When we were young. Pt.1

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Warning! The following chapter contains... Abuse, depression, bullying and lots of violence. If you are uncomfortable with the these then skip when you ever you feel uncomfortable, or skip the chapter... But anywho.
It's a dark chapter.. Enjoy.
Peridots POV-
After everyone had gone to sleep around 5:56 AM I couldn't sleep..
I laid as thoughts about my past hit me left and right causing me too flinch.
"Gah!!" I yelped then everything went black..
Many years ago...
Peridots POV- (age 10)
I walked through school with my head down as kids laughed and snickered at me pointing there fingers.
I was different.. I liked girls, I dressed different, I styled my hair different.
I'm just different I had no friends, and my only family is my mom.. We don't exactly get along after daddy left me 6 months ago mom takes it out on me, and I get hurt of course I hide it! Wouldn't you? It's your mom.. She put me in this world now I let her do anything she wants to me It's only the right thing to do... Right? Asides from that, I'm a straight A student going on the school honour role I'm proud of it! Today is the day I get my reward so I dressed a little different to be more formal.
Time skip...
We all sat on the gym floor everyone except me! Nyehehehe! I'm sitting on one of the gym benches! But anywho.. We all sat there listening to the principle go on about how great this school is and how everyone has grown and improved so much.
"But now..." He paused as his eyes searched the crowd. My back perked up a little because I knew it's award time!!
"We have a student whom has definitely grown so much!!" Everyone remained quite.
"Please give you applause to, Peridot Diamond!!" Everyone clapped and I heard some people growl and snicker.
I hopped up and started making my way to the front of the gym, I felt so proud of myself! And-
"WHOA!!! AHH!" I Tripped and fell flat on my face because someone had stuck there leg out and tripped me, I landed flat on my nose and blood poured everywhere.
LEARN TOO WALK!!" Everyone laughed and pointed.
I felt my eyes weld up and I stumbled back to my feet.
"I.. Uhh..." Tears poured from my eyes so I ran... I ran all the way out of the school and across the street.
"Peridot wait!" My principal chased after me.
"Go away! Please!" I kept running.
Until my legs gave out making me crash in to something or someone jiggly.
"Ouf!" I was knocked onto my bum, which really hurt my back bone.
"Ouch!" I said lowly.
"Watch where your going punk." The orange/brown girl grunted.
"Oh! Umm.. Sorry-"
"It's Jasper! Now get out of my... Hey wait.. What happened to your nose?" Jasper questioned as she helped me too my feet.
"It doesn't matter.. Well I better go I'll see you around." I slouched.
"Oh okay... By the way you got blood all over my shirt!" Jasper grunted.
I scoffed.
"Psht!" I laughed.
I ran across the street and entered my house. As hot as it was outside and how hot I felt, I couldn't help but feel this cold feeling creeping onto my back.
I shrugged it off and crept around the house to see if my mom was here.
I heard from behind me making me tense up. A glass bottle had shattered on the floor but a long with it was my mom standing there with red eyes and puffy cheeks, she glared at me and her eyes were so sharp it was piercing me.
"Hi.. Mom." I smiled.
"Why are you back from school?" She shuffled past me to the fridge.
"I.. I.. I was hurt.." I said looking down at my hands.
"Well." My mom said taking her head out of the fridge pulling out a bottle of booze.
"It serves you right." She grunted lowly.
Oh.. Well that hurts..
"Um mom-"
"What did I tell you about calling me mom?" She twisted open the lid of the booze.
"Right... Yella?"
"Yes?" She hissed.
"When is daddy coming home? He told me he would come back. And-"
Yella slammed her hands down on the counter cutting me off.
"Shut up about him!! You drove him off, now I'm stuck with you! Now go clean your face off, it's disgusting!" Yella stumbled towards me and slapped the back of my head knocking me on the ground.
"GET UP AND GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!!" She screamed.
I tried rushing away but I slipped on the broken bottle of booze and sliced my hand open. I didn't say anything I just ran, I ran up stairs and into the washroom where I quickly got into the shower. The cold water kicked in making me jump but then the water started to heat up, I closed my eyes as my throat burned. My legs buckled and I fell down, I started to cry as I curled into a ball hugging myself because all I wanted was to be cared for and loved, my dad left me and he told me he'd be back... But that was 6 months ago.. My mom hurts me and with each hit it gets worse my back is beginning to scar from my mom. And I have no friends, day in and day out I am bullied by everyone, is it because I'm different?
I don't bother with friends anymore or family... Sometimes it's better to let things go, well that's what my teacher tells me. Day in... And day out...
"Is it to much to ask for an easy life?"
I asked my self. I washed my self off and got out of the shower, I went into my room and locked my door I pressed myself against it then slowly slid down.
I heard sobbing from down stairs and slamming, I flinched at every sob and every slam.
"Please just.. Make it stop!!" I clenched my eyes and gripped the side of my hair. Tears slipped out of my eyes.
One year later...
Peridots POV-(age 11)
Jasper and I have become really close after she dealt with the kids that hurt me on my honour role award. But oh yeah. We. Are. Close.
Last week...
"Hi Jasper!"
"Hi dork."
Later that day...
"Sup Jasper?"
Her eyes scanned me.
"Psht!" She scowled.
The next day after...
"Hey jasper!!"
Present time...
"*inhales deeply...* *exhales loud* soooo close..." I slouched in my chair and relaxed.
"Why are you talking to yourself?" I heard from beside me.
"Gah!" I yelped.
"Oh uhh.. Sorry?" Jasper scoffed.
"Nono it's fine. You just caught me off guard that's all." I blushed.
"I'm beside you dork." Jasper added.
"Eughh... Hehehe?" I shrugged.
Jasper scoffed and bumped my arm, with this smirk on her face that made me melt a little bit more then I already was.
"Y-you know.. Seeing that we live right across from each other... Why don't we hang out? I mean it's understandable if you don't want to.." I said lowering my voice with each word. I looked at Jasper and she didn't respond. She had no facial expression so I couldn't read what was going through her head.
"Yeah why not?"
"I just assumed because you had other plans or..."
You are a flawless being that I want in my life?
"Ok dot. Chill out and get your work done. We will hangout later meet me at the front of the school, and we will go to the beach because beaches are fun.
I. Like. Fun."
Jasper said getting closer to me with each word.
"Cya later dork." Jasper winked and walked off.
"Byee.." I waved goodbye.
*3:00PM after school..*
"hey!" I said a little too overly friendly.
"Hi. You ready?" Jasper grunted.
"Yea." I said as we both started walking.
"So how long have you been bullied?" Jasper asked.
"What?" I scoffed.
"You know. Kids, teachers.... Your mother.." Jasper said plainly.
"How?" I question.
"The way you talk and your body language, and I keep listing things but I don't feel like it.." Jasper said flatly once again.
"Oh.. Well I guess.. I've never had friends or any relationship with anyone except my father.."
"Let me guess. He disappeared into thin air one day." Jasper said as she made hand explosions with her hands.
"Jeez.. You know me too well."
"Well friendo I'm here for you."
HOLY SMOKES!!! I-I-I? Friend?
ME?! M-me? Peridot diamond...
My face lit up as this huge smile peered across my face, I couldn't main Tame it or hold back any explosion of joy! Nothing could remove my joy not even the kids at my school could rain on me! Not even the teachers! Or yella!!

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