What lies in my household

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Lapis's POV-
After our movie we watched mission impossible... I don't even know which one... The one with explosions and gun fights and epic chases! That's the one we watched. Peridot turned off her table side lamp the only light was the moon which was a clear bright white light peridot got underneath the covers and snuggled in. I was already wrapped in the bed sheets, curled into a ball stealing the comforter. "Hey lapis.." Peridot said interrupting the silence. "*hic* yes?" I questioned. "How do you know that *hic* you're in l-love? *hic*" peridot asked looking up at the ceiling. "Wellll... *hic* you get this warm fuzzy feeling, a-a-and *hic* you start feeling silly t-that's how it *hic* starts around them. Then you w-want *hic* more and you want to be a *hic* part of there life, too make them happy.. To *hic* be there when there sad, or mad... T-that's how I felt with Pearl..." I shut my eyes tightly hearing my self say that. It hurts. "A-and it torture! *hic* but the best kind, of *hic* torture and the worst. You want it but, it hurts so much. *hic* that you don't want it but s-some how it leads you back. *HIC* wanting more." I finished off. "Wow..." Peridot froze. "Havee you ever been in *hic* love?" I asked. Peridot shook her head. "I was with someone along time ago, but that person crushed me. Physically and mentally..." Peridot slurred a little bit. "They're a fuckking idiot... Th-they missed out on such a- *HIC* smart, nice, beautiful girl.." I realized what I just said.. Wait beautiful? "Y-you really mean that?" peridot asked rolling over facing me. Her breath bounced of my face, it was warm and it reeked of alcohol. "Y-yeah..." I said. Peridot smiled in the dark and looked at me my hand on the pillow was touched by something warm, I looked over at my hand and peridot's hand was gently over mine. "Thank you.." She smiled. I really am liking peridot in fact more then usual like a warm fuzzy feeling. I pulled her into a hug and squeezed her tightly, I never want this to end... I want to hold this forever. Wait what's gotten into me?! Peridot hugged me back. Eventually my eyes got really heavy and and I started to fall asleep.
Peridots POV-
Im screwed! I've fallen for lapis really hard worst then... *ehem* the other one. I held her close, I can't explain how much I love this.
And with that I fell asleep.
The next day...
Ughhh.... My head... My mouth.. My body...
Ughhh.... It's like my whole body has dry mouth! I think I know why I don't drink every single day! "Ughh... My head..." I heard beside me. I looked down and saw lapis waking up, but her arms were wrapped around my lower waist, her head was on my stomach slowly lifting off as she woke up. "Periiii!!! Close the blinds!!" I got up which made things worse, I stumbled back sitting back down as I felt the blood rush threw my body and up to my head. "Fucking A! That hurts!" I said rubbing the back of my neck. I slowly attempted to stand up and this time I was successful, I walked over to the blinds of my room and shut them. I slumped back onto the bed and lapis grabbed me once again. "Lapis... I'm never drinking again!" I groaned. "Hehehe... Yeah.. Sure whatever you say there nerd." Lapis giggled. "What time is it?" I asked looking for some clock or whatever. "Ugh.. Hang on.." Lapis said searching for her phone. "It's.... 6:37 in the afternoon.. I'm just gonna go home." lapis said standing up slowly grabbing her head. "Oh.. O-okay I can walk you home?" I said sitting up. "Yeah... That would be nice." Lapis smirked but it quickly vanished. "Okay hang on one quick second." I said grabbing a jacket. We both left my house and walked to lapis's house, it was a long quite walk which was nice, when we finally arrived it was 6:52. "Thanks peri. I'll see you tomorrow... Hopefully.." Lapis muttered that last part. Before I could turn and walk away lapis gave me a big hug, but quickly let go and speed walked into her house. "She seams so.. Miserable." I sighed. I started to walk down the street.. It was getting dark and it was peaceful. The sky's were a dark orange and purple. An- "*BLOOD CURDLING SCREAM!" "Lapis!!" I shot back and started to sprint. "GET THE FUCK OUT MY HOUSE YOU BISEXUAL FREAK!! I WILL NOT TOLERATE THAT IN MY FUCKING HOUSE HOLD!!" Lapis's mom was screaming at her. "MOM IT WAS A HUG!" Lapis tried defending her self but it was no use. Her dad stepped out and slapped her really hard across the face. "You lil bitch!" Her dad went to kick her but I stopped him by shoving him back into the long un cut grass. "Who the fuck are you!" He screamed. "Sir I'm lapis's friend and with all do respect.. If you put your filthy hand on her like that again I will not hesitate but to snap every single fucking bone in you're useless body and replace it with dog shit and broken glass." I snarled. "Wait this is the carpet muncher that's fucking lapis!" Her mom went to grab me and hit me but I countered her and shoved her face first into the gravel path way. "Come on lapis go pack a bag and your living with me." I said towering over both of her parents not moving a single inch. Lapis quickly sprinted inside. "How did such a nice girl like her come from two fucking low life scumbags from you?!" I growled. "I'll fucking end you!" The dad spat. I glared at him and walked over to him. "Think again you piss stain clod." I said sharply. Lapis came running back out with a small suit case. "L-lets go..." She said fighting back tears.
"Don't make me come back here..."
I growled and took lapis's hand and walked home.
Ohhh lapis... That was dark I'm sorry...
Am I going to hell?
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Until next time... Goodbye my friends💚💙💚💙

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