26 - Joy & David

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   Acceptance is something we, as people, need. I couldn't tell you exactly why we need it, other than it helps us feel important. Acceptance is like drugs in some ways, extremely addictive with little possibility of actual physical results. But I guess it helps us emotionally, and humans are oh-so emotional creatures. Acceptance is sought after from a young age, with cliques in school. Being accepted by more people raises your sense of self-worth, so those who are more accepted (usually because of their uncanny ability to conform to societies standards) are more confident. Those who are accepted less turn to small groups. I hadn't always felt the need for acceptance, especially after my breakup with Danny. But, in the hours of time before I met Calum's parents, Joy and David Hood, I found myself craving acceptance more than I ever had in my entire life combined. Mali had tried to comfort me, saying her parents already approved of me, that everything was going to go great. Knowing me and my luck, her words provided little reassurance. Worry consumed me, worry about meeting Cal's family, worry about the mysterious note writer, worry about my friends, and worry about Luke.

Luke. I needed to talk to Luke, but I couldn't. It was hard to not be able to talk to him, like I had gotten used to. The drive to Calum's native town was long, tedious, and overall mentally exhausting. Upon finally arriving, a mixture of worry and guilt filled my stomach. Would they like me? I wanted them to like me so badly. Calum was the best person I'd ever had in my life, and I didn't want anything to jeopardize that. Cal knocked on the door, the anticipation I felt became so strong I felt sick with anxiety. It felt as if all time had stopped moving forward, and I was suspended, sick and terrified on the front steps of a quiet home in suburban Australia, standing next to the love of my life, about to meet his family. Great.

   The door opening threw me into a place of no return, as Joy Hood stood there, a bright smile on her face and wonderful energy in her eyes. "Calum!" She threw her arms around her sons neck, pulling him close. Cal laughed and hugged his mom back, the happiness he felt expressed in his every motion. Joy hugged Cal for a long time, which I understood. She hadn't seen him in so long, it was obvious that she'd missed him. She then hugged Mali, which lasted significantly less, turning to me. "You must be Cara, I've heard quite a bit about you." She beamed, pulling me into a strong, warm hug. I chuckled, my heart pounding out of my chest, and hugged her back gently. She released me after a moment, looking me over. "You're more beautiful than Calum described you!" I blushed, thanking her nervously. She invited us into the house, leading us into a comfortable living area, where David stood, he walked up to Calum, hugging him, though not as long as Joy had. He kissed Mali on the forehead, then turned to me.

   "Is this the Cara? The one we've been hearing about non-stop since a month ago?" He asked, clearly embarrassing Cal. Calum nodded, his cheeks a deep shade of pink. He ran his hand through his hair. "Nice to meet ya, I'm glad you could come." David told me, shaking my hand. "I'm Calum's dad, but you can call me David if you'd like." He smiled, then turned to his son to talk about everything he'd missed while Cal was gone.

   Joy led me to a cozy kitchen, where I helped her set up dinner as we talked. She asked me about myself, and I replied happily. We got along well enough, she was very kind and welcoming. When all the food had been set up, the places set, Joy called the rest of the family in. Cal, Mali, and David filed into the room, taking plates and filling them with all the food they could. We ate, talked, laughed, and I grew to know more about Cal and his family. The more I knew, the happier I was to be there. The Hood family was very accepting and loving, Joy and David seemed to be extremely good parents, very supportive and caring to their children. By the time we finally finished dinner and desert, after I had helped Joy clean up, it was nearly ten at night. Joy and David insisted on turning in for the night, Mali went to her apartment, and Cal and I went to leave, but were stopped.

   "You can stay here for tonight if you'd like." Joy insisted, pointing to the basement, where I presumed Cal's old room was. As much as we tried to resist, they eventually won, and we gave in. We told them good night, walking into Cal's old bedroom, which seemed pretty intact. Old band posters covered the walls, guitars and video games covered everything else. Cal laughed nervously as I looked around at his childhood room.

   "Cute." I smirked, kissing him on the cheek. I plopped onto his bed, which, thankfully, was queen sized. "We don't have pajamas.." I observed, looking around the room.

   "You know why I wanted to go back to the hotel so badly?" Cal ignored me, biting his lip as he asked the question. I simply stared at him, asking him why. "Because I wanted to have a little... Fun. But since we're here, I don't think we can." He glanced around the room sheepishly. I stood, walking over to him and wrapping my arms around his neck.

   "Who says we can't?" I asked, kissing his neck, earning a soft, quiet moan from him. I slid his shirt over his head, tossing it to the floor, then pulled mine off as well. "If we're quiet it'll be ok." I told him. He thought about it for a moment, then proceeded to strip to his boxers. I did the same, leaving myself standing only in my underwear and bra. His eyes scanned me, full of hunger and want. He came closer to me, grabbing my waist with his hands, then slowly moving them upward. His fingers found the clasp of my bra, opened it. It dropped to the floor along with the rest of my clothes. He slowly pulled my panties down my legs, running his cool fingers across my skin as he did so. I got goosebumps, and I felt myself getting turned on. He pulled off his boxers, exposing himself. I found myself dropping to my knees in front of him, looking at him mischievously. I grabbed him, and he nearly yelped in response. I moved my hands, up and down, then put the tip in my mouth. He stifled a moan quietly, breathing deeply. I started to take more of him in my mouth.

   "Calum I brought down some..." Joy stopped in the doorway, her face turning bright red. "Oh my god I'm so sorry. I didn't.. Ok.." She turned and walked swiftly away, shutting the door quickly as she did so. I took my mouth away from Calum, standing up next to him, completely mortified. All the color drained from my face and I was filled with complete embarrassment and horror. Calum stood next to me speechless, the same emotions present on his face.

   "Well," he gulped as he finally spoke, "that's gonna be fun for her to think about at breakfast tomorrow morning."

Between a Rock and a Hard Place // c.h.Where stories live. Discover now