When we were young. Pt.2

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A/N I can't stress you enough how much I hate jaspidot. And jaspis.
Also I'm too lazy to do spelling checks..
Peridots POV-
Age 12...
It's been a year since I lost my arm, I have a shitty plastic prosthetic that serves me no purpose.
So I've been working on prototypes, the one I'm currently working on has come the farthest. The other 13 bursted in flames, blew up or would malfunction like crazy to the point where it was unfixable.
"Hey dork! Whatcha making?" Jasper came up from behind me and punched my arm.
"Still working on prototypes... And why must you call me dork every single time you come into my garage?"
I said as I focused on the arm I was working on.
"Come on! You've been working on that thing ever since you got the prosthetic, and plus there already working on that shiz in the science labs!" Jasper said over dramatically.
"Shiz?" I scoffed.
"What?" She laughed.
"Oh come on! It's not everyday a 12 year old comes out with new technology that the government can't even come up with!" I rolled my eyes.
I continued to fiddle with the wires, and add parts.
"Okay! I think it's time for a test run!"I said excitedly.
"Jasper.. I'm about to-"
"Do a log date? Which one are we on now?"
"Hmm.. 7 15 2.. That's where we're at!"
I smiled checking over my notes.
"Wow.. You never give up do you?" Jasper asked.
"Negative." I said like a robot.
We both looked at each other and laughed.
"Alright you know the drill!" I said shooing her off.
Jasper nodded and left the garage and closed the door. I turned on my lamp on my work dose and started the video recorder beside it I quickly cleared my throat and straightened my back.
"Log date... 7 15 2.. This is test protocol M1X389. So far this has been my best prototype yet. As you'll see in my other tapes they weren't as successful.
But I think we have a break through soo lets test it! Shall we?" I smiled as I hold my creation up to the camera.
I take my current prosthetic off and clip my prototype on, I take a microchip and attach it to my glasses.
I turn on the arm and the connection between the chip and arm connect instantly.
"Alright so far so good!" I smile.
"Now the purpose is it's suppose to be like a.. Brain wave sending messages through the chip, like the muscles! The brain is supposed to connect the same way. So I'm going to try it."
I breathe in and exhale.
I hold my fake arm up to the camera and I start by trying to send the messages.
I think about lifting my index finger. Suddenly it starts twitching but then it drops dead.
"Oh come on!" I growl then place my hands on both sides of my and clench my hair.
"Grrrr!! It's hopeless! But-" I cut myself off by realizing that I had my robotic fingers moving the entire time.
"I-I did it?" I questioned. I made a thumbs up with and joy flushed over me.
"YES!! WOOHOO!!! I DID IT! I FLIPPING DID IT!!!!" I screamed in joy.
"This is peridot! Logging out of log date 7 15 2!!! Wow!" I ended my log and ran outside to Jasper.
"Finally! Let's go-" I tackled her with a hug, we both hit the grass and I squealed.
"Whoa.. What happened in there?" Jasper asked.
"I did it!!! I freaking did it!" I gave her a thumbs up with the prosthetic arm.
"Whoa! Dot! Congrats!!" Jasper smiled.
"Freaking finally!!" I laughed.
"Now let's go celebrate at the burger joint with everyone!" Jasper said pulling me up to my feet.
"Everyone?" I questioned.
"Yeah, you know Jade, violet, John, Jason, Amber, vadalia?" Jasper said as she counted off her fingers.
"Oh.. Okay." I smiled awkwardly.
We continued walking, and we made it to the corner store where all of Jaspers friends waited.
"Hey babe." Jason winked at me.
"Eugh.." I muttered under my breath.
"Sup bitch?" Vadalia smirked kissing Jasper.
"Hey girl." Jasper winked and put her hand around vadalia's waist.
Even though I know there not a thing... I know there best friends.. With a possibility of benefits.
They all greeted each other and we walk on the sidewalk, where I was being pushed off by Jaspers friends.
