Sweet Lovin'

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Mix giggles and turns to face Zayn, pressing her lips against his. "Come on, lets go." He speaks through the kiss. Mix laughs and runs in the speed of light upstairs. Zayn chuckles and waits for a little while, before following Mix up the stairs. The group don't notice the disappearance of the two, as they all fangirled over the little human they had in their arms.

Meanwhile, Zayn walks through the hall and into the room, seeing that there were candles and random rose petals on the bed. He chuckles and looks around, seeing that Mix wasn't to be seen. Zayn walks in and looks at the candles that were next to the marriage pictures of himself and Mix. He smiles as he holds the picture in his hands, remembering the wonderful moment. He sets the picture down and turns around, seeing Mix standing there with a robe wrapped around her. "Hello there sir, how can I help you?" Mix teases as she leans against the door. "I'm looking for my wife." Zayn chuckles and looks at Mix from head-to-toe. "Well, you came to the right place. Have a seat." Mix points to the bed. Zayn does as told, not taking his eyes off Mix. She smirks and takes off the robe revealing the lingerie that Dean gave her for her birthday. "Damn." Zayn gasps.

"I believe I have found your wife sir. Would you like me to send her to you?" Mix says, continuing the role play. Zayn nods his head eagerly and smirks, "Yes please." he says, his voice dropping an octave lower. Mix smirks and walks inside the room, closing the door behind her and locking it, keeping her eyes on Zayn. She walks to him and slowly climbs into his lap. Zayn puts his hands on her hips and smiles, leaning in and engages her in a passionate make out. As things get more heated, an outraged cry rings out through the house. Mix flies off of Zayn's lap and throws open the door, running down the stairs. "Who's dying!?" she yells out. Harry is brought to her by a confused Sam. "I don't know what happened. He was staring at us and playing, then all of a sudden he started crying." he says
Alice smirks and chuckles, "He probably sensed that you and Zayn were having sex."

Mix looks down at herself, seeing that she was still in the lingerie. Dean licks his lips as he looks at her from head-to-toe, admiring Mix from the distance. "He is probably hungry." Mix says and grabs the baby. She sniffs the air and gags, as she held onto the child. "Or he just used the restroom." She cringed. The group all cringe their faces as well, as Mix smirks. "Here Cas. Since you love you nephew sooooo much, you change his diaper." Mix hands the baby to Cas, and runs up the stairs, showing her butt to everyone. A few seconds later, she threw some diapers down the stairs, and the sound of a door closing was heard from downstairs. "Ummm...help?" Cas holds the baby from under the pit. Sam and Dean take a step back, along with Alice and Violet. Louis and Cas are both looking at each other, until Louis noticed he was the last man standing.

Louis looks at Cas with wide eyes before taking a step back. He then turns and tries to run away but Cas grabs him by the back of the shirt, holding Harry in his other arm. "Thank you for volunteering as tribute Louis." he says with a smile on his face. Louis whimpers and they both move to the middle of the living room, the space created by the three couches. They lay a changing mat on the floor and lay a wiggling Harry on it. After that, they stare at the diaper with a growing sense of dread. "Alright. Let's get this over with." Louis says as he sighs and reaches out to unclasp the diaper. After that, he looks to Cas, "Your turn." Cas sighs and reaches foreward, peeling back the diaper. Then he immediately covers yhe diaper back and gags as the smell hits. "Holy mother of all things. What the hell does she feed him?" he asks in an astonished voice.

"Breast milk." Violet says cheerfully as they watch from afar. Cas groans and holds his breath, as he takes out the diaper and closes it quickly. Louis cringes as he wipes Harry's tush multiple times. "Whoa." Louis gasps as he looks at Harry's thingy. "What?" Cas looks at Louis. "Look! Its like part Zayn! He is gonna he big when he grows up!" Louis says. "Damn. I'm jealous." Cas jokes. The others raise their eyebrows and watch as the boys finish cleaning up Harry. "There you go. Fresh as ever." Cas says and picks up Harry. The others smile as Louis holds the diaper as far as he could and walks over to the trashcan. "So now what?" Violet asks as she sees Louis washing his hands. "I don't know. We can go interrupt Zayn and Mix to come take care of their OWN CHILD." Sam suggests.

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