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"Its going to take more than you giving me chocolates, roses, and a teddy bear with a card that says I'm sorry. Actions speak louder than words, but it seems like your words are speaking louder than your actions." I declared.

"I can give you some action that you won't forget", he said as he moved closer to me.

"I'm pretty sure you can't get give me enough action to make me forget the dude I'm talking to now", I said.

"Girl I bet I'm way better than the nigga you talking to now", he declared.

"You out your mind if you think you better than him", I remarked.

"I can show you better than I can tell you", Travis said as he picked me up.

"Put me down Travis!" I yelled.

"I will put you down when we make to your bedroom", he said.

"Put me down now!" I yelled as I kicked and hit him.



"Bro I hope he ain't no undercover cop because he definitely about to be tooken out of this world", I declared.

"And its too risky to be killing cops", Travis remarked.

"Well maybe we can use our deadly weapon to figure out whether he is a cop", I suggested.

"Can't no man no matter what race he is withstand our deadly weapon", Travis remarked.


"I swear I can't withstand the deadly weapon either. I be ready to.... you know what." he said.

I couldn't help but laugh at this nigga.

"Well, I'm about to go call our deadly weapon up", I declared.

I picked up my phone and began to call our deadly weapon.

"Hey Victoria", I said.

"Hey Nathan", she said.

"What you been up to?" I asked.

"Nothing much nigga", she said.

"Since you ain't been up to nothing, I got a job for you beautiful", I remarked.

"What I got do this time?" she asked.

"I need to find out whether Kevin is a undercover cop because I'm starting to get this bad feeling in my gut, so are you up for the job?" I stated.

"Sure, I'm up for the job", she said.

"I will be sending you some information to your computer about Kevin that you will need to know", I informed her.

"Okay", Victoria said.

"And I will have your money when your done with the job", I told her .

"Well, I was wondering whether I can get half of that money right now because I got some bills to pay ", Victoria said.

"Sure just come by tomorrow and I will give you a thousand", I told her.

"I will see you tomorrow around three and bye Nathan", she said.

"Bye Victoria", I said as I end the call.

BORN A THUG DIE A THUGWhere stories live. Discover now