Rainy days..

410 21 15

Lapis's POV-
It was a rainy day so peri and I decided to pack for empire city, we pulled out 2 medium sized suit cases peri then began digging through her closet for clothes. I grabbed my bag from when I ran away and dumped it all in.. Oh shit..
"Uh peri?" I asked looking down at my clothes.
"Yes lapis?" Peridot questioned.
"I um.. Left my special dress at my old house, and the majority of my clothes." I tensed up of the thought of going back.
"Oh shit... Really? Do you wanna go there?" Peridot asked.
"Not really.. But I guess I have too." I shrugged.
"It's okay, I'll be right beside you the whole time I promise." Peri said sticking out her pinky, she's  making a pinky promise she's such a dork I love it!
"Okay." I said sticking out my pinky and wrapped it around her pinky. I leaned in and kissed her, and she kissed back instantly.
"Now let's go get that dress!" Peri announced getting up and walking over to the door, I shortly followed her to the car and she opened the door for me and I got in.
"Why thank you." I smiled and blushed.
"No problem your highness." Peridotite said as curtseyed.
I giggled and waited for her to get in the car.
"Wow that was gay." I giggled as peri snorted and laughed.
"What can I say? I'm gay for you."
"I'd be gay for me too if I were you." I winked. Peri scoffed and started the car and backed out.
"Are you a traffic light? Because STOP!!!" Peri laughed.
I started to laugh and kissed peri on the cheek.
"So remind me where this place is?" Peridot asked.
"Oh. Right.. It's just down here and take a left." I sighed reminding my self what house of horrors I'm about to enter.
"You know.. This is the first time a 20 minute drive has been 5 seconds for me." I glanced down at the dash board.
"Ha.. Me too." Peridot sighed as she took a hold of my hand giving me a reassuring look.
"What if they hurt you?" I said as my throat began to tighten up.
"Lapis.. Don't worry about a thing no one will be getting hurt." Peridot said with a bit of doubt in her eyes. I closed my eyes and plopped my head back into the back of my seat, I hate every second of this build up and there's Only 13 more houses until we're there.
We pulled up and I can't help but cringe at the sight of the broken down house that I called home.
"Ready when you are." Peridot added. I nodded as I got out I stood tall making myself feel more confident, peridot shortly followed me and walked beside.
"How do you wanna approach this?" Peridot questioned.
Not gonna lie I wanna get as destructive as possible but I'll hold myself back.
"Properly." I growled.
I knocked on the door three times super hard, shortly after my father answered the door and he looked at me and rage shot through his veins as he saw me and peridot.
"Well.. Well..well.." My father said as he leaned on the door.
"Good afternoon Connor." I gritted through my teeth.
"Lapis.." He grinned evilly.
I stepped into my old house and saw my mother passed out on the couch.
"I really love what you've done with the place! That wallpaper peeling off and the smell of smoke is just wonderful." I smiled the headed up stairs to my room where I found my room trashed.
I went to my closet where I found all my clothes fully intact, and left as they were months ago, I stuffed them into my bag and left my old house.
"Oh lapis by the way.." I heard my mother from the couch.
"You're sister dropped in." I stopped dead in my tracks as I heard that. Shes gotta be fucking with me.. My sister went missing 13 years ago.
"Don't talk about her, and don't use her as a tool to piss me off." I growled.
I walked outside to where peri was and she had a look of disgust on her face.
"Let's go." I said lowly.
"Ok." Peridot said as she took my hand and walked with me to the car.
"Disgusting." Connor hissed as he slammed the door.
"Well that went a lot better then expected." I smiled, as did peri who kissed my cheek.
"I promised and told you everything was gonna be alright!" Peridot danced on the spot and drove off.

We got in the car and drove off as we were leaving I looked over at my mom and dad who stood outside staring at me with no facial expression..

"Hey Lapis?" Peridot asked breaking my train of thought.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"How come.. You've really never talked about you're sister? If you don't mind me asking.." Peridot scratched her neck as she focused on the road.

How come I've never really spoken about her? I loved her so much but I've let all those memories.. Just... Slip?

"I don't really know.. It was so painful having her there one day, and the next.. Gone.. I did my best by not talking about her after the search, I looked day in and day out but no luck. I was only ten and my parents blamed me, they weren't always like scumbags. But Lyla went missing. I-I-It wasn't my fault.. we were playing hide and go seek in the woods.. Then." I stopped myself as the horrible image of my sister being taken played in my head.

"Hey it's okay.. You don't have to tell me right now." Peridot said as she swiped my cheek with her finger. I didn't even notice I was crying.

"Oh jeez Peri I didn't even notice I was crying.." I sniffled.

"It's okay. Let's just go home and pack for empire city, okay?" Peridot smiled.

"Okay." I smiled back and kissed her cheek.

Time skipper rooooou

Peridots POV-
After lapis and I got home we went upstairs, I threw my shirt and pants off I grabbed a pair of pyjama bottoms and put them on.
I turned around and saw lapis standing in the door way, she bit her bottom lip as her face flushed red. Sometimes I forget lapis lives with me but from what it looks like she's pretty happy about what she's seeing.
"Take a picture why don't you." I smirked and winked.
Lapis giggled as she pulled out her phone and took a picture.
"I got myself a new screen saver." Lapis smiled.
"Hey!" I giggled.
Lapis walked over to the bedside where I stood, lapis booped my nose.
"Cutie." Lapis giggled.
"Hey lapis guess what?" I smirked.
"What?" Lapis smiled.
"I love you!!" I kissed lapis and tackled her to the bed.
Lapis giggled into the kiss, hearing her laugh made my heart flutter with butterfly's it reminds me of the first time I heard her laugh.
"I love you too." Lapis smirked.
Lapis pinched my side, it made me jump up off of her a little bit lapis then quickly wrapped her legs around my waist and flipped me onto the bed and pinned me.
"What turn of events!" I said wide eyed.
"Peridot diamond. If anyone here is dominate it's me." Lapis smirked and winked.
"Hmm.. We will have to test that theory soon." I said with a grin.
Lapis bent down and kissed me, she got up and took her shirt off.
Come to think of it.. I've never really seen lapis in a bra, that or I'm forgetting..
Damn.. She's hot..

Woohoo! I did a thing!
Guys. I am sooooooo sorry I haven't been active. My world is shit right now, but I'm trying to keep positive! So why not update lol.
I have lots of more chapters in the work but take this chapter as my apologies.
And I have some news.. This book will be coming to an end, sadly but I'm thinking of doing a part 2 but a shorter one than this. Anyways!
I hope y'all enjoyed! If so.. Leave a vote and comment!
Until next time... Goodbye my fellow sinners.💙💚💙💚💙💚

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