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I've finally unpacked all my things and found a place for them, it took me over a day but I'm so glad it done. I put all my clothes into my wardrobe but not all of them can be hung up so I put the bits that couldn't in the new draws my mum gave me. Back at home I didn't really have a big room, so I could only have a wardrobe for my clothes. I put my shoes at the bottom of the wardrobe, just so they are out of the way, I have so many pairs of shoes it's actually crazy, I don't even wear them all but you know, girls can never have too many pairs of shoes.

I start college tomorrow and I'm extremely nervous because I know no one and im really bad at making new friends, I get really nervous and I go mute, I really need to build up better confidence for myself, otherwise I'm going to get no where in life.

Once I've showered and changed into my pjs I go downstairs for dinner. It's already half 6 now and I'm starting to feel sleepy. I eat my dinner quickly then go upstairs, brush my teeth and get into bed. I love getting into a freshly made bed after just showering, best feeling ever.

I lay my head down on my pillow and start scrolling through my Twitter and Facebook until I start to feel myself drift off into a peaceful sleep.

It Just Got Complicated - Louis Tomlinson - Completed Where stories live. Discover now