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Meet me down the beach in 10 mins xx i text Louis before walking downstairs towards the door. I'm not sticking around here any longer to be shouted at about who I spend time with, Louis and Shan are my only friends around here and I'm not going to stop seeing them because of something that happened between our parents, that's just not fair. Besides, I can't hang out with Niall & not them two can I?

"Where are you going?!" My dad stops me at the bottom of the stairs.

"Out." I say. "Please move out of my way." I cross my arms over my chest and hold my ground.

"You're not leaving this house." He says.

"Yes I am." I say. He still doesn't move so I jump over the banister and walk straight out the door, slamming the door behind me before they can stop me. I switch my phone off so they can't contact me while I'm out.

I practically run to the beach and find Louis sitting on the sand. "Hey" he smiles sadly once he spots me.

"Hi" I say, sitting next to him.

"You're not smiling." He notices.

"I need to talk to you." I say.

"Go on." He says.

"I don't wanna fight it anymore."

"Fight what?"

This. You and me." I look at him. "Us." His eyes widen.


I nod. "Everything you've done since we met has completely gone against everything I've been told about you. You've done nothing but try to make me happy and you have."


"Let me finish okay?" He nods. "What happened between our parents is between them, I'm not letting them control who I spend my time with and I really hope you don't too. I've had the best three weeks and it's because of you. I don't want to keep fighting against what I know will happen."

"So, you're saying." He swallows slightly and turns his body towards me. "That you want there to be an us?" I close my eyes, breathe deeply and nod.

"If that's what you still want."

"So, if I leaned over, like this." He moves  closer to me, moving his hand behind my back. "And put my hand here, wrapping my fingers in your hair, you wouldn't mind?"

He's so close to me, and I know, emotionally, this is the closest we've ever been. I can feel his warm breath across my cheek, my breathing speeds up, goose bumps run all over my body. My lips tingle in excitement and my heart starts to play a fast rock beat against my ribs.

"And what if I did this?" He moves his face forward so our lips nearly touch, my eyes close as he tightens his grip on me. "Would you mind then?"

"No" I gulp, shaking my head slightly. I want this more than anything.

"Then you wouldn't mind if I did this." He closes the gap between us and my body explodes. His lips are so soft. He's so gentle. I reach up and wrap my arms around his neck, deepening the kiss.

It Just Got Complicated - Louis Tomlinson - Completed Where stories live. Discover now