Marry Me

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The boys breathed deeply and wiped their faces that were all sweaty and bloody. They all looked at each other and then the cave. The boys put their weapons away and ran in the cave, trying to look for the girls. "Alice?! Vi?! Mix?!" They boys yelled out. "In here!" A muffled sound came from the wall. The boys looked confused and lost as they looked at the wall. A little door opened and Alice peaked her head out. "In here." She gets out, followed by Violet. "Where is Mix?" Zayn asks. "In here, she is asleep though." Violet says as she pulls Mix by her legs. "Careful, she smells like vomit." Alice cringes her nose. Zayn nods his head and grabs Mix, carrying her bridal style. "Lets get out of here." Cas says and wraps his arm around Violets waist.

"We need to wake her up then. We came from the pool of water remember?" Alice says. They all nod and walk back to the cave with the pool of water in it. There, Zayn wakes up Mix and they all get their tanks on, Alice still not using one. Then they dive into the pool and swim back to the way they came, the water a degree colder that when they first went in. After they come out the other side, they put their tanks away and walk back to the car, getting in amd driving home. "Ugh, I'm so sleepy. What they hell? Why am I so sleepy?" Mix pouts and groans, falling over to put her head in Zayn's lap. "Well, this is your first time being with child. Maybe you're body is just exhasted from the added weight? And you are eating and breathing and working for two. It's expected for you to be tired." Alice says and pats Mix's head.

Mix sighs and closes her eyes, and falls asleep on Zayn's lap.

~Next Day~

Zayn woke up earlier than usual as thoughts roamed around his head. He quietly got out of bed and got ready to go out. He saw Mix fast asleep in bed, hugging a pillow. He smiled and went to go brush his teeth and hair before changing into black ripped jeans and a dark grey hoodie. He decided he was going to go alone and buy somethings for Mix. Zayn slowly and quietly lifts uo Mix's arm and measurse her finger without her noticing. He walked out of the room and closed the door slowly. He made his way down the stairs as he found his black nike shoes near the door. Zayn grabbed some keys and a bunch of money from his hiding spot. He looks to see Dean's wallet and takes it, knowing he won't spend the money. He laughed to himself and walked out of the building. Zayn walked towards the car and hopped in, turning it on and driving away.

After driving around for a while, Zayn found a tattoo shop and a jewelry shop next to each other. He smiles and walks in the jewelry shop, looking around for any nice rings and jewels.

He sees an nice saphire ring in a case and walks up to it, looking down at the beautiful ring with vines trailing from the gem down the ring. "Do you like it? It was made by my father before he passed away. Its a truley exquisite piece of jewelry." a man with a suite says. Zayn nods and tells the man he wants to buy it. Then he gets the man to put the ring into an engagement box. Zayn thanks the man and then leaves the store.

"Ok, ring is a check. Now, I should go get a haircut or something. My hair is annoying me." Zayn says to himself as he walks to the car. He looks at the tattoo shop and hums to himself, thinking. "Ah what the heck. Haven't had one in a long time." He closes the car door and locks it, going to the tattoo shop. "We will be right with you." A woman said. Zayn nods his head and sits down, looking at the graffiti on the walls. He hears a loud buzzing sound coming from the other room, knowing that someone else was getting a tattoo. He hums Pillow Talk to himself and smiles at it reminds him of Mix.

"Ok, next." The lady peeks her head out of the door. Zayn smiles and stands up, following the lady in the room. "Alright sir, what is your name and what would you like." The lady who was filled with tattoos asked. "Names Zayn, and I want two tattoos. A gun, right around my V-line and a tat of this girl." Zayn gives a picture to the lady coming from his wallet. "This your sister?" The lady asked as she chewed on her gum. "No. Future fiance." He corrects and clears his throat. "Oops, my bad." She says sarcastically and cleans the table and seat before Zayn took the place.

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