Chapter Twenty-Nine: People Say They're Heroes

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I sat in Jitters, dressed now, reading a book. I heard Iris talking to a girl.

"I've been meaning to ask you, where's your shadow?"

"What shadow?"

"Barry. He hasn't been in all week."

"Getting his fix somewhere else."

"Too bad. He's cute," He's also mine, "I kinda miss having him around."

"He's got a girlfriend." Iris told her. Atta' girl!

"Iris? Long time, no see." I looked up to see Tony. Crap. I got up, walking over to her.

"Hey, Iris, I was just...Oh...who's this?" I asked.

"This is...Tony. We went to school together. Tony this is Karen."

"Hi. I gotta say Iris, you look amazing."

"Um...thanks, Tony. You too."

"Oh yeah, I keep in shape. Got a gym at my place. Been living out of Keystone. The west side." He turned to me. "I'm sorry, do I know you?"

"I don't think so. I don't believe we've met."

"Well, I must say, beauty does prefer company. You should, uh, stop by sometime. Both of you."

"So uh, can I get you a drink?" Iris asked.

"No, I came to see you."

"How did you know I was here?"

"Been reading up on the Streak and Woman in White. Found your little blog. Why are you writing about these guys?"

"People say that they're heroes."

"I say that their cowards. I happen to know that they took a beating last night and ran off like little girls. To be fair one of them is a girl, but still."

"Yeah? Where'd you hear that, Tony?" I asked.

"Just heard about it. Do you, uh, have any idea who leather boy and his girlfriend are?"

"No one does." I cut in.

"So, If you don't want a drink I should get back to work."

"Actually I'd prefer to buy you two a drink. What time are you off?"

"Thanks, Tony, but I don't think my boyfriend would approve...neither would hers either. Mines a cop, like my dad."

"I never really did like cops too much."

"Well, he is picking me up for the policeman's ball. Wall-to-wall cops, can't swing a cat, I should call to see where he is."

"Give me the phone. Now! Both of you." We handed them to him and his arms turned metal, crushing them. Oh great."Sorry, uh...for the damage." He placed a huge wad of cash in the tip jar. "We'll pick this up some other time."

"I gotta go." I said.

"Are you sure that's a good idea? Going out there alone with him out there?" I nodded.

"Yeah. I'll be fine." I left, heading into the Ally and taking off, flying to STAR Labs.

"Barry, you wanna explain this? 'I have info about someone you're looking for. He was here. You know where to find me.'? "

"I can explain that." I groaned, stumbling into the room. I about fell, but Barry caught me.

"Did you fly here?" Caitlin asked. I nodded.

"Safest way. Tony showed up at Jitters, asking Iris and I questions about us. He turned to metal and crushed our phones once he saw his face on the news."

"Are you ok?" He asked. I nodded.

"I'm fine. He's at Keystone Ironworks. He told me."

"So you were right, Cisco." Barry said.

"You're not planning on going to see her again, are you?" I asked. "I thought we agreed that it was too dangerous."

"Sorry..." He zoomed off and I sighed.

"You ok?" Caitlin asked. I nodded.

"I think so...hey, how fast would Barry have to run to shatter Tony upon running into him?" I asked.

"Yes...Yes! You ingenious woman!" Cisco praised. He ran to the computer. "If Barry can hit the metal at the perfect angle and speed, he could make a dent at least! How did you think of that?"

"I'm a scientist too." Then the computer beeped.

"Barry, talk to us, what are you doing?"

"Dude, don't run angry. We don't know how to defeat him yet."

"I have to go after him, don't I?"I asked. "Oh, this is gonna suck!"

"This is definitely the place." I ran to the microphone.

"I'm coming to you, and you better be careful or I swear I'll kill you." I changed quickly, heading there as fast as I could. When I got there, Tony was no where in sight...and neither was Barry. I saw an overturned shelf, with a red gloved hand sticking out of it. "You idiot!" I used my discs to raise the shelf, dragging him out, groaning at the pain in my ribs.


 "What do you can foresee the future."


"What were you thinking, what were you thinking?! I told you that we would figure out a way to deal with him." Dr. Wells ranted.

"I'll heal."

"You can't heal when you're dead." We said together.

"He could've killed you."

"I know, all right? I know!"

"Do you?" I asked.

"In the past thirty-six hours, I've had my butt handed to me twice by the guy that tortured me as a kid. I couldn't stop him then, and I can't stop him now! Even with my powers, I'm still powerless against him!"

"Well, if you'd stay in one place long enough to listen you would know that that's not necessarily true. Barry, as a scientist, you should know that any materiel that's hit at a high enough velocity can be overcome." I told him.

"We ran an analysis on the metal in Tony's footprint. Based on it's density and atomic structure, if you impact it at just the right angle, at just the right speed, you could do some serious damage."

"How fast would I have to go?"

"Factoring in the metal's tensile strength...estimated dermal thickness, atmospheric pressure, air temp..."

"Mach 1.1." I estimated.

"Mach 1.1."

"You want Barry to hit something at eight hundred miles an hour?" Caitlin asked skeptically.

"Why not?!" I asked.

"That's faster than the speed of sound."

"Everything is impossible until proven to be possible. Just because no one's ever done it doesn't mean it's impossible." I explained.

"He would create a sonic boom, which like I said before, would be awesome!" Cisco and I high-fived.

"I've never gone that fast." I shot him a look.

"Did you miss that whole speech? Yet, Barry. Yet."

"I can't believe we're actually entertaining this idea. I mean, he'd need a straight shot from miles away."

"Yeah, 5.3 miles theoretically." Cisco corrected.

"Do it right, you'll take him down." Dr. Wells threw in. 

"Do it wrong, you'll shatter every bone in your body."

"So you think he can't do it...the three of us think he can. But it really doesn't matter." I turned to Barry. "All that matters is that you think you can do it. Do you think you can?"

"I don't know." I put my hands on his face.

"Well....I'd say that you have some thinking to do then."

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