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When we arrived at the beach, there was table with wine glasses. There were also some beautiful flowers laying on the table, and a man was waiting to serve us.

"This is beautiful", I said to him.

"Well, I try to do my best when it comes to first dates", he remarked.

"Did you just say date?" I asked.

"Yes, I said date", he remarked.

"Well, I'm a let you know this ain't no date. Its called hanging out with a friend.", I stated.

"What if one person wants to be more than just friends?" he asked.

"I guess that person is just going to be waiting then", I replied.

"So your going to make me wait?" he asked.

"Yes", I said.

"How long will I have to wait?" he questioned as he got closer to me.

"Forever", I exclaimed.

He let out a loud sigh and grabbed my hand. We start heading towards the table. He pulled out my seat, and I sat down in the wooden chair. The man came along and poured us a glass of wine. I took a little slip. The wine tasted fantastic. I'm probably going to drink the rest of the bottle before I leave the beach.

"Ah pour me some more of that", I demand.

The man did as I said, and I drinked it all.

"Madden, I need you to bring us the food that my personal chef prepared", Future said.

"Oooo! You have a personal chef. I wish I had one. I would probably eat all day long since I wouldn't have to cook." I said excitedly.

"Then, you will end up fat, and I don't like fat girls. I like thick girls." Future remarked.

"Whats the difference between a thick girl and a fat girl?" I asked.

"A thick girl's body is more firm and curved while a fat girl's body is just all over the place", he explained.

"Oh", I said.

Five minutes later Madden came back with our food.

"This looks delicious", I said as Madden placed my plate on the table in front of me.

"I hope you enjoy it", Madden said with a Jamaican accent.

"Trust me I will enjoy it", I remarked as he left me and Nathan at the table to eat.

I couldn't tell what was on my plate, but it look too good to go to waste. I start digging in. After I got done with food, I reached for the wine bottle and began to drink it.

"Ma you need slow down", Future suggested.

I was starting feel all bubbly like.

"I w-w-want to go get in the water", I said stuttering a little.

I stripped down to my two piece swimsut, and Nathan stripped down to his swim trunks. He led me down to the water. I stepped into the water. It felt so good. Then, I felt Future wrap his arms around my waist.

"You know I want you right ma", he whispered into my ear.

I turned around slowly to face him.


"Well, I guess your just going to want me then", she uttered to me.

"We will see about that", I said.

Right after that I kissed her. I had her caught off guard. Her lips were so soft. I began to bite her bottom lip a little asking for entrance. My tongue soon began to roam in her mouth. The kiss was long and passionate. When we finally pulled away, she gasped for air. A smile began to appear across her face. I have never felt this way ever before. It felt like she was the one. I've spent so much time trying to be a player and break hearts that I've never really gave a loyal girl a chance. But what I really need is some good, a** pussy.

I grabbed Evelyn by the hand and led her out of the water. We both laid down on the sand. Evelyn still had a smile on her face. She had one of the most beautiful smiles ever.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" I asked.

"Yes", she replied.

"Well, I'm guessing you enjoyed this kiss too then",I remarked.

"Maybe", said Evelyn as she looked up at the sky.

I began to climb on top of her. I was going to take advantage of her while she was drunk. I began to kiss on her neck. I ran my hands along the side of her body. I rubbbed on her kitty which made her moan a little.

"Stop", I heard her beg, but I didn't.

"Stop!" she yelled as she pushed me off of her.

"You trying to be all challenging with a nigga," I declared.

"Only reason I'm a challenge to you is that I'm making you work hard for this pussy, and I know that's all you want from me." she remarked.

" If I want your pussy, I will take it. Surely, you haven't forgot that I'm a thug, and I can make you do what I say just by pulling out my gun." I exclaimed.

"Well, I guess you need pull out your gun if you trying to get some of this pussy" she said.

"I guess I will go get my gun then", I remarked.


"Go do that then with your b**** a** ", I said as he walked away.

I might be drunk and s***, but I still can think. I really did enjoy the kiss, but I'm not telling him that. He is just going to use that as an advantage over me. If he can play games, I can too then.


I grabbed my gun and unloaded it. I wasn't really going to shoot her for not giving me no pussy. What kind of thug does s*** like that?

"Now get your b**** a** up", I command her to do.

She just laid on the sand and laughed.

"Nigga, I know it ain't no bullet in that gun", she said grabbing it.


I put the gun to my head and pulled the trigger. AIN'T S*** HAPPEN!!!

I began to laugh at him.

"You really thought you was going to fool me", I remarked.

"Yeah, I thought I had you", he said shaking his head.

"Now take me home", I said to him as I got up.

"Come on then ma", he said.

When we made it to the car, I stopped and waited for him to open my door.

"Get your a** in the car because I'm not opening door this time for you", he exclaimed.

"You mad or nawl?" I asked as I opened the door and sat down.

He just ignored me.

Ten minutes later I felt myself dozing off.

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