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My dad puts the key in the front door and opens it slowly. I'm extremely excited to see the inside now that I've seen the outside.

Once the door is open my eyes widen at the sight, the ceilings are so high, the stair case is massive, it has two sides to it, it just keeps going up, it looks like this house has about 4 floors but it actually only has 2. These types of houses are only seen in movies, I feel like I'm in a movie right now.

"What do you think?" Mum asks.

"It's amazing wow" I say, I'm actually speechless, it's beautiful. Much nicer than the place we had back home that's for sure.

"Let me show you your room" my dad says as he walks out of the kitchen and into the hallway where me and mum are standing. I haven't even looked around yet I'm just looking around in shock at the massive ceilings. I nod and follow my dad down a long wide hallway. As I look around I see all our family pictures on the wall, mum and dad must have had the keys to this house before so they could move some stuff in, it's going to take forever to unpack all our stuff.

"My room is on the ground floor?" I ask. Dad nods. Well that's cool, something different. I don't normally like change, but this change seems okay.

When he opens the door to my bedroom I automatically feel like a princess. It's beautiful, there's a massive pink double bed, a window ledge seat that I've always wanted and a gorgeous white desk with a fluffy white stall. There's also a dressing table with a pretty little mirror and lights.

"Thank you thank you thank you" I say really fast, hugging my dad so hard he falls backwards a little, which makes us both laugh.

"You're welcome baby" he smiles.

It Just Got Complicated - Louis Tomlinson - Completed Where stories live. Discover now