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This lesson is really dragging, I can feel myself falling asleep. I look at the clock and see we still have just over an hour left. I've got to know shannon quite well this lesson, she seems really nice. She's telling me about her brother who goes to this school, they get on well but sometimes he does shitty things like all brothers do. I wouldn't know though because I'm an only child, but I'm sure having a brother close to your age would be really annoying but quite cool at the same time.

"Do you want to come to mine after school, we can watch gossip girl and get loads of goodies" Shannon asks.

"Yeah that will be great I love gossip girl" I smile. I've always wanted a friend I could do things like that with, I didn't really have many back home that I trusted.

"Okay cool, you'll get to meet my twat of a brother too probably, he's always home, hanging around the food like a bad smell" she laughs, rolling her eyes.

"Girls be quite please" the teacher sighs for the 5th time this lesson. I can tell he's getting frustrated now.  I'm not making a good first impression for my teachers am I.

"Oops" I laugh quietly, putting my head down in my books. We sit like this for the rest of the lesson until it's finally time for break.

It Just Got Complicated - Louis Tomlinson - Completed Where stories live. Discover now