In Denial

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People come inside the room later. They hit Castiel with a tranquilizer dart. They pick him up and put him into a van, sitting him upright and buckling up. Shortly after, Mix is set next to him, the people buckling her up too. Though, with Alice, they aren't as careful. They bring her into the car, her hands tied behind and a rope secured around her arms, and her legs tied together. They throw her into the back of the van. Then they drive away. As they drive, they make sharp turns, causing Alice in the back to be hit against the sides. After a few hours, they stop at an airport and get onto a private jet, the three of them still asleep. Ray enters the jet a second after and they lift off. Mix and Cas are settled in the back on some soft beds. Alice on the other hand is kept in a small cage, one that they use for carrying dogs. Ray walks to the back room after intecting Alice with another dose of tranquilizer. He sits on the bed that Mix is layed upon, her hands tied to the headboard. He reaches his hands out and touches her stomach, feeling the baby move.

He smiles at her stomach before looking up to her face, watching as she frowns a bit and shufts, then her face smoothes out. Ray smiles bigger and leans down, capturing her lips in a kiss. After a few minutes of "making out" with her, he breaks the kiss and stares at her still sleeping face, before going down to her stomach and planting a kiss there. After that, he goes to the bed across from Mix, where Cas is layed. Ray admires Cas' sleeping face with a warm smile, looking at Cas' body from toe to his arms that are tied to the headboard. Then he sits by Cas' waiste and leans down, putting a kiss on Cas' lips. Ray "makes out" with Cas too, for a few minutes, before breaking the kiss and standing. He straightens his tie, smiling at the short amount of time he got to spend with his two "lovers", before walking out the back room.

"Sir, the rooms are ready in the island. We will land shortly." A man with a raspy deep voice informed Ray. "Excellent." He smirked. The man nodded his head and walked out of the room, and heads to the captians room. Ray sits near the window and pulls out a ziplock bag from his pocket that reads 'Mixtli.' He pulls out the piece of hair that was in it, and sniffs it, closing his eyes. He rubs the hair all over his face, moaning a little. He takes one last sniff and puts the hair back in the bag, looking out the window. A half an hour later, the same man comes up to Ray and tells him that they have arrived. Ray nods his head and buckles up as the jet lands on the large platform in the island. "We have landed sir." A man said. Ray unbuckled his seat belt and walked to the back room, seeing that the siblings were still asleep.

He smiles at them and calls two of his men in,"Tske them to my private chambers. One of them on each bed and secure their hands to the headboard." Ray breaks off and cuts a glare at the two men,"Becareful with them." he grinds out through clenched teeth. The two men nod their heads and go to carry out their duty. Another man walks into the jet after the people carrying Mix and Cas leave. "Sir, what would you like us to do with the other one? The little girl?" he asks. Ray comes into the middle part of the jet and looks down at the cage Alice is in. He sniffs before kicking it slightly, "Take her down to one of the lab rooms. Hang her from the ceiling by her wrists and strip her." The man nods and goes to pick up the cage when Ray grabs his shoulder, "I want the air to be freezing down there. I want her naked and cold and vulnerable, she deserves that." he says in a hard voice. The man gulps and nods, picking up the cage and leaving the jet. Ray stares after him with a smirk plastered on his lips for a few seconds before getting out the jet himself. He takes in the cool ocean air and looks aroind himself, "No civilization out here for miles. And we're well stalked. No one will find us." he chuckles evily and walks inside the tall constructed house, looking more like an office type building than anything else.

Ray walks through the familiar hallways and finally, he makes it to his chambers, just as the two men were coming out. "Thank you for your services. Janko. Dan." Ray nods to the two men and they bow slightly before leaving. Ray smirks and enters the room, closing and locking the door, before moving to one side of the room. Pulling back the heavy cloth that separates that part of the room from the rest, he enters the place, closing the curtain behind him. There, across from him lays Mix, the soft glow of the bedside table lightening her features. Ray smiles like a big goof and walks to her, sitting on her bed by her hip. He then starts combing a hand through her hair, watching her face and smiling after he puts his hand on her stomach, feeling the baby move. After spending some minutes with her, he moves to where Cas is laid, his side mirroring Mix's side of the room. Ray walks and sits by his hip. Looking at Cas' body, Ray runs a hand up and down Cas' torso, smiling in pleasure.

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