Ultimate sin

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Lapis's POV-
Peridot pulled me out of the of the water and helped me up. "Gah!" I yelped feeling pain in my leg. I fell back but peridot caught me, I looked up at her and saw that she was looking straight ahead my eyes slowly shifted to where she was looking. This crazy bitch was still coming after us with a.. Knife.. "You need to stop now! No one is dying tonight!" Peridot yelled as she carried me, I felt the ocean leave my feet and the sand drag on my one foot.
"Just put down the knife... And let's talk! Okay?" Peridot said as she gently put me down on the sand.
"Peridot don't!" I whispered.
She glared at me and shook her head.
"No! Not after what you did!" She screamed as she continued to limp.
"I did nothing to you! I tried to help you!" Peridot said calmly.
As she slowly motioned towards her mom the only thing I could do is sit and watch because when peridot saved me she kinda fucked up my leg...
"You took him from me!" Her mom shook her head.
"No... You whacked him in the head with a shovel, because he told you to stop drinking." Peridot hissed.
"THATS! NOT! TRUE!! ARGHHH!!!" Her mom flung towards her with the knife.
"Peridot!!" I screamed as I tried to get up. But I failed.
"ARGH!!" Peridot yelled as her mom slit her arm.
Peridot punched her mom in the face with her metal arm and broke her nose, blood started to pour from her nose as she stumbled back, flinging the knife around.
"Argh!! Fuck you!" Yella yelled as she charged once more and tackled peridot to the sand.
"Peridot!!" I started to crawl.
She struggled underneath her mom as yella inched the knife to peridots face, peridot tossed and turned and grunted. I looked around and saw a rock right In Front of me, I picked it up-
I jumped but peridots mom didn't care, I aimed the rock at her mom.
"Aiming..." I closed one eye and stuck my tongue out, focusing on my target..
"Firing.." I whispered, whipping the rock and it hit peridots mom in the head, I heard a crack as her mom groaned.
"FUCK!!" She yelled turning her attention to me.
"I'm gonna kill you!" She hissed as blood spilt out of her ear. Jezz... I hit her hard...
"Kill me and not her!" I hissed. I tackled yella and knocked the knife out of her hand. I punched her across the face, blood sprayed onto the sand but it quickly washed away.
"That's for peridot!" I hit her again.
"This is for me!" I slammed her into my fist.
Yella grabbed me and threw me. I hit my head against something hard.
"Ouf! Ugghh..."
"I'm going to end you!" Yella said as she slowly rose up.
"I'm gonna end the both of you!" Yella hissed.
"I don't think so..." Peridot said launching at her mom, tackling her towards the burning car.
"If someone is dying! It's not lapis.. Let's go out together you piece of shit!"
Peridot punched her yella across the face but yella grabbed a hold of peridots neck rolling her closer to the car.
The car started to really started to burn up, smoke rose up into the sky as rain tackled the flames that we're starting to burst out, and-
*KA- BOOM!!*
"PERIDOT!!!!" I cried.
There was no response except the sound of crackling from the car as it bursts into a ball of flames, tears formed in my eyes as I stood up on my one good leg. I limped towards the flame as tears rolled down my face.
"Periii!!!" I cried again...
Still no response. My legs gave out as I sobbed, I slammed my fist into the cold wet sand, I felt the heat of the burning car glow on my skin as the sky's lit up and cracked thunder, as rain slammed on to my skin.
"Nonono... T-this can't be real!" I growled.
There was a long silence as I crawled even closer.
"Ugh...." I heard a groan.
"H-hello?!" I started to perk up.
I looked and low and behold... It was her! My peridot.
She crawled out from underneath yella who took 90% of the damage from the explosion. I can imagine that yella looks like a burnt piece of chicken. I got up and limped over to her, I slowly bent down to her and helped her up, she was heavy as fuck! I'm like a feather to her! We made it to the shore line, then I collapsed. She helped me back up and took a few steps back from eachother. I looked her and smiled, tears formed in my eyes as she smiled a blush formed onto both of our faces.
"I um.. I-I'm sorry peri.. I've been a real dick." I started to cry a little bit.
"Oh shut up and give me a hug." Peridot said. I tackled her with a hug and she fell back, we both laughed even though it hurts.
"Haha.. I think we should call 911 now.." Peridot laughed.
I nodded and called.
Time skip cause I'm a lazy fuck...
The fire department and police came. As red and blue flash on the both of us, we watched yella be put in a cop car in handcuffs, she cursed us but mostly peridot.
After everyone left it was now peridot and I....
Peridots POV-
It was lapis and I now, we held sat on the beech in silence as we looked away from the left overs from the burnt car.
"You know... You were pretty awesome back there. With you're ninja moves."
Lapis joked. I laughed as did she.
"Hehe yeah." I said scratching my neck as I blushed.
"Come on.. I think we should go home now." I said standing up helping lapis up. She took my hand and stood, we made eye contact as a blush spread across my face and hers.
She cleared her throat as she looked down.
"Thanks peri.." Lapis said as her voice started to shake.
"No problem.. And lapis im sorry about the other week, I was being impulsive and stupid and I didn't mean to say that junk.." I blushed as I scratched my neck.
"It's okay... I'm sorry to But let's head home because all the dye in my hair is gonna be washed out in about 2 seconds and it's cold out here." She said walking up ahead of me. I stood still for a few seconds then smiled.
Oops... I'm still in the friend zone...
"Oh! But peridot.. If you didn't mean any of that then.."
A look of hurt showed on her body.
"You.. Didn't mean it when said you loved me?" She blushed but looked like she was about to cry again.
"Uh-uh-uh.. Ye- no! Nono! I mean yes- I mean." Oh shut up!
We were a few meters apart.
"You know what lapis..."

I said walking up to her.
I grabbed her as she looked like her whole world spun, I pulled her in and smashed my lips into hers. I kissed her passionately as I wrapped my arms around her. I pulled away slowly as I put my forehead on hers and smiled.

"I love you lapis.. I love you lapis with all my heart." I blushed.
Lapis grabbed the back of my head and pulled me into another kiss, my heart skipped a beat as butterfly's fluttered inside me! I kissed back. We slowly departed and she smirked like she has committed the Ultimate sin.
I'm gonna go on a short hiatus for awhile.. like a month or so because I need to update my other lapidot story.
So see ya!

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