Chapter Eight: Freaking

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I met Barry and Iris at the lab.

"This is a vast improvement from the girl in her PJs I just talked to an hour ago." Iris said.

"You look great." Barry added. I tried not to openly glare at him.

"Thanks. We ready to go?"

"Let's go." We got into a cab, me in the middle. Barry reached out and grabbed my hand, entertwining our fingers I looked over at him, mouthing 'I hate you'. he nodded.


"I find it quite remarkable, having once been a timid freshman at Central City university, to  be standing before you now, the Regents choice for Many of the Year. While I very much appreciate the award, the real honor for me is knowing that my work in organ transference helps give people a second chance at life. Thank you all very much for coming." We all clapped then started walking. I jumped slightly as Barry wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Alright, first things first, Simon Stagg's work in cellular cloning has led to huge advancements in organ replacement..."

"Oh!" Iris grabbed three glasses of Champaign."Are journalists allowed to drink on the job?" Barry and I took them, putting them back on the table.

"Ok, if you're already bored, we haven't even started the science behind cellular regeneration yet." I told her.

"That is so cute! You're fellow nerds!" She looped her arm through Barry's." I have missed this guys. I feel like we haven't spent any time together, just three of us, since you woke up from your comas."

"Yeah, we've had a crazy few weeks, we know."

"I thought maybe you'd been avoiding me because of Eddie. I know you think it's wrong, me dating my dad's partner, and-"

"No, that's not it at all. It's just..."

"We've been hanging out a lot recently. You can blame me." I said, pressing myself into Barry's side.

"Oh Mr. Stagg! I was wondering if I could get a quote from you, for my article."

"Not now Miss." His security guard said, leading him back.

"Oh, well, I'll just make something up." That's when we heard gun shots and screaming.

"Quiet down, all of you!" Barry grabbed our arms, lowering us to the ground. "Quiet!" They all were wearing masks, so we couldn't see their faces. "How considerate. You're all wearing your finest jewelry. Almost like you knew we were coming to rob you. Now everybody line up."

"What do we do?" I whispered in Barry's ear. He shrugged we stood in a line. One of the men walked past us, and Barry went to follow him.

"Don't." We both said, stopping him. I shot him a look that said, 'Not yet'.

"Freeze!" The security guard yelled. They all turned, pointing their guns at him. "Drop your weapons." Barry ran, moving him out of the way. They ran and I followed Barry outside. he was leaning heavily against a recycling bin.

"Hey, you ok? You lied to Cisco this morning, is this why?" Then he fell to the ground. "Barry!" Iris joined me.

"What happened?"

"I don't know! He just passed out."

"Barry! Barry! Barry!" He snapped his eyes open.

"I turned around and you were gone. What happened? Are you ok?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine I just...I went after them to try and look at the plates. I fainted." I slapped his chest."Ow!"

"You idiot! That was freaking stupid!" I snapped, putting my hands on his face.

"I'm fine."

"Just because they didn't kill you, doesn't mean I'm not going to!" He smiled, his eyes flicking to Iris.

"So overprotective already?" I glared at him. His smile faltered. I got up, brushing myself off.

"Shut up." I turned, walking back into the building. I walked over to Joe and Eddie.

'Where were you?" Joe asked.

"Ask Allen over there. I'm leaving." I walked out, walking behind the building and kicking off. Who does that idiot think he is? I'm not just some pawn for him to use for his benefit. I don't care what he does with Iris, but I'm not going to help him. I stormed into the cortex.

"Barry lied this morning, when eh told you nothing is wrong. He passed out just now." I said quickly. The doors opened and there he was. I glared at him.


"You, sit, now!" Caitlin angrily interrupted.


"You lied to us. How could you not tell us you're experiencing dizzy spells! We're your doctors. God knows what's going on inside your body. Your cells are in a constant state of flux. You could be experiencing Cardio pulmonary failure, or a transient ischemic attack." Barry looked to Doctor Wells.

"Mini-stroke. Probably not."

"You, of all people, should know that in science, we share. We do not  keep secrets." Caitlin stormed out of the room. I understood. I felt just as angry as he did.

"Wow...I haven't seen anyone make her that mad since Ronnie." Cisco said, following her.

"Yeah, he seems to be on a roll with that today." I snapped.


"You lied to me. You said that this wasn't about Iris." he sighed.

"It's not-"

"Ha, you're freaking full of it. I will keep this going for the sake of an excuse, but do not use me to get to Iris. Either get over her or grow a pair and freaking tell her how you feel. I am not your freaking pawn."

"That was a redundant use of the word 'freaking'." Dr. Wells said.

"I am on a rant to this freaking idiot, so does it look like I freaking care!? Let's throw in another one for good measure! Freaking, freaking, freaking!" I stormed out of the Cortex and flew back to my apartment. I put a pillow over my face and screamed.  I can't really yell at him. I would take my own advice, except...he loves Iris.

"I freaking hate my life."

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