Inzayn In The Brain

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"Crap, we gotta move." Zayn and Louis gasp as they see a large group of men walk down the hallway. "Sir! Ray!" A man hollered from the hall. Louis and Zayn hide behind a wall, waiting for the group to march away. Zayn peeks his head out, seeing Ray walk out of a room, and closing the door behind him. "What is going on?!" Ray growls and looks around. Zayn quickly reacted and leaned back on the wall. "Someone broke in. We don't know who, but they are somewhere in here." A man informed. "You fools! They might want to take my wife and Cas away from me! Go find them and bring them to me!" Ray yells and stomps. The man nods his head and starts to run away from Ray. "I need to go check up on my family." Ray gasps and runs down the hall. Zayn and Louis look at each other, before following Ray quietly.

They follow Ray downa series of halls and uo some stairways before he stops at a room. Pausing, he takes a breath before opening the door slowly. Ray peaks his head in, looking around quitely before entering the room and closing the door behind him, locking it after. Zayn and Louis look to each other before rushing to the door. "Freeze!" someone yells from behind them as they reach the door. Zayn and Louis froan and turn around, seeing five men standing there pointing guns at them. Louis and Zayn roll their eyes before rushing foreward and snapping the necks of the people, quickly and quietly. Then they turn to the door of the room and Zayn kneels to pick the lock. After a few seconds, the lock clicks open and Zayn and Louis quickly rush in, looking around. The curtains to rhe beds where Cas and Mix lay are closed and both men look at them suspiciously. From Mix's side, there's a noise. "You get the fuck away from me you psychologically unstable freaky bastard!" Mix yells.

Zayn and Louis are both wide eyed as they see Cas there lyinging in bed, tied with rope and covered in sweat and cum. Louis walks over to Cas, and starts to untie him, as Zayn walks over to the curtain. "Don't fucking touch me." Mix hisses at Ray. Zayn passes through the curtain and sees a man sitting next to Mix's hips. The man sucks on her nipples and plays with the other, causing Zayn to get mad. Zayn pulls the man off of Mix, and throws him on the floor, giving series of punches to Ray on the face. "Don'" Zayn says every time he comes in contact with Ray's face. Mix is crying in bed, while Louis is working the machine to open the curtian. Once the curtain open, it reveals Louis and Cas. Cas runs to where Mix is at and holds her in his arms, crying as he hugs her tightly. Louis goes around each corner of the bed and unties Mix. Cas holds her closer and brings her night gown down to her legs. "Its ok. We are ok. They came. They came." He whispered in Mix's ear.

Mix holds onto Cas, crying into his chest and nods, "I know. But I can't stop. Take me out of here. I don't want to be here anymore." she wails. Cas shushes her and covers her chest area without looking at her naked bits. He picks her up and turns around, seeing Zayn on the floor, Ray's face becoming bloodier by the minute. "Wait. Zayn stop." Louis pulls Zayn off of Ray and picks him up by the collar of his shirt, "Where's Alice?" he demands. Ray looks at him with a swollen mouth and eyes before smirking slightly, "That whore is right where she should be. In the lab where all the labrats should go." he mumbles out his voice cracked and words slurred. Louis looks down and then smiles, before looking back up at Ray, "You'll pay for calling her that." he reaches down and grabs Ray's cock, pulling and pulling and causing Ray to yell out in agony, before there's a give and his cock falls into Louis hand. Louis stands and takes out a lighter, setting Ray's detatched cock on fire and letting it burn. Then he turns to the others, "Let's go." he says and they walk out the doorn leaving Ray a sniveling crying bloody mess on the floor.

With Violet, Sam, and Dean, the three look around and find themselves near a lab. They see three men standing in front of the large door, guarding it. "Alright, remember what we taught you. Be fast, and quiet." Violet looks at the two men who were right behind her. The two nod their heads and look at the men. Dean takes out a knife from his pocket and throws it at one of the men, aiming it right between his eyes. "Nice." Violet smiles as Sam swiftly slices the other mans throat. Violet jumps on the last man standing and cracks his neck, making him fall on the ground. "Lets see what's in here." Violet chuckles and opens the large glass door. The three walk in and gasp as they see Alice on a chair, having lots of needles attatched to her. Violet cups her hands and puts it over her mouth, as a few tears start to form. They run to Alice and take out the needles carefully off of Alice's body. After that, Sam carried Alice bridal style, and they all make their way out of the lab.

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