Wake Me Up

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With Alice, Louis, and Harry, they sit on the bed watching a movie on Alice's phone. Harry is holding his fries, stuffing them in his face while clicking his feet together. Meanwhile, Louis is trying to make a meal out of Alice's neck. "Louis. Staph. There are children at play here." she whispers, pouting at him. He chuckles, "I know but still. I want you. Its been so long." Alice rolls her eyes and huffs, "It's been a week. Three at most. Somehow, I don't think you'll die from it." she says. Louis whines and squeezes her hips. Harry turns and pouts,"I wanna play too. Ally pick me up." Harry whines out. Alice smiles and picks Harry up, putting him on her lap. "Okay. What do you wanna play? We can play phone games, other stuff. You know. Pick." Harry smiles at her with a bright joy, "I wanna play whatever game you and Uncle were playing. Please!?"

Louis and Alice are wide eyed and look at each other. "Ummm....ok." Louis chuckles. Alice places her hand on Harry's hips and starts to tickle him. Harry squeals and tries to run away, but Alice quickly grabs him. "You are not getting away." Alice laughs and has Harry lie on his back. Louis lifts up his shirt and blows on his belly, making a loud fart noise. Harry is laughing loudly, as Louis tickles him. "What's going on in here?" Mix opens the curtain and sees Harry kicking around, laughing. Mix smiles and sees Alice and Louis tickling him, making funny noises as well. "Help!" Harry yells out and tries to crawl to his mom. "Mommy!" Harry cries in laughter. Mix coos and walks up to the others, seeing that Alice and Louis were laughing as well. "Alright. Thats enough." Mix says and grabs Harry. Harry squeals and hugs his mom, before giving her a small peck on the lips. "I'm signing Zayn, Sam, and Cas and Louis out of the hospital." Mix informed. "What about Dean?" Alice asks. Mix sighs and looks down, frowning a bit. "Dean is in a coma."

Alice pouts. "Is it long term?" she asks. Mix shakes her head and sighs, "The doctors don't know. Idk. But they say we can take the boys home now since they seem to be in good health." she says. Alice hums and makes a noise of acknowledgment. After that, Mix walks out of the room with Harry on her hip to go sign the papers. With Sam and Dean, Sam wakes up from his slumber as the clock hits over to three. He sighs and turns over on his back, looking across the room for his brother. He sees a nurse standing over Dean, checking his vitals and making sure he's comfortable. "The doctors says he's in a coma." a voice says from next to him. Sam jumps and whips his head around to see Alice sitting there on his bed next to him, her legs crossed. "What? That can't be. He-he can't be in a coma. I-" Alice cuts him off by putting a finger to his lips. "Shhhh. If there's anything I know, is that little siblings have a way of getting through to their older siblings. Get to your brother Sam." she says softly, smiling a bit before leaving the room. The nurse turns around, jumping a bit as she sees him awake and smiles slightly. "Good afternoon sir. Can I get you anything? Food? Water? Are you in any pain?" she asks as she comes to a stop at the foot of his bed. Sam shakes his head no, looking over her shoulder at his sleeping brother, and the nurse nods. "Very well. Just hit the call button if you change your mind." she says, then leaves.

Sam nods his head and gasps as he coughs. "You ok?" Mix raises an eyebrow as she peeked into the room. Sam turns to see Mix near the door. "Yea, my neck just hurts." He cringes as he tries to move it. "How are the others?" He asked. " They are alive and well." She smiles and walks in. "Thats good." Sam sighs in relief. "Well, I signed you out of the hospital." Mix informed. "What about Dean?" He asks. Mix frowns and looks down as she plays with her fingers. "Dean is in a coma. Who knows how long this will take." Sam sighs and sits up, stretching. "Help me get up." Sam tells Mix. "You need to-" "Help me get up damn it!" Sam snapped. Mix flinched a little and shrugged her shoulders before standing up. Sam sighs and combs his hair back. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell." He frowns. "Its cool." Mix smiles and grabs his arm.

Mix pulls Sam up and sets him on his feet. "If you need me, I'll be outside." she says, smiling at him before leaving the room, closing the door firmly and standing by it. Sam watches her leave before turning back to face his brother. Slowly, Sam limps his way over to Dean's bed and stands beside it. Looking down at Dean's face, tears gather at the corners of Sam's eyes. "Damn it Dean. You can't do this. I don't wanna be alone. And I know, I know I have the others but I need you. We lost Bobby and I don't want you loose you too. I can't loose you. Please." Sam breaks off in a sob and leans over to rest his head on Dean's chest. "Please. You're the only family I have left. You were a dad to me more than John ever was, and a mom too. And a best friend and a brother. You mean so much to me and you can't just go off like this. Please." Sam chokes out in a desperate, tear filled voice, his words watery and sobs escaping his mouth. "I need my big brother." he whispers out.

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