20 - Virginity

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Our plane landed in Australia just after midnight. I was suffering from extreme jet lag, but the excitement of the situation coupled with the eight or more hours of sleep I got during the flight was enough to keep me full of energy. Getting off the plane was a pain, but once it was done we gathered our bags and walked into a hotel. Calum bought a room, and we headed on our way. He had one day to do whatever he wanted while he was home, so we planned to take advantage of it. We put our belongings in the room, which was the nicest hotel room I'd ever seen. It was immaculate, and it felt very comforting. Cal proposed that we went sight seeing as soon as we could, to which I enthusiastically agreed. No sooner had the sun risen than we were out.

   Seeing the place where Cal had spent so much of his life was so important to me. Everything in Australia was different in some way or another, most of it was undeniably better. After spending a few hours driving around the city, we went back to the hotel, where we changed into bathing suits. While Mikey, Ash, and Luke slept and played video games, we went to the beach. The weather was a little cooler than in California, but it felt good. There wasn't much of a breeze so the seventy degree temperature felt nearly perfect. The water was warm as it lapped at my exposed feet. The drive to the beach was definitely worth it. Me and Cal spent hours there, enjoying the open beach and the minimum amount of people. Eventually, though, we succumbed to hunger and had to leave. We changed into normal clothes and went to a small café for lunch. We were served snags, which delighted Calum. I tried the food, hoping for the best. I was pleasantly surprised when the savory flavors of pork, herbs, and sauce danced on my tongue. I devoured the meal, savoring every bite as if it were my last. When we were done eating, we sat and talked.

   "What do you think?" Calum asked proudly. A soft grinned played on his face, excitement in his golden brown eyes.

   "It's amazing." I smiled, Cal beamed with excitement and happiness. "How is it to be home? Back to Australia, I mean?" I asked, staring into his gentle eyes.

   He sighed and responded cheerfully. "It's amazing." It's even better to be back with someone I love." His eyes traced back to me, they seemed to be alive by themselves. "I'm glad you like it here." He grinned, placing his hand over mine. "This is gonna be so fun."

   After paying for the meal, we wandered back to our hotel, taking little detours along the way so Cal could show me parts of the city. Whenever he talked, his eyes lit up with pure excitement and passion. I loved this boy, I loved the way his voice got louder when he got excited while talking, I loved the way his eyes seemed to burst with light when he talked about something he cared about. I just loved him. The longer I knew Calum the more I fell in love, and it was a great feeling. We got back to the hotel, sauntering into our room. I threw on an oversized shirt and a pair of panties, and Cal stripped down to his boxers. For the first time since we'd gotten together I examined him. His chest was well-defined, his tattoos marking his skin as his own, making him special, making him perfect. His skin was a beautiful dark caramel color, separated by the definition of his chest and the ink of his tattoos. We climbed into the bed, sinking into the soft, fluffy sheets. My head rested on his chest gently, rising and falling with each steady breath he took. His arm wrapped around my shoulder, holding me to him. He kissed my temple, brushing away my hair as he did so. For a while we just laid there, listening to each other's breathing and the beating of one another's hearts.

   I sat up, looking at the boy I loved. He sat up too, leaning against the head rest. He smiled happily as his eyes scanned mine. I leaned in, planting my lips firmly against his. Our lips locked as the kiss continued to intensify. As we transferred from normal to French kissing, everything got more intense. I transferred so that I was sitting on Cal's lap, straddling him carefully. His strong hands wrapped around my hips, pulling me closer to him. We kissed harder, the passion growing with every second that passed. My hands found his hair, gripping it for support. The kiss went on for a number of minutes, though I couldn't say exactly how many. Electricity transferred between us, igniting a spark within me. Calum grabbed my shirt, pausing for only a second to tear it over my head. He tossed it somewhere in the room, and we continued. His hands moved up now, his lips down. He kissed my neck, leaving marks in a trail down to my bra. His fingers skillfully undid the clasp, and it fell off. I moaned softly as he continued kissing, trying to avoid ruining the moment. The moan seemed to ignite something in Cal, as he became more desperate than before. His lips returned to mine, taking dominance over the kiss. I kissed back, leaning my hips into his. The bulge in Cal's boxers was easy to feel, so I worked my hips over it, he moaned desperately, grabbing my hips in his strong hands and pulling me over it. His lips quivered in the kiss. "Cara. I want you." He whispered, kissing me more gently, softly.

In that moment, I had two options. I could've saved my morals, or I could've given myself to Calum. "I want you too." I spoke quietly, kissing his collarbone so that it would leave an obvious mark. His hands worked their ways down to my panties and eventually pulled them off. He then shimmied out of his boxers, holding the moment the best he could.

I lost my virginity to Calum Thomas Hood.

Between a Rock and a Hard Place // c.h.Where stories live. Discover now