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Niall approaches me, Shan and Louis with a tray full of shots and drinks. "Oh hell no" Louis says, looking at the shots. I pick one up and smell it and I smirk at Louis.

"Not afraid of a little vodka are you Lou?" I tease.

"The stuff is lethal" he frowns.

"Aww can't the little baby Lou handle his drink?" Shan teases, picking up her shot glass.

"Man up dude" Niall laughs, handing Louis the shot glass, which he finally takes. "To Jayde and finally being legal" Niall cheers and we all chuck the shot to the back of our throats, my god it burns.

"Louis, Shan!" We hear someone call. I look over and see their parents heading towards us.

"Hey mum, hey dad" they both say.

"Guys i want you to meet my parents." I smile. "They're in the garden working the bbq now." I say, "come on". They follow me outside and I spot mum and dad.

"Mum, dad, this is Louis and Shans parents, I'd like you to meet them" i say. When they turn around and see the couple standing next to me they completely freeze. Mum looks like she's just seem a ghost and dad looks like he's about to kill someone.

"Mum?" I ask.

"Get out of my house" dad grits his teeth, stepping towards Louis's dad. I look down and see his hands are in a fist.

"Guys what the hell?" I ask. Louis and Shan are standing behind me, looking just as confused as me. Louis grabs my hand and steps in front of me.

"Dad?" He says, looking at his dad for answers.

"Will someone tell me what's going on?" I say. No one moves a muscles, everyone is just staring at each other.

It Just Got Complicated - Louis Tomlinson - Completed Where stories live. Discover now