Pregnant Tomlinson

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"So Harry, how did it go?" Dean asks as they all get in the car. "It was funny. Auntie Ally told me where to cut. It was fun!" Harry squeal as Mix buckled him up on his car seat. Mix smiles and finished unbuckling Harry. She closes the door and walks to the other side, where Cas was in the driver seat and Violet on the passanger. Zayn was sitting next to Louis and Dean, as Mix sat next to Harry and Alice. Sam was all the way in the back of the car, crouching down just in case the cops would see him. "Why does the tall one have to be here. Why can't Alice?" Sam frowns. "Shhhhh. No one will see you." Alice smirks at Sam. The man rolls his eyes and Cas pulls out of the parking lot, making their way home.

"I don't think we have to worry about the cops coming after us. I changed the memories of the people to make it seem like Frace killed herself after she stabbed Mix." Alice says. "You mean Grace?" Violet supplies. Alice shrugs and nods her head. "Anyway. How's your shoulder Mix?" Zayn says, looking over his shoulder to her. Mix shrugs, "Eh. Im good. It's fine." The rest of the drive is silent as they go get the prescriptions. After some minutes, they finish getting the drugs and then make it back home. As they enter the home, they all go to their rooms to change into something more comfortable. Then, once they all come back down stairs, Alice goes straight to the liquor cabinet and takes out a glass of whiskey. Then she pours some in a glass and goes to sit by Mix as they watch a movie. "Alice. What is that?" Mix asks just as Alice is about to put the drink to her lips. Alice pauses and turns to Mix, "Whiskey...why?" she says slowly. Mix does a "really" face and smacks her in the back of the head. "Alice. You're pregnant. What are you doing drinking liquor?" she says and snatches the drink out of Alice's hand. "....oh yeah huh. I totally forgot about that." Alice says and chuckles after she stares at Mix like shes crazy.

"YOUR PREGNANT?!" Louis drops the cup as he makes his way to the living room. Everyone stops and looks at Alice, who was sitting there quietly. Mix smiles and stands up heading towards the kitchen to get Harry a juice box and a mop. "Surprise?" Alice does jazz hands. Louis gasps and runs towards Alice, picking her up from the couch and swinging her around. "ALICE IS PREGNANT!" Louis cheers. Cas coughs and starts to cry, knowing it was probably true. Everyone congrats the two and smile. "Harry come here." Mix smiles. "What?" Harry raises an eyebrow. "You are going to have a cousin." Mix smiles. "Where are they?" He asks. "In Alice's belly." Zayn adds. "SHE ATE THE BABY?!" Harry gasps and looks at Alice. The others laugh at the clueless child and watch as he runs towards Alice, touching her belly. Alice smiles then lools at Mix. " do you know?" Alice looks at Mix. Mix smiles and hugs her sister. "I over heard you yelling at Louis. I'm so happy!" Mix squeals.

Alice does a face of realization. "Oh yeah huh. That happened too." she looks down at Harry. "I didn't eat the baby. It's growing inside me and in about nine months, the baby will be born." she explains. Harry nod and looks at her stomach with a frown, "Why doesn't it come out now? It doesn't wanna meet us?" he asks. Zayn laughs and picks him up, "It's not that they don't wanna meet us. It's just that they aren't fully developed yet. Alice is ganna keep the baby in there until it's fully developed. And then she'll bring the baby home." he explains. Harry nods his head and smiles. "I'm ganna take such good care of Ally. I promise." Harry says and smiles at alice. "Why thank you Harry. I need a big and strong man to help me." Alice says and laughs, ruffling Harry's hair. "Cas? Are you okay?" Violet says. Everyone turns to where Cas is sobbing his heart out, looking at Alice," They grow up so fast. Just yesterday, she was toddling after Mix and I. And now she's with child! Ohhhh!" he breaks off in a sob.

"Oh my god Cas, you are such a drama queen." Violet rolls her eyes. Cas wipes his eyes and clears his throat before going to go hug Alice. "Why?!?!?" He sobs in Alice's neck. Alice pats her brothers back and chuckles, feeling his heart beating quickly. "Its ok Cas. Let it all out." Alice rubs his back. And Cas does. He yelps and cries loudly, making an ugly sound. "Ew, can you cry any louder." Mix covers her eyes. Alice cringes as he feels her brothers snot reach her neck. "Ok, you can let go now." Alice pushes Cas away. But he doesn't let go. "Cas, get off me." Alice whines and tries to use all her force to get him off. He shakes his head and continues to cry, squeezing Alice even tighter. "This might take a while." Mix taps her foot.

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