Tagged...again :)

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I was tagged by not_what_they_seem
Tag rules:
Say some random facts
Tag 15 people
Make questions for those you tag/answer questions the tagged you asked

Random facts
I support Brighton (don't laugh)
My favourite bands are twentyone pilots, the script and panic at the disco
My favourite app is spotify (sorry wattpad)
My favourite book is the maze runner
Questions that I have to answer

1.What is your favourite song and who sings it
This is the worst question I have so many! But today it has to be crazy=genius by panic at the disco.

2.what is your favourite animal and why
I have to say a cat just because I own one and I like the fact they are so independent but still come home to see us

3.do you have any pets? If so what are they
I have a cat

4.what is your secret talent?
I don't actually think I have one but if I ever think of one I will update.

5.what is your favourite show/movie
Harry potter and the deathly hallows part 2

6.if you could go anywhere in the world where would you go?

7.favourite season

8.favourite food?
Chips but I never have them :(

9.most embarrassing habit or moment?
When I fainted at school camp in front of my whole class.

10.favourite month?
August because its the summer

I tag ThePaperSpirit, ThatGuyFrom, randomexperts17,Rains-Down,NewtDaWizard,Maze_Runner_The_100,blackskye03,IshyFishy12355,123Patrick,_Newt_A5_The_Glue_,AfraidOfTheLight,Alorapurple13,blairberrytulip,GladerGirl621, -_Brenda_-

Questions I have to ask:
1.what is your favourite book
2.Most embarrassing moment
3.Favourite memory
4.favourite app
5.favourite day
6. Best talent
7.what is your favourite animal that isn't usually a pet
8.Most recent follower
9.favourite book on wattpad
10.where was your best holiday ever?

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