Girls Night Out (Again)

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"Man, all this walking is making my feet hurt. Can we sit somewhere?" Mix breaths deeply as she hold onto her belly. "Hmmmm, why don't we go and get our nails done from professionals. My nails look crappy A'F." Alice looks at her nails, and shows then to the girls. "So like a spa?" Violet raises her eyebrow. "Yea that thing. A spa. Sounds fancy." Alice snaps her fingers. The girls giggle and make their way toward the nearest salon. "Are we there yet?" Mix whines and looks at the others. "Almost. Just a few more blocks. You can make it." Violet rubs her back. Mix nods her head and walks straight, trying not to hunch her back. They passed by some guys, who smirked as they walked pass by. Some guys whistled at the girls, causing them to roll their eyes. "Ey yo mama with the purple. Let me take you home. I can show you the world." A guy hollered at Violet.

Alice burst out laughing while Violet turns to walk backwards, "No thanks Aladdin. I don't have a thing for guys who ride on carpets." she yells back, then turns to face the front. "Oh my God. I can't show you the world. I'm so done, wow. Lol, funny." Alice says as she gasps for air. The two other girls laugh with her and continue walking. A few minutes later, they make it to a big spa and enter the building. The inside of it washed with cream pink lights with cream walls and golden light fixtures. They walk up to the receptionists and smile politely. "Hi, we'd like to have a manicure and pedicure. With our eyebrows done and a massage." Violet says and smiles at the two ladies.

"Oh, right this way." The ladies smiles and back away from the desk, leading the girls to some empty chairs. "Here you go. Make yourself comfortable as we have someone help you." One lady said as she turned in the water, filling the small bucket like thing that was attatched to the chair. "Thank you." The girls all say and sit in the reclined seat, putting their feet in the warm water. "Ahh, this feels nice." Mix says as she adjusts herself to the seat. The other girls agree and close their eyes, as they wait for the person to do their nails arrived. The water then stops filling up the buckets, but have a small light that changes colors. "Ooooo." Alice points to the lights. The others giggle and watch as how fascinated Alice looked when she looks at the water. A few minutes later, three ladies come and sit down in front of the girls, giving them a warm smile, and tell them to put their feet on the towel.

The girls do as told and the ladies start massaging their feet. A set of another three ladies come and start to do their nails, polishing and making them shine. Then they take out a little thingy that separates the fingers from each other and they put it on the girl's hands. After that, they take out and array of nail polish colors and lay them out for ther girls, "What color would you like ma'am?" they asks in unison. "I'll take black with dark purple vine traces." Alice says cheerily. "I'll take black with blue zebra stripped." Mix says. "I'll take dark red with green stripes. Love that color." the ladies smile and nod, taking out the colors for each of their charges and then start painting. The ladies who are massaging their feet, stop after a while and ask if they want the same color for their feet. "I want mine just all black." Mix says. "I'll just have a all dark purple."Alice says. "I'll have it all red." Violet says. The ladies nod and then get to work. "Thank you." the girls say to the people who are working on them.

"Its our job. Your welcome though." The ladies smile and continue to work on the girls. After a while of painting, the ladies guide the girls to the drying spot, turning it on. "Wow, my feet so much better." Mix sighs in relief as she sits. "Glad that they do." Violet smiles. After a few minutes of talking and waiting for the nails to dry, a lady walks up to them. "Are you ready for your eyebrows to be done?" She claps her hands together and hunches her back a bit. "Oh um....yea." The girls take their hands away from the fan. "Alright, right this way." The lady says, and helps Mix up. "Ow. Thank you." Mix takes a deep breath and waddles away, with the girls behind her. "How would you like to shape your eyebrows?" The lady asks as she sits Mix down first, with the girls waiting outside. "Just take out the extra hairs. I just want my natural shape to show." Mix says as she sits back.

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