CHAPTER 3: Nathan above

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I took my seat in the back of the class. The teacher began to call the role. Everyone was here except for Jonathan. I was glad he wasn't here. I can't stand him. He always trying to holler at me, and it gets very annoying.

The teacher got up from her desk and began to pass out our incomplete work. I had like three pages left to do. I grabbed my science book from under my desk and started working.

I was working 30 minutes straight until someone tapped me on my shoulder. I turned around to face Travis.

"Do you want to go out with me Saturday night?" he asked.

"Sure. Where are we going?" I excaimed.

"We are going to the most expensive restaurant in town so wear something nice, and I will be by to pick you up around six ma", he stated.

"Okay", I said.

I tried to start back on my work , but all I could do was think about Travis and going out with him Saturday.

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