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We wait.

And we wait.

And we wait. Still nothing. Mum hasn't woken up, the doctors aren't telling us anything, dad is pacing back and forth constantly, it's giving me a massive headache.

"Dad please sit down." I sigh.

"I'm not sitting down, if I sit down I'll end up at Tomlinson's house smashing his sick head into the ground. If you don't want that then I'll carry on pacing thanks." He spits.

"Dad this isn't my fault." I whisper.

"You fucking idiot, yes it is. You brought that sick man back into our life,after all this time."

"I- didn't know." I cry, putting my head into my hands, weeping silently. Suddenly I hear the door to the waiting room burst open and I see Louis charging towards me in a panic.

"Louis what you doing here?" I jump up quickly, seeing the anger on my dads face.

"I came round to see you and your neighbours said you were all at the hospital. I came as quick as I could. Are you okay?" He asks, looking me over quickly.

"I'm fine, it's mum." I cry.

"What's happened?" He looks at my dad quickly then back to me.

"She was hit on the head, in the night when we were all sleeping." I can't stop my tears from rolling down my wet face.

"Wha- what time?" He asks. I look at him for a second before answering.

"About 2am the doctors are saying." My dad spits, walking towards us. I step towards Louis, wrapping my arms around his waist tightly.

"Why?" I ask Louis.

"I'll be back in a bit, stay here with your mum." He says before rushing off out the door.

It Just Got Complicated - Louis Tomlinson - Completed Where stories live. Discover now