Come Back To Me

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The light slowly died down after a while, leaving everyone on the ground for a while. The doctor and nurses stopped covering their ears and slowly stood up. They looked around in confusion and saw the patients, their monitors beeping soundly. "What the?" A nurse commented. "Their BP level is normal. Everything is back in place. What was that?" Another nurse read. "A miracle?" One asked. "Ok, lets not ask questions. Lets run some more CAT scans and see how these men are doing. Whatever that was, we can forget about it." The lead doctor said. The nurses all rolled the gurneys away in a line, making their way to the other rooms. What they didn't see, was that Zayn was starting to heal himself, little by little.

The girls are on the floor, panting out big puffs of air. Slowly, they rise to their feet on shakey legs. "Come on, let's go clean ourselves up." Alice says. Then she leads the girls to the bathrooms. With the boys, the doctors run tests and perform all the necessary things they need to do. "I really don't understand this. Their levels are normal, their injuries are starting to heal at a normal rate, the internal damage is gone. If I didn't know any better, I'd say these men only suffered from a small car crash." The doctor says. The nurses and other doctors agree with him, nodding their heads silently. "Well. We better go tell their wives. They seemed really distraught when we left them." a nurse says. Other nurses roll the men back to the room and then one of the nurses goes to find the girls.

The nurse walks around to find one of the girls, until she saw Mix with Harry in her arms. "Ms.?" The nurse calls out from behind. Mix turns around and sees the nurse. "Yes?" Mix raised an eyebrow. "The boys are stable now. Their heart rate and BP levels are amazing. They are healing at a normal rate, which is really crazy seeing their external bleeding was severe." The nurse informed. "So they are ok?" Mix asks in a hopeful tone. "Would you like to see them?" The nurse smiled. Mix nodded her head and followed the nurse. On the way, Mix knocked on the restroom door. Violet and Alice come out, fixing their face and makeup. "What?" Alice hissed. "Come here." Mix gestured her hand as she fixed Harry on her hip. The nurse stops at the door and opens it, pointing the way to the girls. The girls walk in and see their boys lying in bed, asleep. "Daddy!" Harry squealed and had Mix put him down. Harry ran to the bed that Zayn was at, still yelling out 'Daddy.'

Zayn eyes flicked behind his eyelids. Harry grabs the top of the blankets and tries to pull himself up. Mix smiles at the gesture and helps Harry onto the bed. Harry smiles at his mom before crawling over to lay down on Zayn's chest. "Daddy! Wake up. You gotta kiss mommy morning so we can go play." Harry says as he squishes Zayn's cheecks together. Zayn's eyes flutter and he groans, his head slightly moving. Mix's eyes widen and she moves to stand over him. "Zayn? Wake up." she says softly. Zayn still for a moment before Harry pouts and smacks a flat palm on Zayn's face, "Daddy wake up!" he yells. Zayn gasps and his eyes open wide. Shooting up from the bed, he pants out a harsh breath and looks around. Mix's hands quickly shoot foreward to catch a tumbling Harry from hitting the bed too hard. Then she launches herself at Zayn, hugging him around the neck with one arm as Harry crawls out of the other.

"Wha-?" Zayn says under his breath before smelling Mix's hair. Mix starts to sniffle and cry as she holds onto Zayn's hospital gown tightly. Zayn sighs and holds Mix and Harry tightly, knowing he was back with his family, safe and sound. Violet and Alice smile as the family pulls away, with Mix wiping the tears from her eyes. "Mommy, why you crying? Are you sad that daddy is here?" Harry tilted his head in confusion. "I'm not sad Harry baby. These are just tears of joy." Mix laughed as she sniffled amd rubbed her eyes. "Are the tears happy?" Harry asks as he jumps out of the bed carefully and looks at Mix. "Yes yes, the tears are happy. They like to dance so they come out of my eyes." Mix whimpered and wiped some more. "I want happy tears too!" Harry cheered and lifted his arms, signaling that he wanted to be carried. Mix smiles and lifts Harry up, as she sees Violet run towards Zayn, giving her big brother a hug.

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