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Louis slings his arm over my shoulders. "What are you doing?" I look up at him and realise it was a mistake. He's looking down at me, and the light from the fire is dancing over his facial features. Making him even more attractive. I hold his gaze and nudge him when he doesn't answer.

"Sorry." He shakes his head slightly and smiles at me. "You see that girl, over there?"

"Over where?" I ask.

"Two o'clock, beach-blonde hair. More fake tan than the crew from Towie."

"You watch The Only Way Is Essex?" I look at him in shock.

"Let's not go there tonight. Do you see her?"

"Hair bigger than her brains? Eyes that are looking at me like she wants to cut me in half?" I question, looking at the girl.

"Er, yeah, her."

"Yeah I see her. What about her?"

"She's been after me for a while, and I'm fed up."

"An ex?" I ask.

"No, more like a stalker." I nod understanding and slowly glance up at him.

"So you thought you'd use me so she'd leave you alone?"

"Mmm," he replies, looking around.

"It didn't work." I smirk as I see her approaching us.

"What?!" he asks, panicking. He groans when he sees her. "Fuck it."

"Language, Louis," I tut, shaking my head. Shannon is off with Niall thank god, I don't think she'd like how close we're sitting right now if she looked over.

"Shush," he whispers and pulls me in closer to him.

"What are you doing?" I hiss.

"Making her leave me alone," he whispers into my ear. My heart is beating a little faster than it was a few minutes ago.

It Just Got Complicated - Louis Tomlinson - Completed Where stories live. Discover now