinda figured that out!" Fate yelled.
"Oh no," Nico said, his eyes blazing in anger. "You don't get to yell. Not after that! Did you even try to get out of it?"
"Of course I did! I may hang around ghosts, but I don't want to be one!" Fate defended herself. Nico took large breaths, as did Fate.
Then in a quieter tone, he asked, "Are you hurt? If yes, how badly?"
Fate sighed. "A few splinters and scratches, and a sprained wrist from my not-so-graceful landing. But, I've already had some nectar. I'm feeling better already," she told him. Nico looked like he was about to yell again. "Oh, I have to go! It's almost curfew," she lied. "Tell everyone I said hi!"
"Bye, Fate," Nico said. "Be careful."
"I will!" She said, and cut off the connection. She ran back to the Slytherin common room, thankfully not running into anyone on the way back. She ran into her room and fell back on her bed. I am not going to be good at Quidditch, that's for sure.

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