Chapter Eleven: Queen of the Pins

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"Bowling?" I asked, smiling widely. Barry, on his mission to make up the last week to me, dragged me to the bowling alley we used to go to as teenagers.

"Yeah. What's wrong with that? You used to love bowling."

"I still do, just...surprised." I told him.

"Really? Why?"

"Just because...I thought you got tired of getting your butt kicked when we were eighteen."  I said, tying my hair up. He scoffed.

"Please, you did not."

"If I recall correctly...when I was around, I never lost a game."

"Hate to crush your dreams, but you, Karen Queen, are about to be dethroned as Queen of the Pins." I laughed.

"You're on, Allen!" Just as we were about to start a game, Barry's phone rang. "Ooh, saved by the bell!"

"Sorry, it's Iris."

"Don't ignore it on my account." He nodded, answering the phone.

"Hello? Um...Well, Karen and I were about to go bowling, but..." He took the phone away from his ear. "How do you feel about a movie instead?"

"Ok, but you're buying popcorn." I told him. He smiled, nodding.

"Yeah...we'll be there in ten." He hung up.

"Ok, let's go..." We decided to walk, since the theatre was only four blocks away from the bowling alley. "You know, I think you were just scared to play me again." I said, turning around and walking backwards.

"What? I was not."

"Liar! I don't believe you for a second." He suddenly put his hands on my waist, moving me out of the way of a mailbox. We stood there awkwardly for a moment. "Um..." he let go of me and I turned around, falling into step next to him. As we approached the theatre, he grabbed my hand. I didn't know why until I saw the real reason Barry decided to go to a movie instead. Iris West stood there, waiting for us. "Ah...I see why you changed your mind so quickly."

"I'm sorry." He whispered. I shrugged.

"Doesn't matter." It did though. Deep down, it really, really did.

"Hey, guys! I just saw that this zombie movie was playing, and thought you might be interested...I interrupted something didn't I?" I shook my head.

"No, not really. You just offered Barry a way out, because he was too scared to play me in bowling." I said, bumping his hip with mine. He laughed, rolling his eyes.

"You two are adorable. Come on, the movie's starting any minute now." Barry and I looked at each other from the corner of our eyes before following Iris into the theatre.


We were halfway through the movie, when Barry put his hand on my knee. I froze as he ran his thumb back and forth over the fabric of my tights. I knew Iris was watching us, so I put my hand on top of his and intertwined our fingers.


"Regular movie scale, that was a seven or an eight. Zombie Movie scale, it was like a four tops." Barry said as we left the theatre.

"It was not! It was a six, at worst." I disagreed.

"There's a zombie movie scale?"

"Yup." We both replied, Barry slinging an arm around me.

"Did you know that zombies exist in nature? There's a species of fungi that infects ants, causing the ants to attack plants that can release spores, which in turn effect new hosts...I'm going full nerd again, aren't I?"

"Yep." We replied in unison. I laughed, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"It's ok, though, you are still the cutest nerd that we know." Iris told him. "Anyways, I am a lot more interested in the amazing as of late. Because of the Streak and Woman in white thing?"

"That's what you changed your article to? After all of my wonderful information?" I asked, with mock hurt. She laughed.

"They're out there. People are talking about them. Someone even posted a picture after being yanked from a car accident. It's two blurs, a red and a white leaving the scene." She showed us the picture on her screen. "Here, what do you see?"

"I see your boyfriend's calling." he replied.

"Oh, I should probably get this. I'm crashing at his place tonight, and he's supposed to leave a key for me, somewhere. Hey, babe. What's up?" I looked up at Barry, with a look that said 'Are you ok?' He nodded. Then his phone rang and he answered it, holding the phone between us.


"Code 237 on Waid Boulevard." We looked at each other.

"Public indecency?" I asked.

"Wait, I think I meant a 239."

"Dog leash violation?" Barry followed. I laughed. Caitlin cut in:

"Bad man, with a gun, in a getaway car. Go!" He looked at me.

"You got this one. Be careful." He nodded, speeding off. He was back within seconds, just as Iris hung up, with his arm around my waist like he'd been there the whole time. I laughed like he said something funny, and he pressed his lips to my ear.

"Eddie says hi." I laughed again.

"Oh, sorry, what?"

"Eddie says hi?" She repeated.

"Nice of him. Hey, you wanna grab a bite? I feel a little famished."

"After the pizza you had at the bowling alley before the movie, and the extra-large popcorn you had at the movie? How are you not fat?"

"One of life's great mysteries. But, I'm feeling kind of hungry myself. I'm feeling...burgers?"

"Oh gosh, you know me so well." He said.


After we ate, Iris dropped me off at my apartment. Barry walked me to the door.

"You know she's still watching us, right?" I asked, leaning against the door. He put a hand on the door beside my head, leaning against it.

"Yeah, I noticed."

"You can kiss me if you want. Really play it off, you know?" He had already started leaning towards me.

"I thought you were against making her jealous."

"I am...but if she thinks we're dating, may as well make it extra convincing right." His lips was inches from mine. I closed my eyes, but he dodged my mouth, kissing the corner of it. He turned, walking back and getting into the car. They drove away and I sighed,  going into my apartment. I am a huge hypocrite. I tell Barry to just tell Iris how she feels, and yet...I don't tell him how I've felt for the past eight years. I sighed, kicking off my shoes and flopping down on the couch. "I'm hopeless...I really am. I'm in love with a guy who likes a girl with a boyfriend. And, now I'm talking to myself. That's it, I've officially lost it."

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