I guess it's worth it because I'm getting a free burger. Hehe.
                  *.              *.               *. 
We arrived at the burger joint and it was.. Sketchy that's for sure. The floors were cracking, the windows were dirty, and the seats were torn and were put back together with duck tape.
"Fancy.." I snickered.
"What did you just say?" Jade hissed.
I paused not knowing what I said wrong.
"Fancy?" I said blankly.
My heart started to raise as everyone stared at me.
"Good one dot." Jasper laughed.
Everyone else followed along with Jasper.
"Ah.. Ha.. Ha.... Ha"
I'm confused...
"You know Jasper I'm gonna take a rain check and head home.. I wanna work on my arm some more and-"
Jasper cut me off by placing her fingers on my lips.
"Relax and follow my lead." She whispered.
"Hey guys I forgot to tell you.."
Jasper smirked. Everyone turned around and faced us.
"Dot and I are dating."
My eyes widened and my face went red, I choked on my own spit.
"Pardon me?" I choked out.
"Yes! We had this talk earlier! Remember?" Jasper winked.
HOLD THE FUCK UP!! DATING?! THE FIRST THING THAT COMES TO MIND... IS DATING?! Does she realize I like her?! Just.. Ughh!! Why?!
"Oh yeah!" I played along.
"Yes you must have forgotten about it after your big break through with the arm which you are currently wearing."
Jasper said as she slid her arm around my waist.
I'm going to die.... Please Jasper you are ripping my soul apart...
"Wow. Congrats you two." John said.
"Wait you made that arm?" Jade said in amazement.
"Y-yeah." I smiled through my face that felt like it was gonna explode.
"You think you could make a leg?" Jade said taking my fake hand.
"Possibly? Why?" I asked.
"My sister lost her leg when she was surfing, there was a shark attack and it took her leg." Jade said flatly.
"Oh.. That's.. Sad."
"Yeah she's been pretty depressed. So how about it? You whip another one of those up and I'll pay you?" Jade said searching through her pocket.
"No no. There's no need to pay meeEeE- holy crap!" I shut my mouth.
Jade pulled her wallet out and there was a lot of 100 dollar bills!
"Here. Take it. And make it!" Jade smirked.
"O-okay." I don't think I can but I'll try.
And why does a 12 year old have 1000 dollars on themselves.
"Hi may I take your order?" The counter girl greeted with a frown.
She looks like a happy camper.
"Hello. Can I get a burger with fries with a milkshake?" I questioned.
"Sure... That's on the house." She slouched and waddled away.
"That's my aunt." Jade said as she picked a tooth pick out of her Jean pocket and placed it between her lips.
Wow.. Your cool..
I rolled my eyes mentally and simply nodded pretending to be interested.
"Cool. I don't really know my family, I just know my mother and my dad. But my dad left me over 2 years ago." I said.
"That's depressing." Jade added.
"How'd you lose your arm?" She asked.
My heart rate raised because I was told if I told someone. Yella would do the same to my other arm.
"Umm... Well..."
I don't care for my mothers well being, in fact if I tell jade I hope she will tell someone who could put her in the slot.
"My mother." I said through my teeth as I clenched my fist.
"What?" Jade spat.
"Yeah.. But let's eat now." I said trying to switch conversation which surprisingly worked.
Peridots POV-
Age 13...
I sat in my room finishing up homework it was finally the weekend, and I'm ready for it.
I'll explain myself!
Lately Jasper and I have had a weird tension, I like it and I also am telling her my feelings.
I'm no longer taking my moms bullshit, she doesn't fight me as much as she use too which is good and it helps with my grades and junk.
"There. All done!" I sighed and threw my book to the side.
*buzz buzz*
My phone went off and it was a text from Jasper.
Big buff Cheeto puff: Dork I need to talk to you.

I love you nerd (human AU) [EDITING ALL CHAPTERS]Where stories live. Discover now