The Taking

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"We need to get over there." Mix and Alice say at the same time before yhe group gets up. They take a precausion and quickly gather their weapons before running out and towards the main head quarters. As they get there, they notice the absense of light. They look to each other before splitting up in groups. Alice, Sam, Mix, and Zayn in one group and Louis, Dean, Cas, and Violet in the other. Together, they walk into the building and split. One group going left and the other going right. With Mix's group, they roam the halls, looking into rooms. A few times they hear footsteps not of their own and spin only to find nothing there.

With Louis, Dean and Cas lead the way, point some rifles in front of them. Louis looks through the walls and sees nothing but messed up rooms with papers all over the floor. The two groups end up meeting where Blanca's office was at and nod at each other. Louis looks at the door as uses his x-ray vision. "Holy crap." Louis gasps and looks at the others. Mix grabs a knife from her pocket and touches the handle of the door, seeing that it was locked. She frowns as she struggles to open the door and looks at Sam, who pick-locks the door quickly and quietly. The door opens slowly and the group carefully looks around themselves, seeing if anyone was following them.

A soft weak voice rings out through the room. "Gh. W-who's there?" The group quickly rusges over to see Blanca on the floor with a huge gash across her stomach. "Oh. It's you guys." she smiles weakly while Alice and Mix cross to her. "What happened here?" Alice says. Her and Mix take out some bandages and a needle and thread. "I don't know. Something attacked me. Something big and scary as hell. It was also fast too. Ungh." she chokes and coughs up blood. "Sh. Don't speak. We'll fix you up." Mix says as her and Alice work quickly in sewing up Blanca's wound. The rest of the group look around the office, keeping quiet. A few minutes pass before there's a low growl from the hallway, sounding like metal grating against metal. Everyone in the room freeze, with Alice and Mix two stitches each from finishing. There's a beat of silence before a screech rings out and there's a sound of running, coming closer to the room. Violet and Zayn jump over a table and slam the door closed, making whatever was out there slam into the door. They hold the door closed as the creature pounds against the door.

Mix and Alice quickly finish the stitches and Alice rubs a healing ointment on it before they bandage it up. Then they pick Blanca off the floor and head to the back of the office where Louis and Sam are working on opening a vent. The pounding on the door grows harder and Zayn and Violet struggle to hold it closed, then it stops suddenly; quiet ringing throughout the whole place.

Mix and Violet get up quiety and slowly, not making any sound. There was a low creaking sound coming from the walls, making everyone pointing their weapons at each corner. "What is it?" Alice mouthed. Everyone shrugged their shoulders and walked slowly away from the door. Alice walked away from Captain Blanca's body, and looked at the files on the floor. As Mix was about to take a step, she screams. Everyone looks at her and sees a huge hands taking her by the waist and pulling her up in the vents. "MIXTLI!" Cas, Alice, Dean and Zayn all yell and try to grab her legs. Zayn jumped as high as he could, and was only two centimeters from grabbing her leg. Mix screamed and was taken away, having the scream faid into the vents.

"NO!" Zayn slammed his hands on the table and threw everything on the floor. Cas stayed in shock as he felt his heart stop. The girls all came together and stood next to Sam and Dean, who still had their rifles pointing ahead of them.

There's a screech from the vents and a hand breaks out through the wall to grab Violet by her arm and it yanks her through the wall. "VIOLET!" Alice screams out and looks through the hole in the wall. The next room over is empty and scattered with papers. Cas comes over and grabs Alice's hand, holding her tight as they look around. "What the hell is going on man?" Sam asks. "Don't ask stupid questions, Sam." Cas growls out. They stand there in silence for a minute before Blanca yells out, "ALICE!" Alice looks down to see large grey hands coming up from the floor to grab her feet. They pull down and she goes down with it, Cas struggling to keep a hold on her. Finally, the hands tug down hard and Alice and Cas tumble through the floor. The group follows and Cas gets up to see a four creatures dash out the room. Him and the group follow the creatures and see the girls cradled in three of the creatures hands. They all make it out of the building and down a set of streets before one of the creatures tuns and slams it's hand and feet on the floor, creating a rip wave. The streets crumble and crack, sending the group tumbling back. Finally the creature screeches long and hard, causing the group to cringe and fall down, holding their ears. A minute later, they all pass out and the creatures run off with the girls; the girls knocked unconscious in the creatures arms.


"This can't be happening." Cas walks back and forth as the boys watched him on the couch. "We will find them Cas." Zayn tries to lighten up the mood. "Oh yea? WELL, DID A MONSTER TAKE AWAY YOUR SISTERS AND GIRLFRIEND!" Cas yelled out. Zayn flinches a little and gives Cas a look. "Yes jackass. They did." Zayn rolled his eyes and sighed. Cas calmed down a bit and sighed, "I-I'm sorry man. I totally forgot." Zayn shook his head and looked down at the floor. "We shouldn't be sitting here, letting those monsters take what is ours. Its time for the Puppet Masters to go and fight." Dean spoke up. Sam scoffed and stood up, standing next to his brother. Louis, Cas and Zayn look at them and chuckle. "Alright, we will do this." The boys stood up and gave a smile. "Lets go get the girls."

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