Empire city

460 21 16

(This is a pearlmethyst chapter.)


The four girls raced through the streets of empire city, the lights above them glowed like stars, the smell of the gas from sewage and gas off cars and buses and hot dog stands rushed through the streets which made pearl gag.
Lapis, peridot, amethyst and pearl came to a halt as they saw a sign.
"Galactic rave." Peridot read.
They approached the door but they were stopped by a guard.
"Hello ladies. Can I see some ID?"
"Gladly!" Peridot smiled.
All three of them pulled out there IDs showing their fake ages.
"Alright. Enjoy." He said in monotone.
The girls rushed in as they giggled, they ran into the middle of a crowded room that was lit by glow sticks and black lights. On the stage there were men hitting drums that were covered in paint that would splash everywhere.
"Oh this is sick." Amethyst said in awe.
"I'm going to the bar!!" Lapis said.
"I'll tag along!"
"Okay.. I'll hang with-" Before peridot could finish her sentence she noticed everyone was gone.
"Ugh... This is why I won't go out." Peridot groaned. Shortly after she was dragged into the crowd by hundreds of people dancing.
Lapis's POV-
"Thank you!" I yelled over the music as the bar tender handed me two drinks.
I danced my way through the crowded bar to find pearl looking at the messy drum kits.
"Here you go!" I yelled again.

"Thanks!" Pearl yelled over the thumping music and chatter.

We raised our glasses and took a big swig of the drink.

"So.. Whats going on between you and amethyst?"

"Oh.. Were just friends." Pearl blushed as she dug her into her cup.

"Hmm.. As your ex girlfriend I think id know when your lying.." I smirked.

"What?! N-No!" Pearl stammered.

"Uh huh.. Spill it.." I laughed as I rolled my eyes.

"Okay.. So technically nothing has happened between us, but she always seems so.. Flirty and I guess in a way it's cute.. I guess I kinda like it?" Pearl began.

"Oh I know that look." I smiled sheepishly.

"What look?" Pearl blurted out.

"It's the same look you had when you first started looking at me differently." I smirked as I took another swig of my drink.

"Oh my.. your right.." Pearl blushed as she put her drink down, then she ran her fingers through her hair.

"Some advice so you don't fuck it up like how you did with me.. Stay true to your word." I shook my head as I stood up.

"Ouch?" Pearl smiled.

"Go talk to her. Go get her." I said as drank the rest of my drink then walked away into the dancing crowd of people and I began to dance.

Peridots POV-

"Amethyst!! Wait!" I yelled through the crowd.

"Huh? Oh! I thought you went with pearl and lapis.

"Nah they took off." I shrugged as someone bumped into me really hard.

"Ouu!! Peri! Let's dance!" Amethyst said as she grabbed my hand.

"Uhh.. I'm not much of a dancer..." I blushed under the strobe lights.

"Sure you are!" Amethyst said as she swung me around.

There is no way I'm getting through this, so just dance and get it over with.

"So! How long are we gonna be here?" I asked as I semi tried to dance but I was being bumped into to much.

"Psht! We just got here!" Amethyst yelled over the music.

"I CAN HArDLY MOVE!!!" I yelled.

"SHUT UP AND DANCE!!" Amethyst laughed.

I really have no choice do I?.. Ugh.. I began to dance as I moved my body along with the crowd, It was actually.. kinda fun..

"Haha! Yea Peri!!" Amethyst laughed.

I began to giggle as I spun around and kept dancing, I have to admit this is fun! I wish lapis was here! speaking of which.. where is lapis? I slowed down and looked around the bar, I didn't see lapis but I saw pearl and she looked she was having a panic attack or B contemplating life.

"Hey Amethyst? What's up with Pearl?" Amethyst stopped dancing. She looked over me and saw Pearl.

"I don't know.." Amethyst shrugged.

"Is there something between you two? That I don't know about?" I asked.

"I told you everything already. I like her! That's all." Amethyst blushed.

"Hmm..." I smiled.

"What?" Amethyst blurted out.

"Go talk to her." I smirked.

"Easy I ca-"

"Ask her to dance." I said bluntly.

"Wha-what?!" Amethyst was redder than a ruby by this point.

"You heard me? Go ask Pearl. To. Dance. With. You." I smiled.

Amethyst I sighed as she smiled under her blush.

"Fine!" Amethyst smiled sheepishly.

Amethyst walked off into the crowd of drunk people dancing, I stood still as I crossed my arms and smiled.

"I truly am Cupid.. Haha.." I laughed to myself.

I walked through the crowd until I bumped into Lapis. Lapis quickly grabbed me and started to dance... Or at least what I think is dancing...

"What are you doing?!" I laughed.

"Dancing!" Lapis smiled as she continued to jump up and down and flare her arms around.

"That's dancing??" I questioned.

"Yup!" Lapis laughed.

"Dance with me!!" Lapis grabbed my arms and swung me around.

"Whoa!! Uh!-Ow! C-careful!-Gahh! Fack!" I yelled. Lapis just kept laughing.


Pearls POV-

I sat down playing with my straw of my drink as I thought about what lapis had said. I shook my head, shaking the conversation out of my head.
"Hey." I heard a familiar voice beside me.

"Oh! Hi!" I smiled as I felt my face heat up a little bit.

"You're looking a little spaced out pal?" Amethyst said as she sat at table with me.

"Nah. I'm just thinking about something a friend said to me." I said as tapped my straw.

"Well.. Wanna dance with me? We are at a club after all." Amethyst smirked as she reached her hand out to me.

"I would be delighted." I blushed.

We continued to the huge dance floor that had hundreds, we danced like a lot of other people in the crowd, I laughed as amethyst swung me around. As I was spinning I saw both Peridot and Lapis standing by the door kissing, Lapis had peridot pinned up against the wall and peridot gripped lapis neck.

"Watch out!" Amethyst yelped.
Her yell caught me off guard because I was distracted by lapis and peridot chewing each other's face off. Suddenly my feet stumbled over each other and I fall. Not only do I fall. I land right on top of amethyst.

"Whoa! S-sorry. I-I-" stammered.

"It's okay P. Plus it's a lot quieter down here."
Amethyst snorted as she blushed.

I giggled as I felt my face burn, I turned to get up but amethyst grabbed me.

"Hey Pearl?..." Amethyst said softly with her rough voice.

"Yeah?" I questioned.

"I got something to tell you."
I'm back sorta! And I know it's a cliffhanger but I hope you all enjoyed.
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Until next time... Goodbye my friends...

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