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"You ready?" Louis asks, standing in the doorway of my bedroom, swinging his car keys around his fingers.

"Please, come on in," I say sarcastically and roll my eyes.

"Oh, I will." He grins and looks around. "Nice room."

"Thanks." I smile at him. "Dad did it before we moved down." He nods.

"They sent me up. Said I have to take you out this afternoon."

"Mmm, they said you were coming over."

"Judging by the Kindle attached to your hands, I'm guessing you're not impressed by the idea?" He raises his eyebrows.

"It's not the idea I'm not impressed by, I'm waiting to hear your plan for the day," I challenge.

"Hmm, okay." He leans against the door frame, hooking his thumb in a belt loop. "It's still early so, how about we go for ice-cream at Cara's, then I'll drive us up to Ilfracombe, and we can go around the aquarium then grab chips and curry sauce to eat on the beach. After that we can go into the arcade." I look up at him in amazement and put the Kindle down. He's just described the perfect day with all of my favourite things. He smiles at me slowly.

"Surprised, Princess?"

"A little," I admit, tilting my head to the side.
"Why are you doing this?"

"Because." He steps towards me and takes my hands, pulling me up. "It's your birthday. And someone as amazing as you deserves an amazing day filled with all of her favourite things." I tilt my head up and look at him. He's still holding my hands.

"How did you know they're all my favourite things?" I ask quietly, still amazed.

"Because I listen to you even when you think I'm not. I listen to the little things because I know it's the little things that make you happy, and you definitely deserve to be happy on your birthday." He winks and his dimples appear.

"So get your stuff together, cause we're going in five minutes." He spins me round by my shoulders, and I quickly gather my stuff together.

"Lou?" I put a hand on his back and he looks down at me. "Thank you."

"The day hasn't started yet."

"I know, but thank you for even planning it" I say honestly. "It's the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me, as cheesy as that is."

"Good." He takes my hand and links our fingers.

"And I might be a little glad I get to spend it with you," I whisper.

"Even better," he whispers back and kisses my knuckles. "Come on, or your parents will start getting crazy ideas about what the two of us are doing up here."

It Just Got Complicated - Louis Tomlinson - Completed Where stories live. Discover now