Light 'em Up

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~~Three years later~~

"Mix, Alice, Violet. The boys and I are ganna go out clubbing tonight. Okay?" Zayn says as he comes into Violet's room. The girls look up from their place on the bed, watching tv. "Yeah. Have fun. Don't try anything stupid, don't drunk drive." Alice says. Zayn laughs and comes to give Mix a kiss on the head, then he leans down and gives Harry a kiss on the head. Harry smiles big, his chubby cheeks puffing out. "Bye Dad. See you later." he waves a hand clumsily side to side. Zayn chuckles and waves, leaving the room. A few minutes later, the front door slams close and the house is in silence, save for the noise of the television playing. The boys drive to a night club in town and get on with no restrictions. They move among the writhering bodies that grind and move against each other, making their way to a table that's in the corner of the club. "I'll get the drinks." Dean says excitedly with a child like smile on his face. Sam smiles as he watches his brother walk off into the crowd, laughing at Dean's childlike glee.

"There are a lot of girls here man. Its creepy." Louis shivers as he sees these drunk girls in the corner of the room. Zayn chuckles and looks down at his wedding ring. "OH MY GODNESS. ITS ZAYN MALIK!" Some girl slurred. Zayn looked up and saw a ginger headed girl stumble towards him. Sam cleared his throat and looked at the girl who was leaning against the table, trying to flirt with the others. "You have an amazing voice. Like, I would marry that voice." The girl slurred as she took a sip from her beer bottle. "Um...thank you." Zayn cleared his throat and looked around, trying to ignore the loud music and girl. He saw Dean look at girls and smirk, but quickly ignored them as he walked to where the others were at with some drinks. "Who is she?" Dean raised an eyebrow. "Some fan." Louis chuckled and grabbed a beer bottle. "You shoul like totally sing up dere." The girl suggested to Zayn. He cringed as he smelled the thickness of the alcohol from the girl reach to his nose, and the taste to his mouth. "Nah I'm good." He said and took a sip of his beer. "Oh come on. Everybody! Zayn! Zayn! Zayn!" She cheered. More people joined, then came the whole club. "Zayn! Zayn!"

Zayn groans and bangs his head on the table before standing up and moving to the mic. Everyone cheers and then all goes quiet as a song starts to play. Pillow talk comes on and Zayn smoothly carries the rhythm of the song. The croud cheers and there's drunken bables from some people. After a few minutes, the song ends and the crowd screams and cheers for Zayn as he walks off the stage. "Nice singing dude." Louis says and high fives Zayn. They all chuckle and drink outta their beer bottles. "We can't drink much today. Someone needs to be sober enough to drive us home." Sam says. "Oh yeah huh. How bout you do it Sam?" Dean says. Sam looks at Dean with an annoyed look, "Hell no. How about Louis?" Everyone looks to Louis and raises an eyebrow, who in turn raises his hands up, "Nope. I'm looking to have drunk sex tonight. Or at least buzzed sex. Pick someone else."

"Oh my goodness. I'll drive. Cas, you'll be my wing man. Just in case." Zayn says. Cas sighs and nods, not even going to argue it. At that point, two girls walk up to their table. "Hi. Our friends over there," they point to a table across from them. "Dared us to come and talk to you guys. Just because we said you were cute." the girls giggle a bit and smiles in a "seductive" way. "That's nice. Um, the only single people in this group is them two, you can chat with them if you want." Louis says pointing at Sam and Dean. One of the girls steps closer, "Yeah. We can talk to them. But we also want to talk to you guys too. Maybe we can all go somewhere. My names is Candy by the way. This is Sugar." Candy says. Dean raises an eyebrow at her behavior, "Right. Name is Dean, this is Sam. And didn't you hear them saying they're already taken?" This time, Sugar steps forwad and speaks,"We heard. But I'm sure we can be more satisfying than your girlfriends." the two girls giggle and wink at the boys.

"First of all, I'm married and have a child. So I'm good. Louis here doesn't want to deal with any of you sluts. You aren't Cas' type here so can you leave." Zayn snaps. The girls flinch and watch as the man plays with his ring. They roll their eyes and ignore the mans words, and went back to flirting. "You have an amazing voice you know that? I bet is sounds better when we are in bed." The girl runs her fingers over Zayn's hands. "I don't know. Ask my wife." Zayn states and walks away going to the restroom. The girls gasp and see that the boys are laughing, banging their hands on the table. "Whatever." Candy rolled her eyes and walked away. "Oh my god that was great." Dean wiped a tear and coughed. Zayn came back from the restroom a few minutes after, fixing his hair. "Dude, you are so savage." Cas chuckles and takes a sip of his beer.

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