I hate you and love you

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Peridots POV-
Lapis was really starting to slam down on me, I'm on the verge of a mental break down and I'll start screaming the truth. "Lapis.. This is your last chance... Before I do something that I'm really gonna regret." I said in a shaky mad voice. Lapis's eyes widened as she froze, but quickly frowned. "Look. Lately you've been ignoring me, you've been pissy and rude, now this. You need to tell me if I did something to hurt you." Lapis huffed. "For the last time No!" "Then what's wrong?!"
"ARUGHH!!! YOU HURT ME ALRIGHT?! ITS SO FUCKING STUPID WHEN I SAY THIS BUT YOU TOY WITH MY EMOTIONS!" Lapis cut me off. "How and when!?" I froze feeling myself being tormented inside. Stop this now peridot! Walk away..
"I- I- I Don't- almost two weeks ago we came this close to kissing. (👌🏻there's a tiny gap.) and then three days ago your say I'm such a good friend! W-which I don't know why but it hurts me!" I'm really confusing myself right now. Lapis froze, she blushed heavily. "Also the incident 4 days ago.. A person you've never met or called or face timed almost raped and killed you! B-but because I'm a creep and weirdo I followed you.. To make sure you were safe,but that sonvabitch almost-" I shut my eyes tightly then clenched my fist. "I saved your life.. I take you in and put a roof over your head. I was there when that cheating twig broke your heart." My throat feels like it's about to cave in and my eyes started to weld with tears. "You what?!" Lapis choked out. My breath hitched knowing that I just told her I was at that park, "I-i-i was worried! S-so I followed to make sure you got there safely!" After that the room went silent. "Do you not trust me?" She asked as she walked by me. "Of course I trust you." I said. "Then why do you constantly babysit me?" Lapis said as she sat on the black leather couch. "What?"
"You heard me. Am I child to you?! Do you not trust me? I understand you're worried but I feel like a child."
"That's not what I'm saying lapis!"
"Then what are you saying?"
"If you cared then stop baby sitting me. We're friends! Nothing else! You don't need to baby sit me." Lapis growled. She's acting like a bitch right now.. What ever you do don't say you love her. "I'm not babysitting you. As a-a friend..." I closed my eyes and exhaled then continued my sentence. "As a friend.. I take care of you, I was just worried."
I pushed myself against the wall back first as I saw this look on lapis's face. "Well stop. Because it's making you paranoid."
"Stop what? Caring about you? Being worried about you?" I hissed. Lapis frowned then stood up and stormed over to
me then got in my face. "I want you to put a little faith in me. I'm not a child."
"You're sure as hell acting like one."
I mumbled.
"If I'm acting like a child then what are you acting like?!"
Well shit... She's cracked me, I've now lost my filter. I pointed my finger in her face and started to back her up. "You know what lapis.. fuck me for caring. Fuck me for being worried. FUCK ME! For only having you and your the only FUCKING PERSON I CARE ABOUT!" "Peri-" "I CARE ABOUT YOU BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!!!!" Tears poured down my face I clenched my jaw and teeth as a bright red blush grew on my face, lapis was redder then ever she was in total shock. I got off her and headed for the door. "Peri I-I'm sorry! I-i-"
The door slammed as lapis was left with her own guilt. "I have to go after her!" Lapis cried. Lapis then sprinted after her, meanwhile peridot was already halfway down the street. Tears flew from her eyes as she sprinted down the street, she heard lapis yelling at her but she was drowning in her own thoughts. "Peridot! Please stop running! I can't keep up with you!!" Lapis huffed. "That's the point!!!" Peridot screamed and sprinted down another street. "Gaah!" Lapis yelped as she tripped and fell to her knees, tarring all the skin off her knees. "Ah! Fuck!" Growled as she rolled off her knees, blood started to flow and flooded her knee caps then dripped onto the floor. "I deserve that." Chuckled lapis but then felt guilt rush to her head. "I'm so sorry peri.. I-I should have been nicer.." Lapis began to cry as tears rolled down her face and onto her lap.
Peridot sat on top of the biggest hill in beachcity, underneath was a cave and there was a really old temple shaped woman. Like a goddess, peridot watched as the sun just hovered over the ocean it made peridot sad because the ocean reminded her of lapis. "What am I gonna do? I-I can't kick her out! She'd be homeless." Peridot sniffled. Tears slid from her eyes as she thought of what she had said, peridot clenched her teeth and began to grip and pull her hair as she kicked her legs out, more tears flowed from her eyes as she began yelling. "I shouldn't have said ANYTHING!!!!" Peridot screamed.
She huffed and puffed. She took off her glasses and rubbed her eyes. "I've really out done myself this time.. Ha.." Peridot gulped as she ran her fingers through her hair. "Am I losing my mind?!" Peridot yelled into the sunset. The sun glowed off her face and glistened off her tears. "ARUGHHHH!!!!!!!" Peridot screamed, peridot didn't know what to do for the first time in life.
"I've lost my mind... I've lost my friendship but most of all..." Peridot paused as the wind breezed through the long grass.

"I've lost my lapis.."
Wtf Lapidot lord? Why are you hitting us with the feels?!

I love you nerd (human AU) [EDITING ALL CHAPTERS]Where stories live. Discover now