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"Chuck bass is a legend" Louis cheers, making me laugh, Shannon just gives him a glare every time time he speaks. I thought I would feel awkward with him in the room but I actually don't, I enjoy his presence and I have no idea why considering Shannon paints him out to be this monster, but I guess that's just siblings.

"Whys he a legend? Because he fucks anything girl with a pulse??" Shan spits, rolling her eyes.

"Exactly" Louis says, moving his hand a little closer to my tight, moving himself so he's not hanging off the edge of the bed anymore. "Budge up beautiful" he whispers in my ear, giving me a cheeky grin. This causes goose bumps all down my body. I do as he asks, moving over towards the middle off the bed. He moves too, close to me again even though I left him loads of space.

"Should I leave you guys too it?" Shan laughs, raising her eyebrows at me.

"That would be great, cheers sis." Louis says, not removing his eyes off me. I just laugh, looking back at the screen. Shan shakes her head and leans over me, pushing Louis off the bed. I can't keep my laughter in when I see his legs dangling in the air from the fall.

"Ouch!" He groans. He just lays on the floor for a while before he finally gets up and sits back on the bed.

"Crap it's nearly 9" I jump up, realising the time.

"I'll take you home" Louis smiles.

"You sure?" I ask.


It Just Got Complicated - Louis Tomlinson - Completed Where stories live. Discover now