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This book is being re-edited so that it's more enjoyable, makes more sense, and feels more natural. Please feel free to read but if you want the better story... wait😂
(Peridots hair doesn't look like that up above.)
Peridots POV-
"Ughhhh..." I groaned as I slapped the snooze on my alarm. "First day of senior year." I yawn as I wipe the sleep out of my eyes. I slowly force myself and swing the covers off my feet and get up, I stretched my body out wide hear a few bones crack. I squint to find my glasses and I put them on, adjusting them ever so slightly. I shuffle my way over to my desk and grab my prosthetic arm and adjust it so it's not backwards or looks weird., I click it into my stub and test if the mechanics are working as I try to move my fingers. "hope I won't get called out for it." I sigh. I get dressed and put on a black t-shirt with some shorts that were a cargo beige colour. I head downstairs as usual, my dad left me and my mom years ago for some other lady and my mom was always on "business trips" as of right now she is in Canada where they shoot my favourite tv show camp pineing hearts. It's no different when she's here, she's always on calls or doing paperwork or ordering me around and just being a bitch. I pop some toast in the toaster, after I was done eating I brushed my hair then my teeth and left for school.
As I was walking to school I was thinking about some stuff that could be different. Maybe I'll make some nice friends, or join some sports teams, or robotics or maybe even be in a relationship... A small smile creeps onto my face and a faint blush spreads across my cheeks. The thought of these ideas were exciting but I shook it off, I really don't want to get my hopes up over nothing.

I arrived to my new school and saw tons of teenagers that were chatting away in big groups, freshmen were scrambling around to find their homeroom numbers, jocks being... jocks... or people that looked like they wanted to blow their brains out. I made my way through the crowd and pulled out my time schedule. "It says here I have... Drama?... why was I enrolled in dram- never mind just... ugh.. Great." I say flatly to myself. "Room 134, at least it's on the first floor." I head through the massive, crowded hallways of the school and I eventually find the classroom, it was large for something that I really couldn't care for. Some of the walls had mirrors, a beat up carpet, a janky stage and a small tv mounted on a wall. There were a few cupboards and shelves that had props and backpacks on them, I put my stuff down then waited for everyone else to arrive so I played on my phone.
Not long after some classmates arrived then the teacher barged into the room and into her office, she looked very frustrated and unprepared. "Good morning G.E.M high! And welcome back or to some of you welcome!! Today is September 4th day 1 schedule! Please rise for the playing of our national anthem!"
Time skip...
We sat in a small circle of 17 people, the teacher was going around asking how everyone's summer was which I really couldn't care for, then all of the sudden the door slammed open behind me. Everyone's head shot towards the door and there stood a girl with short blue hair, a blue tank top with a blue vest over top of that and a long blue skirt, and hold up, her eyes were a deep blue, almost like an ocean. Whoa... She's pretty... Wait what?! "H-hi..." She waved nervously as she cleared her throat. "Hello and welcome too...." She started to drumroll on her lap and I rolled my eyes. "Drama! I'm Ms. Sardonyx the new and improved drama teacher." Ms. sardonyx smirked. "And you areee..." She gestured her hand towards the blue haired girl. She looked around the room and at everyone then back at Ms. Sardonyx. "Lapis... er-um- Lapis lazuli. But  uhh you can just call me lapis." Lapis.. That's a really beautiful name... wait what? "Okay lapis, why don't you have a seat beside.." She scanned the room as she tapped her chin and looked down at the attendance. "Peridot." Ms. Sardonyx said as she stretched out my name. out. I threw up a small smile and gave a small wave. Lapis smiled and put her bag down gently and sat beside me. "Hi." She whispered. "Hello." I whispered back. "So what did I miss?" Lapis whispered once again. "She's asking us to tell about our, summer and what was our favourite part.." I said turning around to look her in the eyes.

FIRST CHAPTER! HOW WAS IT?! Leave a vote and comment down below to tell me you're thoughts!!
Until next time... Goodbye my friends💚💙💚💙

I love you nerd (human AU) [EDITING ALL CHAPTERS]Where stories live. Discover now