Chapter Thirty-Two: Grotesquely Charming Idiot

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Everyone on this planet at some point in their lives, has had a major case of the feels. Those days when your heart is just too small to hold the big things you're feeling. Today is one of those days. We like to think of our emotions as if they're these unique personal phenomena-that no one has ever felt what we have felt. There is a basis in science for every emotion we feel: Anger, love. As a scientist, I know there's nothing magical about what makes us feel something for someone else...but then I see her smile, or see her in her costume, flying through the air. Man, that cannot be science.

When I woke up, Karen was gone. I got up, walking to the bathroom to see her, tying her hair back into a ponytail in the bathroom mirror. I walked up behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist and pressing my lips to the side of her neck. She smiled at my reflection, and this feeling coursed through me. I love this girl. I'd been working up the courage to tell her that, but the feelings were there, no doubt about it. Her phone beeped and she grabbed it, sighing.

"We've got a bank robbery in progress and Cunningham and Sampere." She told me. She left my grasp, rushing to her room and peeling her clothes off, exposing the white uniform she always wore under her clothes now. She put her mask and boots on, strapped her disks on and clicked the regulator. I scooped her up and we were there in a flash.

Barry put me down, intercepting a bullet. The people were going insane. I flew up to the balcony with Barry just as they snapped out of it. The room was trashed, and everyone was savagely beating each other.

"What was that?" I asked.

"No clue. But we'd better get out of here and get changed for when the police arrive."

"Ah...a normal Tuesday for the Flash and Airborne." I smiled, as he scooped me up. "The names are sticking I think." He sped off down the street.


"Hey." Barry greeted Joe as we re-arrived at the crime scene.

"Busy morning. Witnesses reported seeing a red streak and a woman in white."

"Joe, you should've seen it. It was like everybody here was trying to kill each other. I got here just in time."

"It must've been a diversion, because there's a half-million bucks missing from the vault."

"Holy Freaking Crap, robber made bank!" I exclaimed. They both looked at me. "Inappropriate?"

"Just a bit, yeah. There's a tracer in the cash stacks. We're trying to find the signal. In the meantime, any idea what could've caused such mass...this?"

"A neurotoxin, maybe." Barry guessed.

"We'll swab some surfaces, see what we can find." I added. "But I'm thinking maybe they got...whammied."

"Did you just say 'whammied'?" We saw Eddie escorting a blonde girl out.

"I just got so angry. I can't believe I did that. I would never hurt anybody. You have to believe me."

"I do." He told her.


We stood outside of Singh's office, watching as Eddie ranted.

"Hey, what's going on?" Iris asked, stepping up beside us.

"I think Eddie's trying to convince the captain that the Flash and Airborne are a public menace." I told her.

"Excuse me?" Barry shrugged. The door opened and Iris stormed over to him.

"So after weeks of trying to convince you that the Flash and Airborne are real, now that you believe me, you're trying to have them arrested?"

"Thanks Barry."

"Sorry...that was me, actually."

"No worries. The captain shot me down. Look, I'm not feeling like lunch. See you later."

"Doghouse." I whispered to Barry.

"He's just jealous."

"Of the Flash and Airborne?" I asked. "Is there a reason?"

"No. I'll see you later."

" two need to get to STAR Labs."

"Yeah, we will, after we eat."

"No, don't you dare." I warned him. "Barry-" Before I could react we were at STAR Labs and Barry was eating Captain Singh's burger. "You idiot."


"Anger, hate, aggression." Dr. Wells listed.

"A Jedi craves not these things." Cisco said, imitating Yoda. "No one is feeling that quote."

"I adore you, you beautiful man." I told him.

"Everyone in the bank went total savage for like five minutes, and then they were fine again."

"Anger can be a powerful emotion." Wells told him. "If this metahuman can engender irrational feelings of anger in his victims he can do a lot of damage."

"Oh, freaking fantastic." I said.

"Detective West helped me get a copy of the CAT scans the hospital did on everyone at the bank. Take a look." She pulled it up on the screen.

"Look at this. The emotion centers of the brains are still showing signs of being overwhelmed." Dr. Wells explained.

"Particularly the area that controls executive function. That's the part of the brain that stops people from doing whatever random and potentially destructive things that pop into their heads."

"How do you think the meta does it to them?" I asked.

"That's the half-million-dollar question." Barry's phone beeped and he looked at it.

"Hey, if you guys figure it out, just give me a call, ok?"

"Is the Flash off to another rooftop rendezvous with Iris?" I looked at him.

"I'd hope not since we agreed that he wouldn't be."

"No." He said.

"Barry Allen, if you're lying to me-"

"Ok, yes. But she probably just wants to ask me about metahuman stuff for her blog."

"Barry, no." I warned.

"Do you want some advice?" Caitlin asked.

"No matter what I say I'm getting advice."

"Don't get the Flash or yourself. You don't wanna be the one to blame for their breakup."

"Listen to that! That's rational. Maybe you should listen to her." I told him.

"Ok, I hear you." And then he, along with the suit, was gone. I shook my head.

"IDIOT!" I yelled. He zoomed back, grabbing my face and kissing me before leaving again. "Grotesquely charming idiot."

Sweep Me Off My Feet(A Barry Allen/The Flash Fan-fiction)Where stories live. Discover now