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~Two days later~

"Mix honey? You ready for your appointment?" Zayn yells up the stairs. Mix comes waddling down the stairs, huffing in annouance, "Yeah yeah. I'm here. The baby wouldn't stop kicking my bladder. Had to stay in the stupid bathroom for 10 minutes." she says as she reaches the last step. Zayn smiles and kisses her forehead before holding her hand and leading her out the house. "Well, at least now we'll see how the baby is. And the gender, and how big it is." Mix laughs, "Yeah. I can't wait to get them out though. I seriously can't handle this kid playing soccer and boxing with my innards. Its friggin hell. Almost couldn't sleep last night."

"Awww. Well, when we get home, I'll make you some soup. Maybe that will make you feel better?" Zayn says as he helps her walk down the steps and to the car. "I'd like that." Mix smiles. The two finally get in the car and drive to the location where Zayn was told to go. "Turn right." The GPS voice said. Zayn did as told and followed the route that the device was telling him to go through. "How far are we?" Mix closes her eyes. "Mmmmmm, not that far. Maybe around two, three minutes." He said as she kept his eyes on the road. "Zayn, are you scared?" Mix opens her eyes and looks at her husband, as she spoke in a shy manner. "Scared? What for babe?" He stops the car as they hit a red light. He turns to look at Mix, who is looking down at her hands. "I don't know. For being a dad. For being in this life with me and my crazy weird siblings. For dealing with me and all these hormones that I have. It just seems a bit scary to me." Mix frowns.

Zayn smiles and leans over to kiss her head. "Being a parent is always a scary thing. But I know we'll be fine, don't worry. Besides, I love your siblings and your cute little mood swings. It's hot." he says, smiling brightly at her. Mix smiles and blushes, "Thanks Zayn. I love you." she says and pecks him on the lips. "I love you too sweetheart." they stare at each other for a second until a car honks behind them. They laugh at each other and Zayn drives the car. Five minutes later, they appear outside a hospital and park in the parking lot. Together, they walk inside the hospital together holding hands. "Yes? May I help you?" the nurse at the desk says. "Yeah, we're herefor an appointment with Dr. Caillou." Zayn speaks as they walk to the desk. The nurse types on the computer and looks at some things, "Ah, yes. Mr. and Mrs. Malik? Right this way. The doctor is expecting you." she says.

The two smile and hold hands as they follow the nurse that guided them to the office. "Right this way." She smiles and stands next to the door, waiting for Mixtli and Zayn to get it. "Thank you." Zayn nods his head and lets Mix go inside, following behind her. The two are in the room alone for a while, talking about plans in the future. "No, I will be the one dressing up the little baby. You are in charge of supplies." Mix pouts. "Alright, you know what, we can both be in charge of throw up and diapers. You can of course buy some clothes for the child. I'll take care of the entertainment. Deal?" Zayn sticks his hand out to shake Mix's. "Deal." She grabs his hand and shakes it, before pulling him closer and giving his a kiss on the lips. After that, there was a small knock on the door, and in came the doctor, with a big smile.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Malik. How are you today?" the doctor says cheerily. "We're fine. How are you?" Mixsays smiling. The doctor nods his head and comes to sit down on a rolling stool. "I'm great. Now then, I hear you're here for an ultrasound. Would you please go and change into this," the doc hands Mix and gown,"And then come back so we can get started?" Mix nods and hops off the table, walking into an adjoining restroom and changing. Some minutes pass and Mix comes out, her face flushed and her panting slightly. "Who knew changing could be such a bloody challenge." The doctor smiles and pats the table bed thingy, "Please lay down and relax yourself. The gel I'll put on your stomach might be a bit cold."

Mix takes a deep and looks at the table bed thing, trying to get on. "You need help?" Zayn asks. "I'm fine." Mix sighs and sits on the chair. "Good job." The doctor smiles and turns on the monitor. "Alright, now, I need to see your belly. Mix nods her head and lifts up the gown, showing the panites her left on. "This is going to be cold. Ok?" The doctor informs as he starts to place the gel on. Mix shivers a bit, then giggles at the fact the it tickles a bit. The doctor then moves the little stick that was touching Mix's stomach, while looking at the monitor. "There it is." The doctor smiles and looks at the small monitor. Zayn stands up and looks at the monitor, smiling. "There is a beautiful heartbeat. Your baby is really healthy." The doctor looks at Mix. Mix smiles and starts to tear up, with tears of joy.

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