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"I'm not leaving until you tell me which police station they're holding Louis at, that's all I want." I cross my arms over my chest and sit down on the kitchen chair.

"You're going to be here a while then, we're not telling you. Your relationship is over, deal with it and move on."

"If that's what Louis wants, but I'm not accepting anything until I hear it from him, so where is he?" I demand once again.

"Fine, the police station down the street from the school, I don't remember the name" Shan sighs.

"Shannon what the hell are you doing." Her mum groans bitterly.

"She wasn't going to give up mum, so what's the point in wasting our time, shell just find out another way anyway." She sighs again.

"Thank you." I nod. "Just to let you know, I really thought we had a pretty good friendship you and me, I guess I was wrong." I shake my head before walking out of the house. The police station is only a few yards from here so I should make it there before visiting time is over.

My heart is pounding. I don't know how Louis is going to react when he sees me, he might feel the same way as his family does but by the sounds of it, and all the blood on the floor, Louis knows his dad is a monster.

I arrive at the police station about 10 minutes later and greet the police offer at the front desk. As I'm about to speak I hear Louis's voice from beside me. "Thank you sir."

"Louis" I breathe out once our eyes connect. He drops his jacket on the floor and runs towards me, pulling me into his chest.

"God jayde I'm so sorry I didn't believe you." He sobs.

"It's okay. Hey what's happened?" I ask, pulling away and examining his face closely, he's all cut up and bruised.

"Me and Dad had a massive fight about it because I confronted him, I wanted to know the truth about what happened all those years ago. He practically admitted it and told me that he was the one who put your mum in hospital tonight, then he threw himself at me. As we were fighting he pulled a knife out and I grabbed it out of his hand before he could stab me, but it got caught on his stomach instead." He's shaking as he's telling me the story, in detail as we're walking out of the station doors.

"What are we going to do now." I sigh.

"I have no idea babe." He shakes his head. 

It Just Got Complicated - Louis Tomlinson - Completed Where stories live. Discover now